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Tournament 18 Hall of Fame

The Tournament 18 Hall of Fame lists all the past winners of Tournament 18 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition. The overall winner of the Tournament was G.B.A. (Guy Ben Ami to his friends). Read how many points everyone accrued at the Points Board.

Round 1

The winning entry to the Tournament 18, Round 1 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

26 May 98
Winner: Irie@420 - 6 Points

The Black Falcon
5 points

Well, you should have thought of that before you started!

4 points

BUZZZZZ!! Wrong Answer!

3 points

That's great, Herman! The first step is admitting you need help.

2 point

There, now you can't say I never asked.

1 points

You need help period.

Round 2

The winning entry to the Tournament 18, Round 2 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

2 June 98
Winner: LadyJ - 6 Points

Michael Lewis
5 points

Turn up the TV, Wayne. Herman is going to be making cleaning sounds.

4 points

Can't he just take our word for it?

3 points

No problem, the FLAT part's right there under that junk.

Dr. Joe
2 point

Probably be easier to move.

1 points

Doesn't look so flat to me.

Round 3

The winning entry to the Tournament 18, Round 3 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

9 June 98
Winner: G.B.A. - 6 Points

5 points

You just got yourself toilet duty, Herman!

4 points

I'll give the remote control a good scrub down.

3 points

Someone has to take charge. That someone is me.

Captain Scott
2 point

I'm covering up all the stains on this recliner.

1 points

Making sure you do it right.

Round 4

The winning entry to the Tournament 18, Round 4 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

16 June 98
Winner: Riff - 6 Points

Michael Lewis
5 points

Trying to lure the roaches out.

4 points

When Herman sees this mess, he'll freak out and start cleaning.

3 points

I'm grossing the dirt out.

2 point

To destroy the filth, one must be the filth!

1 points

Biological warfare. My toe jam just reclaimed the faucet.

Round 5

The winning entry to the Tournament 18, Round 5 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

23 June 98
Winner: Clover - 6 Points

Avenger First Officer
5 points

Never walk around in bare feet for one.

4 points

I hear bare wood floors are 'in' this year.

Michael Lewis
3 points

I think it's time to move the furniture around.

Potato Knight
2 point

We have a carpet?

Katrina Little
1 points

A few more parties and we'll have that Pro Hart carpet you wanted.

Name Points Name Points
G.B.A. 14 Michael Lewis 13
Clover 11 Irie@420 10
LadyJ 6 The Black Falcon 5
Avenger First Officer 5 Valkiry 4
Erin 4 Riff 4
Byron 3 InVitro 3
Kermit 3 Smirnoff 2
Dr. Joe 2 Potato Knight 2
OhGeezMan 2 flametop 1
NewJoiseyBoy 1 Captain Scott 2
STJourney 1 Katrina Little 1

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