Forum Replies Created
ParticipantYay, thank you! 🙂
ParticipantWell, I can’t really help out financially. I’ve been in pretty much similar conditions since August of last year myself. Also had some government benefits, but that stopped about 3 months or so ago. I’m lucky enough to still have some savings, but that of course won’t last forever.
I had a quick look at the help pages of that GoFundMe website. It looks interesting, and they say that The Netherlands are also supported, but I’m a little disappointed that they only support checks and bank transfers. Or well, more that they don’t say much more about those, like how much international transfer costs are between banks. If it’s via Western Union, then it’ll be expensive. I paid a lot that way back when I got my Sev Trek package from JC.
If I had the magic answer, I’d give it here. I would probably also use it myself. But meh, it’s easier for me to give advice to others than to use the same advice myself. All I can advice now are probably the things you’ve already done. Like trying to cut down on expenses where possible. I don’t know how things like energy, phone, internet and other stuff are organised in America. Maybe one or more can be switched for a cheaper provider? Same goes for other subscriptions and things. Have a look at what you really need and cancel the things that you don’t need. Of course, a telephone and internet connection can come in handy when that recruiter with the perfect job offer wants to contact you. And things like food, hmmmm yes, that might be useful too, obviously. But it doesn’t hurt to see if there are cheaper grocery stores nearby.
Are there any good job vacancy website thingies in the U.S.A.? I can only come up with a few Dutch ones now. Although, I think Stepstone and Monster (which for some reason is called monsterboard in The Netherlands) are operating internationally? (Hmmm, Stepstone seems to be linking to something called beyond.com)
Update your resume, if needed, and post it on those sites. My experience is that recruiters mostly only view new resumes. So if it’s already up-to-date, resubmit or renew it.And things like LinkedIn, of course. But you already have that. Still, it won’t hurt to check if your profile needs improvement. I can’t really show mine as an example as that’s in Dutch. However, I did ask someone to help me with my profile. I didn’t have that much experience with LinkedIn at first. Was nice to have some advice from a more experienced LinkedIn user. I had some response from recruiters. The only thing in my case is that I often don’t have the required diplomas or other papers. I think you do have some things mentioned there, so that’s a plus compared to me. (Am most likely going to do something about that in September, but it would take me too much time to explain it here now.)
I’m considering setting up some kind of portfolio, but so far it’s been mostly that, just considering it.Last thing I can suggest here now, and I’m probably shooting myself in my own foot here for not following my own advice, is to perhaps do voluntary work? Preferably something related to your interests. It won’t provide you with an income now, but it keeps you busy for now. Plus, maybe it can show potential companies that you are willing to be active and improving yourself.
I guess the important thing is that you “advertise” yourself. I mean uh, to promote yourself in some way. I’m not good at it myself. I’m not really a shouter or self promoter myself. But somehow, people who are “shouting” and bluffing more (and probably less intelligent and who have less skills than you) are picked first. Or seen first. Or eh, something like that.
Good luck with your job hunt. Sorry I can’t be of more help right now.
ParticipantSorry, forgot to carry the 5.
And in my humble defense, it seemed more logical to post it on my FB timeline thingie at the time. I could be mistaken, but I think adm. Memo shared a post from George Takei about the passing away of Leonard Nimoy there. And I noticed others posted messages, too. Sometimes about things I didn’t know. One thing I did know, but which wasn’t mentioned, was that he did a voice-over thingie in the 1986 cartoon movie Transformers. (Together with Orson Welles and Eric Idle)
That we didn’t post anything here doesn’t mean we didn’t know, or that we didn’t care. I think we all knew and we all cared.
ParticipantDon’t worry, I’ll leave cats alone. Unfortunately they often seem to “like” me. 😉
And it’s a trombone. 😉Oh and yay for brilliant people. Four brain cells does have its limits sometimes in getting the poing.
(Would type more, but we’re having a little sad moment in the family now that I won’t elaborate on. And I also don’t want to steal the thread.)Leander
ParticipantOh, it’s still a hateful subject. Just like shopping, lipstick marks on a beer glass, overuse of perfume, people who studied “communication” but who don’t communicate, “experts” on tv who repeatedly tell the same things over and over that I could easily have thought of myself, journalists/talk show hosts that claim to be impartial but overly express their opinion about a subject, “headaches”, “talent” shows, cats, films on tv with commercial breaks at least every fifteen minutes, “smart” phones that are more important for cyclists than for them to actually pay attention to traffic, etc.
Eh, on second thought perhaps some hates are more personal than stereotypical. And perhaps not all are for one gender or the other.
“Yes, I will start taking my pills again tomorrow. Wheeee!” 😛
ParticipantOh my, i think we have a flood. Everyone think of the children and all will be well.
For some reason the name “iPad” is suddenly giving me some disturbing mental images. Hope it will go away, but for now the device is stained. [/bad puns]
ParticipantI suppose it helped a bit with the ratings, but sometimes it was a bit too much focussing on becoming an individual versus being a part in a larger collective thingie. A bit like the moments in TNG about Data trying to become more human.
Dunno if I’d prefer Kes or 7 in the show, though kes’ voiche was a bit lower pitched and softer. I’d have to see the series again to decide. Purely for research purposes, of course!
“Mmmmmmm, science! Aaaarghlll.” [/Homer]
ParticipantWhoops, and there I was wondering since when Seven of Nine had a younger brother or sister. 😛
Participant6 of 9? Not 5618? Or am I mixing things up? Probably, I’m not good at names.
ParticipantHi! Happy New Year!
ParticipantWell, this will take some time for me to get used to. Ah well, managed to sign up and get a temporary avatar/user image thingie whatsitcalled up there, so it can’t be all that bad.
*Waves and clouds*
Hi, everybody! 🙂