My Babies are Six Months Old

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    When did I get so old?


    Omg. I can’t believe it’s gone by so quickly. How are they doing?


    They are rolling!! It’s surreal. And scooting. They never end up in the same place where we put them. It’s all a prelude to more, I fear. 😀 I’m so stoked at how much they are learning and growing. We have a play pen for them that my great-uncle gifted us at our shower, and I think it’s time to grab it. It’s not for all playtime, of course, but for if we need to run into the kitchen or the bathroom and want the babies safe. I can’t BELIEVE we’re having to start baby-proofing!

    Doctor Jonas

    Enjoy them while they’re small, cute and cuddly. Kids are great when they start discovering the world.

    My son turned 15 this week. All he’s discovering these days are ways to annoy me.

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