| Twist - Round 270
Here are the best punchlines of Round 270 of the Twist Cartoon Competition. | The winning punchlines were written by DoggySpew (bullet) and Jenna (bumper cars). Read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all Toon Zone competitions as well as the finalist punchlines and Punchline of the Day Page.
| Amy Sherman
| tap shoes | aussietrekker
| The space station Mir!!! | hejira
| Pianos destined to fall off buildings. | Mark
| Escalator | Mark
| Hang gliders | Mark
| Teeter-totter | Mark
| Missles | Mark
| Fishhooks | Mark
| Goalposts | Mark
| Rugby uniforms | Mark
| Cattle Prod | Mark
| Bouncy (Inflated Rubber) House | Mark
| Bucking Bronco | Mark
| Merry-go-round | Mark
| Ferris wheel | talshiarHQ
| Tanks | aussietrekker
| A politician's mouth at a press conference! | Mark
| False teeth | Mark
| Shin guards | Mark
| Soccer ball | Mark
| Baseball bat | Ted Rebo
| Eyeglasses | Mark
| Pillow | Emily
| cell phone | Amy Sherman
| sledge hammers | Amy Sherman
| motorcycle helmets | Amy Sherman
| miracle bras | Amy Sherman
| rejection letters | Amy Sherman
| demolition balls | Amy Sherman
| anvils | Amy Sherman
| ski lift chairs or trams | Amy Sherman
| A baby's swing | Amy Sherman
| Rocking chairs | SAVE FERRIS
| TRICYCLES | Eric Huelin
| Billy was disqualified for not having an airbag in his soapbox racer. | Eric Huelin
| The head goes here, the blade drops down, then as the head fall off, the airbag deploys. Image: The guillotine! | Eric Huelin
| Will the airbags work in my case? Image: Porkupine behind the wheel talking to the car salesman. | Glorendil
| An airbag for every rower in the belly of a roman slave galley | Glorendil
| The millenium falcom | Glorendil
| A turtle with roller-blades. | Glorendil
| The castle gate (in case a battering ram crashes into it) | Glorendil
| Particle accelerators | SpacePearl
| champagne bottles... | The Red 9
| Toast, so when it pops out of the toaster no one gets hurt. | talshiarHQ
| Icebergs | kent
| wheelbarrows | kent
| Books .... for speed reading accidents. | Mark
| Toothbrushes | Monkey
| Toilet seats | Dave the Explosive Newt
| Nukes. | erik
| Treadmills. | erik
| Swivel chairs -- in case you pull up into a desk. | erik
| Airbags -- in case the first one breaks. | ScottE Bemeup
| Hammer | ScottE Bemeup
| Boxing Gloves | ScottE Bemeup
| School desk (protects dozing students) | ScottE Bemeup
| Lunar Rover (throws astronaut into orbit) | ScottE Bemeup
| Riding Lawn Mower | Trevor Raggatt
| Log flume rides | Trevor Raggatt
| The Space Shuttle | Kaccey
| A yo-yo | Mark
| Hamster wheels | Mark
| Wheelchairs | Shlamko
| Riding Horses. | Shlamko
| Shopping-carts. | Mark
| Golf cart | Mark
| Gondolas (carrier that hangs high up on a cable) | Mark
| Skateboards | Mark
| Airplane seats | Mark
| Bungie jumpers | Mark
| Pogo stick | Mark
| Front doors | chozmaster
| Running Machines | Lt. Brad Gentry
| Lawn-mowers. | Lt. Brad Gentry
| Airplane. | Ted Rebo
| Flyswatters | Ted Rebo
| Trampolines | Dave the Explosive Newt
| Punchbags... | Dave the Explosive Newt
| Consoles... | MindMelda
| Hot air balloons. | JDSandara
| Doggie door. | |