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Tournament 11 Hall of Fame

The Tournament 11 Hall of Fame lists all the past winners of Tournament 11 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition. This story begins in Round 1 with Wayne beginning an enigmatic experiment. I think I'll call this story "Act of Wayne".

This tournament was won by Jay and Shari Berryhill (for the second time running). As the rule is second time winners can't win a second shirt, and plus the fact that Karen Nimmons has come close to winning a shirt a number of times, we've decided to award the Pits shirt to Karen. See how many points the finalists accrued in the Points Board.

Round 1

The winning entry to the Tournament 11, Round 1 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

13 January 98

Sev Note: An extremely clever (and extremely short, which I liked) set of punchlines from Bruce. A bonus 4 points were won by McCool for guessing the identity of the scientist on Herman's book (click on the comic strip to get a closer look). Here is an interesting account on how McCool guessed his identity: "I determined that it was about 1600 by the style of clothing that the guy was wearing (the frilly neck-ruffle thingy). I opened up my encylopedia cd, did a search on physicists circa 1600, and picked the one I thought it most likely to be. It was a toss between Kepler and Gallileo for a bit, until I saw a picture of Gallileo and he was bald and old." A lovely bit of detective work there!

Winner: Bruce - 6 Points

5 points

Herman: Not again.
Lance: Yep, it's his turn to cook tonight.

Jay Berryhill
4 points

Herman: What's this all about?
Lance: He wants to see how many days you can live without them.

Karen Nimmons
3 points

Herman: Eeek... He might be trying to create a bomb...
Lance: Or even worse, he might be trying to clone himself.

2 points

Herman: What if he finds out the power of the atom?
Lance: I guess only the cockroaches and Wayne will be left.

Namgubed the Merry Elf
1 point

Herman: I think he's making a bomb!
Lance: Maybe the xplosion will clean his room.

Round 2

The winning entry to the Tournament 11, Round 2 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

20 January 98

Sev Note: We went for the bomb angle in this week's strip. Note that 3 bonus points were won by Schroeder who guessed that the equations on Wayne's blackboard were written by James Maxwell.

Winner: Karen Nimmons - 6 Points

Jay Berryhill
5 points

I call it... "Frankenwayne!"

Ryan Turcotte
4 points

Making Splat, Slop's brother.

3 points

Finding a place for slop on the periodic table.

Jay Berryhill
2 points

It's a two parter: I'm working on the detonater right now...

Jay Berryhill
1 point

Behold: My remote control for LIFE!

Round 3

The winning entry to the Tournament 11, Round 3 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

27 January 98

Sev Note: As ludicrous as this bomb sounds, this is an accurate description of a gunpowder experiment the real life Wayne performed while I was living in the same house. At least he had the sense to do it outside.

Winner: Ryan Turcotte - 6 Points
341 entries

Karen Nimmons
5 points

We gotta find you another hobby.

Jay Berryhill
4 points

You stopped taking your medication, didn't you?

3 points

You must be the looneybomber.

Karen Nimmons
2 points

The year 2000 problem suddenly seems less important.

1 point

I gotta run, but have a blast!

Round 4

The winning entry to the Tournament 11, Round 4 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

Sev Note: Apologies that this round was judged over a week late - I've been quite busy and well, there's no excuse! :-(

Winner: Jay Berryhill - 6 Points
438 entries

5 points

I always thought my room needed a bigger window...

Karen Nimmons
4 points

Guess what... we now have room for that pool table.

Tyler Stevens
3 points

Herman, can I borrow your medical books?

Darren Blake
2 points

I hope you didn't want those Chemistry books back.

1 point

We now share one big room.

Round 5

The winning entry to the Tournament 11, Round 5 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

Sev Note: This round was only half a week late - hopefully a trend towards me being more punctual from now on! :-)

Winner: Brian - 6 Points
438 entries

Jay Berryhill
5 points

The bigger the "BOOM", the bigger the "ROOM!"

Karen Nimmons
4 points

Next time I need to add the proper music and light effects.

Matt Wise
3 points

Now I can mess up any room in mere seconds!

Shari Berryhill
2 points

A bomb a day keeps the neighbours away!

Jay Berryhill
1 point

Blowing up dishes is easier than washing them...

Name Points Name Points
Jay Berryhill 30 Karen Nimmons 24
Bruce 11 Ryan Turcotte 10
Brian 10

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