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Tournament 19 Hall of Fame

The Tournament 19 Hall of Fame lists all the past winners of Tournament 19 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition. Somehow appropriate as the last tournament of the Pits Competition, the overall winner of the Tournament was unanimously Brian. Read how many points everyone accrued at the Points Board.

Round 1

The winning entry to the Tournament 18, Round 1 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

30 June 98
Winner: Bryan - 6 Points

5 points

Sweep me under the carpet. Quick!

Squigly the Wonder Rat
4 points

Start packing!

3 points

Ask if he has a shovel.

2 point

"slumlord" is a more suitable definition.

1 points

Pretend there's been a garbage strike.

Round 2

The winning entry to the Tournament 18, Round 2 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

2 June 98
Winner: Brian - 6 Points

5 points

Like what you see so far?

4 points

I'll be your flat attendant for the evening.

3 points

Don't mind my butler.

2 point

You should inspect it daily!

1 points

Herman, I SAID I would get it!

Round 3

The winning entry to the Tournament 18, Round 3 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

9 June 98
Winner: Brian - 6 Points

5 points

He said I had to see it to believe it!

4 points

No, I just have a much stronger stomach than he does!

3 points

I don't know, they keep him so sedated now.

Tim Daniels
2 point

Actually, this is my punishment.

1 points

No, I came because he has a weak immune system.

Round 4

The winning entry to the Tournament 18, Round 4 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

16 June 98
Winner: TBone - 6 Points

5 points

How else is it going to be spotless?

4 points

They're very territorial.

3 points

I've sort of put them on the spot!

2 point

Showing off the beautiful room, of course!

1 points

To protect you from the sparkling gleam!

Round 5

The winning entry to the Tournament 18, Round 5 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

23 June 98
Winner: DrJoe - 6 Points

5 points

Well, something's alive in here, that's for sure.

Dennis Bagley, Jr.
4 points

The flies live here, he's just visiting.

3 points

Lives... and THRIVES!

2 point

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

1 points

AND pays rent!

Name Points Name Points
Brian 25 Madmartigan 9
Maddog 8 Quip 7
TBone 6 Bryan 6
DrJoe 6 Riff 5
Colin 5 Dennis Bagley, Jr. 4
TJewell 4 G.B.A. 4
Squigly the Wonder Rat 4 Mosaic 3
chris 3 Tim Daniels 2
Smirnoff 2 Cath 1
O'Brien 1

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