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Tournament 13 Hall of Fame

The Tournament 13 Hall of Fame lists all the past winners of Tournament 13 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition. The winner of the Tournament and the Twist shirt is Brian, toppling last Tournament's champion Mike Wille by one point! See how many points the finalists accrued in the Points Board.

Round 65

28 May 98

Mike Wille - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 13, Round 5 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

5 points

"I told him to take it slow at first, but no, he goes straight to liquefy."

4 points

"To blend or not to blend... that is the question..."

3 points

I hope he goes silently, without making that gushing sound.

Gentilly Jr.
2 points

"I'm gonna miss Ole Bug Eyes."

Jerry Lyles
1 point

Are you sure this is how we evolve?

Round 64

21 May 98

Brian - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 13, Round 4 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

Kane Slasher
5 points

Go ahead, make my millenium!

4 points

Danger Bill Gates! Danger!

3 points

The REAL reason why Windows 98 was delayed.

Brian Mc
2 points

Byte THIS, creep!

1 point

This was obviously not a typical case of debugging.

Round 63

14 May 98

Mike Wille - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 13, Round 3 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

John Haynse
5 points

Oh, jumping the fence is nothing, my aunt jumped over the moon.

4 points

She never got over that mad cow disease

3 points

She's having moo swings again!

2 points

There! I got to the udder side!

1 point

She looks udderly ridiculous!

Round 62

7 May 98

Gentilly Jr. - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 13, Round 2 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Other finalists

5 points

Don't look at me like that. You know I've had a rough day.

Kane Slasher
4 points

Hey, you got some spinach in your hair.

3 points

You've got a dirty job ahead of you!

2 points

I'm having a bad bristle day.

1 point

You've no idea the kind of pressure I'm under, do you?

Round 61

30 April 98

Carm - 6 Points

The winning entry to the Tournament 13, Round 1 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition

Sev Note: The Vatican recently released the Shroud of Turin for display, inspiring this cartoon...

Other finalists

5 points

I'm sorry, it still looks like an ink blot to me!

Major Kira Wira
4 points

I don't get it.

3 points

Is this some sort of 3-d picture puzzle?

2 points

You figured they coulda fixed it up before the display.

1 point

Looks like my bedsheet from the dorm.

Name Points Name Points
Brian 13 Mike Wille 12
Q 10 Kane Slasher 9
Gentilly Jr. 8 jdwiseman 6
Theopilus 6 Carm 6
ebdug 5 John Haynse 5
John 5 Major Kira Wira 4
Valkiry 4 Leland 4
Zog 3 Brian Mc 2
Aneroo 2 Jerry Lyles 1

Tournament 12 Tournament 14

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