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Tournament 15 Hall of Fame

The Tournament 15 Hall of Fame lists all the past winners of Tournament 15 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition. The overall winner of the Tournament was Brian (what can I say, the guy is a legend). Read how many points everyone accrued at the Points Board.

Round 1

The winning entry to the Tournament 15, Round 1 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

21 April 98
Winner: Valkiry- 6 Points

Michael Lewis
5 points

Ah, I remember now. w... a... Y... n... e...

4 points

Time to study!

3 points

I love it when all my hard work pays off!

2 point

Now I just load the microfilm in through my ear...

1 points

And they keep telling me to cut my hair.

Round 2

The winning entry to the Tournament 15, Round 2 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

28 April 98
Winner: flametop - 6 Points

5 points

Yeah. Could you write a little larger?

Squigly the Wonder Rat
4 points

No, you're doing fine...

3 points

Just making sure you're getting them all right.

2 point

No, no, your arm is fine. I can still see.

1 points

Not at all. It's been a pleasure.

Round 3

The winning entry to the Tournament 15, Round 3 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

5 March 98
Winner: Riff - 6 Points

Kane Slasher
5 points

I knew renting that billboard outside was a good idea.

Tyler Stevens
4 points

One teacher's guide in drawer. Check!

3 points

Well, I already copied enough to pass!

2 point

I etched answers into the window!

Silver Bolt
1 points

He can't be too bright, this is his desk.

Round 4

The winning entry to the Tournament 15, Round 4 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

12 March 98
Winner: Bruce - 6 Points

Brian Mc
5 points

I sure am! When do we start?

4 points

In my book, F stands for fantastic.

3 points

He who cheats first fails last!

Rich Troll
2 point

I'll be here next years if you don't pass me. Think about it.

Big Al
1 points

I'm pleading the fifth on this exam. Speak to my lawyer!
Sev Note: We've been watching a lot of Law and Order lately which might explain why we liked this one (go McCoy! :-)

Round 5

The winning entry to the Tournament 15, Round 5 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

19 March 98
Winner: Chris - 6 Points

Michael Lewis
5 points

Others were cheating so much, they didn't even write their correct name.

4 points

Wayne couldn't have passed without you.

3 points

Some of you hardly worked and your marks reflect THAT!

Texas Fried Ewok
2 point

And Wayne... I owe you an apology. You can guess your way through life.

1 points

Wayne used crayon and his grade reflects that.

Name Points Name Points
Brian 13 Michael Lewis 10
chris 10 Q 8
Riff 8 Bruce 7
Valkiry 6 flametop 6
Kane Slasher 5 Brian Mc 5
Squigly the Wonder Rat 5 Erin 4
Tyler Stevens 4 Mosaic 3
Krispos 3 annie 2
Texas Fried Ewok 2 Rich Troll 2
Omega 1 Big Al 1
Silver Bolt 1

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