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Tournament 6 Hall of Fame

The Tournament 6 Hall of Fame lists all the past winners of Tournament 6 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition. The winner of the Pits shirt is David. See how many points he and the other finalists accrued in the Points Board.

Round 5

The winning entry to the Tournament 6, Round 5 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

19 August 97
Total: 88 entries

Winner: Wei-Hwa - 6 Points

Ewok - 5 points
A bleeper that goes off when you can't find it.
Michelle - 4 points
An instruction book
Chris - 3 points
How about air bags?
Michelle - 2 points
Mmmmm. Beer-flavoured toothpaste with high alcohol content
Michael Lewis - 1 point
Built in remote so you can change channels as you brush.

Round 4

The winning entry to the Tournament 6, Round 4 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

12 August 97
Total: 65 entries

Winner: Robert Albright - 6 Points

Logan St Clare - 5 points
Yes, but so is ugliness
Livvy - 4 points
That's gotta be some desperate, lonely beholder
Wei-Hwa - 3 points
To err is Herman
David - 2 points
As long as you pay the beholder
Ben Catlin - 1 point
I'm looking and lo and behold you;re still ugly!

Round 3

The winning entry to the Tournament 6, Round 3 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

5 August 97
Total: 161 entries

Winner: Mills - 6 Points

Michael Lewis - 5 points
I might be willing to wiggle my toes.
Mills - 4 points
I don't know, but will you shut up for a dollar?
Mills - 3 points
Darn it, I told you, I'm not interested in Amway!
Art Hurst - 2 points
As little as possible.
Mills - 1 point
If you want my seat on the couch, you can forget it!

Round 2

The winning entry to the Tournament 6, Round 2 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

29 July 97
Total: 124 entries

Winner: David - 6 Points

Art Hurst - 5 points
Ahh, a bevy supply of crustacious delectables!
David - 4 points
Two words, yip and eee!
David - 3 points
Look, there's even some food from former tenants!
Mills - 2 points
Ahh! I love the smell of rancid couch food in the morning!
David - 1 point
Where did my beverage go?!

Round 1

The winning entry to the Tournament 6, Round 1 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

22 July 97
Total: 48 entries

Winner: Christian L. - 6 Points

Michael Lewis - 5 points
Do unto others before they do unto you.
David - 4 points
A remote in hand is worth it's weight in gold.
David - 3 points
The better the man, the better the view!
David - 2 points
The TV faces the best looking bachelor.
T'Bone - 1 point
I can move the chair wherever I want!

Name Points Name Points
David 25 Mills 16
Michael Lewis 11 Wei-Hwa 9
Art Hurst 7 Christian L. 6
Michelle 6 Robert Albright 6

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