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If you want to suggest a sevname, post your ideas on the Ideas Board.

Bluffy Sevnames

Every Bluffy character has their own sevilised name, different and well, sillier than the original Buffy name. Here is a summary of all the Bluffy sevnames chosen so far.

Main Characters
Buffy Summers Bluffy Stunner
Rupert Giles Rhubarb Ghoulies
Willow Willies
Xander Harris Blander Hairless
Watcher Botcher
Angel Anal
Cordelia Chase Corduroy Chastise
The Anointed One The Annoying One
Joyce Joyless Stunner
Faith Froth
Riley Finn Really Thin
Oz Ooze
Spike Spite
Drusilla Droolzilla
Dawn Drawn
Glory Gory
Wesley Wyndham-Pryce Wussy Winddown-Ponce
Darla Duller
Tara Tardy
Anya Annoyer

Sunnydale Sunnysideup
The Bronze The Bruise

Scooby Gang Sevvy Gang

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