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Tournament 7 Hall of Fame

The Tournament 7 Hall of Fame lists all the past winners of Tournament 7 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition. The winner for the second tournament in a row is BRIAN (who has toppled Mills from the dizzying heights of Pits/Twist Competition king!) See how many points the finalists have accrued in the Points Board.

Apologies that I was a week late with Round 2, but I finally managed to catch up with all my work this weekend!

Round 35

30 October 97
Total: 113 entries

Larry Beezley - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 7, Round 5 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

Tyler Stevens
5 points

Ooooh! Arachnida hunkae!

Namgubed the Merry Elf
4 points

He's my personal trainer, for only ten flies a week!

3 points

Legs off! He's mine!

Goku Webslider
2 points

I heard he doesn't make webs, he uses fly swaters!

1 point

He laughs at Raid.

Round 34

23 October 97
Total: 248 entries

Danny Davids - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 7, Round 4 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

5 points

Well, this explains all the hair in the shower drain.

Kevin Rudolph
4 points

I think I need a little more mouse.

3 points

Ugh. It's that time of the month again.

2 points

Thank god it's nearly Halloween! I can tell her it's a costume!

1 point

Man - this BITES!

Round 33

16 October 97
Total: 111 entries

Eric Ranschau - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 7, Round 3 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

Namgubed the Merry Elf
5 points

You'd think they'd know better, after that Icarus incident.

Danny Davids
4 points

Fran, shut up already about its wingspan!

3 points

Boy, you make a little mess on their heads and they come after you!

2 points

I got Orville, you get Wilbur!

1 point

I don't care if it IS the highest form of flattery.

Round 32

9 October 97
Total: 95 entries

Brian - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 7, Round 2 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

Tyler Stevens
5 points

I guess I don't have to take EVERYTHING back to the hill.

Joshua Barker
4 points

This is the story of how a regular ant came to be known as... HYPERANT!!

3 points

My cupcake runneth over!

Danny Davids
2 points

Hel-loooooo, stud muffin!

1 point


Round 31

2 October 97
Total: 96 entries

Brian - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 7, Round 1 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

Kevin Rudolph
5 points

At least the question wasn't how many can fit on the tip!

Danny Davids
4 points

Hey, Harrison! Quit hovering!

3 points

Well, I say a safety pin would have counted.

2 points

I still think the "how many angels you can cram in one phone booth" is a much better question.

1 point

It's so great to finally meet all of my pin pals.

Name Points Name Points
Brian 35 Danny Davids 16
Tyler Stevens 10 Namgubed the Merry Elf 9
Kevin Rudolph 9 Eric Ranschau 6

Tournament 6 Tournament 8

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