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Tournament 12 Hall of Fame

The Tournament 12 Hall of Fame lists all the past winners of Tournament 12 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition. This story begins in Round 1 with Burger Girl taking Herman out on their second date and continues on into Tournament 13... This Tournament was won by Brian, who I must say, would probably be the most consistent punchline and caption writer in The Pits and Twist (but not the most prolific, showing just how funny he is!). See how many points the finalists accrued in the Points Board.

Round 1

The winning entry to the Tournament 12, Round 1 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

17 February 98
268 entries

Sev Note: I was very tempted to go for Burger Girl's flat with the female versions of Wayne and Lance, but decided that was just a little too cliche. Instead I decided Herman needed to get some fresh air and get out for a change in this sitcom-style reunion story (note - I sneaked in the hand and ring into the comic strip also to match the punchline).

Winner: flametop- 6 Points

5 points

To meet my roommates. One's a slob, and the other thinks she's great...

4 points

Car shopping... house shopping... ring shopping... minister shopping.

3 points

How about the shopping mall?

2 points

Wherever you want, my nerdy Fabio.

1 point

To meet my roommates: Ginger, Scary, Posh and Sporty!

Round 2

The winning entry to the Tournament 12, Round 2 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

24 February 98
Sev Note: Heisenburg is Herman's surname, not Burger Girl's. I haven't revealed her name yet (in other words, I haven't decided what her name is yet).

Winner: Mosaic- 6 Points

Jason Kinch
5 points

Just let everyone know "The Herm" is here!

4 points

I'm Hermie the Hubby!

A fellow geek
3 points

2 Burgers, please.

2 points

Um, what was her name again?

1 point

Buenos dias, senor! No hablo ingles!

Round 3

The winning entry to the Tournament 12, Round 3 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

3 March 98
Sev Note: In case you didn't notice, Scurvy from The Sev Files and Ten out of Ten from Sev Trek drop by for cameos in this strip. And no, the third girl wasn't meant to be Cher.

Winner: Matt Wise - 6 Points

S&J Berryhill
5 points

Unlike you, we have standards.

4 points

Well, looks and personality aren't everything.

3 points

My condolences.

Namgubed the Merry Elf
2 points

Well, beggars can't be choosers.

Tyler Stevens
1 point

I'd throw that fish back in the sea!

Round 4

The winning entry to the Tournament 12, Round 4 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

10 March 98
Sev Note: This week introduces Burger Girl's old boyfriend and future nemesis of Herman. I chose the name Raoul, cos I think it's a cool, funny name (I'll never forget Raoul's Wild Kingdom from Vidiot).

Winner: Heather the Buzzard - 6 Points

5 points

Abs, pecs, biceps, triceps, lats, delts, quads and a brain.

4 points


3 points

Better grab a pen and paper.

Heather the Buzzard
2 points

Apparently, self esteem.

1 point

Lance and Wayne. Gimme $50,000 or you'll never see them again!

Round 5

The winning entry to the Tournament 12, Round 3 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

17 March 98
Winner: Brian - 6 Points

5 points

I asked her through the drive thru microphone.

4 points

I offered a money back guarantee!

3 points

I got down on one knee and she said "Oh well, beggars can't be choosers."

2 points

A proposal by email seemed so romantic.

1 point

It involves a rubber wetsuit and a bucket of soapy frogs.

Name Points Name Points
Brian 25 Mosaic 10
Heather the Buzzard 8 Matt Wise 6
David 6 flametop 6
Jason Kinch 6 Bruce 5
Dave 5 S&J Berryhill 5
Strobe 5 Krispos 4
Dittle 4 Riff 4
A fellow geek 3 Namgubed the Merry Elf 2
Cath 1 Tyler Stevens 1

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