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Tournament 15 Hall of Fame

The Tournament 15 Hall of Fame lists all the past winners of Tournament 15 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition. The winner of the Tournament is Brian. Not only did he win the tournament, I think it must be a bit of a record - winning three rounds in a tournament! See how many points the finalists accrued in the Points Board.

Round 75

6 August 98

mike wille - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 15, Round 5 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

5 points

I hate these formal introductions!

4 points

Okay everybody! Group Sniff!!!

3 points

Syncronised sniffing.

maarten roosendaal
2 points

The weekly board meeting of top dogs.

1 point

Smell... but don't touch.

Round 74

30 June 98

brian - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 15, Round 4 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

namgubed the merry elf
5 points

Skiing for Dummies.

kane slasher
4 points

Catamaran skis.

3 points

The skis also wanted to go skiing.

2 points

Already Ed knew hispatent would fail miserably.

1 point

Must be the training slope.

Round 73

23 July 98

brian - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 15, Round 3 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

5 points

Don't hurt me! I'm a vegetarian!

4 points

Humans are NOT dumber than bulls... but this is a bad example.

3 points

Spain she said... It'll be fun she said...

2 points

Me? I'm doing it for the exercise.

shaun "studpuppy" simmons
1 point

I knew I shouldn't have washed those white shirts with that red sock.

Round 72

16 July 98

jak - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 15, Round 2 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

5 points

From royalty to royalties

gentilly jr.
4 points

It was the first time Louie could remember seeing a gift shop in the tunnel.

3 points

"This is so tasteless! I... need that videotape!"

2 points

Diana Flakes? How tasteless!

1 point

Hmm... I wonder how this ends!

Round 71

9 July 98

brian - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 15, Round 1 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

jay diegel
5 points

"That's a goal, you moron, not a sun shade!"

4 points

NOW do you admit you've been overconfident?!

kane slasher
3 points

I don't care if I'm in your sun, get on with the game!

2 points

That's now what I mean by "relaxed"!

1 point

Once again the goalie was caught napping.

Name Points Name Points
brian 32 bruce 9
q 7 jak 6
mike wille 6 jay diegel 5
q-bert 5 namgubed the merry elf 5
gentilly jr 4 tjewell 4
bruce 4 kane slasher 4
mikki 3 jdwiseman 3
jak 3 riff 3
maarten roosendaal 2 quip 2
wyvern 2 shaun simmons 1
tbone 1

Tournament 14 Tournament 16

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