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The next judging session is at 3pm 9/20/2002 (USA time). There are 2 days 8:31 hours until the next session.

The Sev Trek IRC Judging Rules

Each week, a group of Sevilians gather at the Sev Trek IRC Channel #sevtrek and decide the winning punchline of the four Toon Zone Competitions. You're free to join in each week as well!

The Sev Trek IRC Judging session is possible thanks to Nick Frame, who created the very first #sevtrek channel, and Rik de Deken, who created Majel, the program that counts our votes, and the IRC network. You can be a Sev Trek Judge by following these 4 easy steps:

Step 1: Join #sevtrek...
Step 2: the right time!
Step 3: Vote for each punchline
Step 4: Decide the winner

More information on Majel (IRC bot that counts votes) can be found at Majel's Homepage by Rik de Deken.

Step 1: Join #sevtrek...

Join the Sev Trek IRC Chat Channel

First of all, you need some IRC software that will allow you to join IRC channels. Once you have that, log onto the following server:

Then join the #sevtrek channel by typing the command /join #sevtrek. There are more IRC instructions at the Sev Trek IRC Help Page, written by Nick Frame.

Step 2: the right time!
We meet every Saturday 8am AEST. Be there and be square!

Click here to see the mapThe Judging Session begins every Saturday 8am (Australian EST). To find out exactly what time the judging session is in your own timezone, check out a map of the world's timezones, created by Bruno Van de Casteele. The map shows that the judging session occurs on Friday afternoon in the USA, late Friday night in Western Europe and very early Saturday morning in Eastern Europe (sorry dudes).

Step 3: Vote for each punchline
Now we eliminate punchlines by voting. See Majel's Homepage for more info on voting.

You need to load up the finalist punchlines page in your browser to see all the punchlines we're voting for. When Sevman picks a punchline, everyone votes whether to cut or keep it. If you want to keep the punchline, you type:


If you don't think the punchline deserves to be a winner, you vote against it by typing:


If you're undecided, type:


You can change your vote just by voting differently. Your vote will automatically be changed. To read more complete information and instructions on voting, visit Majel's Homepage.

Step 4: Decide the winner
Once we're down to several punchlines, we choose the winning punchline.

By now, we have narrowed our choices down to hopefully less than half a dozen punchlines. At this point, Sevman will ask everyone to vote for the punchline they consider the best by using the vote4 command. If a single punchline is unanimous at this point, we have decided our winning punchline!


However, if it's not decisive, we eliminate the punchlines that didn't get many votes so we narrow it down to two or three punchlines. Usually at this point, we will have some discussion on the various merits of each punchline and everyone will try and convince everyone else to swing over to their point of view. Often several judges will swap sides at this point.

We vote again and usually a decisive vote occurs and we have a winning punchline. If it's not decisive, we ask Wendy (the SevQueen) to cast the deciding vote!!

If you have any other problems getting onto the IRC chat channel or anything, ask your questions at the Sev Trek Discussion Board.

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