pencils by Michael Magallanes
inks by pendecon on
colours by me
This picture has been at least 3 years in the making…Maybe 4… I first got the high res pencils of Ashkel and then sat on them for a while. I tried adjusting the levels to make it darker and clearer. Didn’t work. I tried using dodge and burn on the B&W’s… nope. Finally I flatted the pencils and tried to start to shade it. Just looked meh…
So eventually I posted a journal on deviantart and on Facebook asking if anyone wanted to ink it properly. A whole bunch of people said yes, but to date I’ve only gotten inks from slackersquad and Pendecon on DA. I swapped in Slackerquad’s inks and started shading stuff but then Pendecon’s came along so I swapped out the inks layer *again* and continued…
So here it is, done, finished, that’s it, enough. I can now put this picture behind me and move on… finally.