SciFi Girl

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  • #303
    Little green man

    Pencils and inks by David Nakayama
    Colours by Me

    A few months ago when I got a copy of the book “Digital Painting Techniques Vol 4.” from there was a tutorial/how to written up by Dave Nakayama in it. “Well whattya know?!” I thought. “I just happen to have Dave’s email address!. Perhaps I might give him a heads up for the lineart…!?”

    So I did… 🙂

    And Dave being the extremely nice guy that he is went digging into his archives and found the inks. We had a bit of trouble getting them to me as my email simply wouldn’t recognise his hotmail account or vice versa his hotmail wouldn’t recognise my email, but eventually we sorted it out after 3 attempts (gmail to the rescue!!!…)

    So, here it is . All coloured for better or worse 🙂

    (BTW – I can’t share the lineart as part of the deal, so sorry about that…)

    Background technical brushes are by nickmeister, basstar and ners on


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