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This cartoon idea was suggested by Lady Grey. Post your own ideas on the Ideas Board.

The Sci-Fi Comic Strip

Sev Files cliffhanger. This week's Sev Files comic strip looks at the season six finale cliffhanger. With Agent Mouldy gone, the writers are looking long term with Scummy's baby as a replacement

Other Punchlines

These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi TV Cartoon Contest - the winning punchline is chosen in the weekly IRC Judging Session. This week's winning punchline was written by Khalas. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all four competitions as well as the finalist punchlines and Punchlines of the Day.


Which of the Gunmen was it...?


Its just gas.


Now that's "Spooky"


When can it enter the academy?

Green Leader

And your new partner specifically asked to be assigned to a pregnant woman. Scummy meet agent T2000

Who? Me?

At least there's a hope for "X Files: The Next Generation"

Who? Me?

Didn't your mother teach you to "Trust no one"?!?

Whisper2A Scream

And Mouldy found an airtight excuse for not paying child support.

Jack Hammerfist

Let me guess, he's not the father and you're not the mother!

Jack Hammerfist

Congratulations, you're fired!


Well, I'm sure it'll be a perfectly healthy baby, human or not

Kirks Wig

Yes, your giving birth to our half- alien- half- newt- gingrich- half- mouldy- half- bad- guy replacement for Mouldy, I think I'll name him Agent T-1000


Just don't tell me "the truth is in there" too.


Yes...and T-1000 is going to ooze through that door any minute now...


Great, do you want us to conceal it like the last time?


This is why the Bureau springs for two rooms.

Jack Hammerfist

I think we can skip the paternity test.

Jack Hammerfist

I think I've just solved two cases in one.

Jack Hammerfist

That's ONE convenient abduction.


You can't pin this one on the government, Scummy!


Great. You get rid of one, and in comes another...

White Star 2

Welcome to Nine Months: An X-Files Story.


I see. There's no chance of closing this one either, is there?


God Scrummy! I'm so sick of your plea's for attention! 'I was abducted, I've got Cancer, I'm Pregnant!'

Agent Hood

Some men leave the country...Mouldy skipped the planet!


So the father abandoned you, or was he abducted?

Kerry Edwards

Sexual Tension?!? Babies are not made from sexual tension, Scrummy!!

Ann E. Nichols

Hmmm... sounds like a case of "last season plotline desperation".

Brandon R.

I'm sure you'll give birth to a beautiful baby green man!

Ann E. Nichols

These season-ending cliffhangers get worse every year!


Darn aliens, always probing and causing problems!


Yeah, me too. It's gonna be a strange season...

Bill Harris

Well then, in twenty years you'll have a new partner.


Seesh! What some guys will do to avoid paternity payments....

Trevor Raggatt

I think I've just found Mouldy's replacement!

Trevor Raggatt

And Mouldy's gone off looking for three wise men and a star.


We can neither confirm or deny that statement.


And no father...? Been there, done that.


And the government denies any involvement.

Trevor Raggatt

Hmm, we'll need someone who's flexible, adaptable, shapeshifting....

Trevor Raggatt

You hoping for a boy, a girl or an amorphous green blob?

Trevor Raggatt

OK, I'll arrange the large overcoats, briefcases on desks, PC monitors, odd camera angles.....


I hate reruns. Oh wait... Damn.


Great, you're already getting over half the screen time!


Convenient that Mouldy disappeared before we could do a DNA test.


MUUUULLLDER!!!!!!! You got some 'splainings to do!


With Scummy pregnant and Mouldy out of the scene I can step into the starring light for once

Wendee Rae

That's nice. If it has green skin or a deadpan expression, call me.


It's true. If I lost a partner to a bright white light, I'd have kittens too.


Never seen a father take off that fast


I got news for you. So is Mouldy, that's why he was abducted.


Not now Scummy, I'm reading about Mouldy's anal probe.

The Starfighter

Hmmm... One agent disappears and another turns up pregnant. I smell a conspiracy.


will that basement even fit a cradle?

Zeve Bellringer

Well, this is what happens when you play with alien goo?


And the baby will be delivered to.. .err, IN Area 51.


What, did Jerry Springer show pay better than the FBI?


Other scientists just publish papers about alien DNA, Scummy...


All this for a doctorate thesis on alien DNA, Scummy?

Frogboy Lives

So Mouldy's just avoiding maintenance payments.


So that's why Mouldy was "abducted".


As long as I get a report BEFORE this case is published in Genetics Today.


Well at least that explains Mouldys sudden disappearance.

Joel Schimek

the birth of yet another plot device

Joel Schimek

hmm...and Mouldy conveniently disappears


And Mouldy is being probed about it right at this minute

Kalahari karl

...either that or the aliens have a shrink-ray!


What do aliens see in you?


And I'm bald, so what's the news?


Well that answers the 'are they or aren't they' question.


I knew that infertility thing was just an Emmy bid.


So much for continuity.

the crazy evil dude

And the Father's done a runner... erm been abducted.


Damn why do all the male/female agent pairings end this way?


Just in time for the season finale, coincidence? I think not.


does that mean you won't take the case?


I guess that's no more mysterious than anything else going on around here.

Jim McNamara

Is it the end of the season already?

Jim McNamara

Never mind that, I've got a case for you.


Oh great! Another deadbeat dad, and he's blaming it on aliens!


Gee, wonder who the father is. HMMM

Hanover Fisk

I have alibis from every male agent of the FBI


Yeah yeah, That's what they ALL say.

A. Nonymous

At least the baby will be more mature than your former partner!


Not surprising, they only have to pay the baby two clean diapers and a bottle of milk per episode


And agent Mouldy is missing, coincidence or what?

Stacy Duke

Damn! We'll never get sexual tension from that!


Sure you are. This is just a ploy for more money -- "salary for two," right?


Whatever. Your next Sev file is to investigate this mysterious star which appeared in the east last week.


Didn't we do that in the second season?


Well, we do have a vacancy.

mouse - Jefferies tube 32

Wait, don't tell me - a little green man...?!

mouse - Jefferies tube 32

We'd better start a no smoking policy then!


Being pregnant has only qualified being an Sev File once in 2000 years.

mouse - Jefferies tube 32

Have a full report on my desk by this afternoon!


No Scummy, no more raises.

mouse - Jefferies tube 32

with what?

mouse - Jefferies tube 32

Well don't look at me!

mouse - Jefferies tube 32

Well don't be expecting much maternity leave - we're short staffed as it is!


I figured it out. The father is on a different planet by now.

Trevor Raggatt

And Mouldy's looking for stars and wise men from the East.


Don't worry. You'll lost it in a strange yet predictable plotline.

Joona Palaste

Good, we need someone to replace Mouldy.


And you have Cancer. And you're been abducted. The show is all about you.


You're pregnant, you're barren, you have a child... Decide already!

Jim McNamara

Think your kid'd be interested in an FBI position?

Jim McNamara

Lose an agent, gain an agent...

Jim McNamara

Come on, I'm running out of agents!

Jim McNamara

Good. You'll need a new partner.

Jim McNamara

Maybe the baby can close a case.

Jim McNamara

..and Mouldy's following in his sister's footsteps!

Jim McNamara

Gee, with both of you out of the picture, who'll keep the basement warm?
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