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Tournament 5 Hall of Fame

The Tournament 5 Hall of Fame lists all the past winners of Tournament 5 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition. The winner of this round is Mills. Because Mills has already won a Pits shirt, he wins 5 weeks of banner advertising on any Toon Zone page of his choice. Congratulations Mills! See how many points the finalists accrued in the Points Board below.

Round 5

The winning entry to the Tournament 5, Round 5 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

16 July 97
Total: 93 entries

Winner: Joey Jones - 6 Points

Mills - 5 points
Herman: I liked the hall of mirrors better!
Lance: Even though you looked fat and I looked slim?
Mills - 4 points
Herman: Is she ALLOWED to suggest suicide?
Lance: Apparently.
Mills - 3 points
Herman: $80 for a new crystal ball?!
Lance: I can't believe your crummy future destroyed it!
Debbie - 2 points
Herman: She's a quack! Who can see my future in a crystal ball anyway?!
Lance: Most people only need three minutes alone with you to see where you're headed.
David - 1 point
Herman: No wonder she was called "Madame CROC's accurate predictions"
Lance: No wonder she was called "Madame Croc's ACCURATE predictions"

Round 4

The winning entry to the Tournament 5, Round 4 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

9 July 97
Total: 51 entries

Winner: Riff - 6 Points

Mills - 5 points
Would you like your stomach pumped now or after your digestive track collapses?
Chris L. - 4 points
Funny... look at your life!
Mills - 3 points
While you're at it, there's some rotten eggs in the back of the fridge.
Wei-Hwa - 2 points
Boy, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black.
Mills - 1 point
I hope that spoiled milk kills the ants in your 5 year old cereal!

Round 3

The winning entry to the Tournament 5, Round 3 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

2 July 97
Total: 69 entries

Winner: Riff - 6 Points

Chris L. - 5 points
Where we play only annoying tunes that are SURE to get stuck in your head
Michael Lewis - 4 points
Next up, 45 minutes of commercials and 1 song.
Riff - 3 points
... this one's for Lance, with the message "Buy some milk"
Joey Jones - 2 points
Now with more farty noisees! PHBTHHHHHHH!
Laura - 1 point
Where we feel the only thing better than 24 hours of Polka music is 24 hours of Polka music being played by our local elementary school bands!

Round 2

The winning entry to the Tournament 5, Round 2 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

24 June 97
Total: 31 entries

Winner: O'Brien - 6 Points

Allan - 5 points
Crikey! Do you have any idea how long it took to clean around them?
Christian L. - 4 points
Hey, don't worry, I have them a good scrub down too!
Wei-Hwa - 3 points
Can't help it. The colony's in the bottom drawer.
Chuck Thompson - 2 points
You're getting antsier than this table!
Mills - 1 point
The goo on the counter makes a great ant trap!

Round 1

The winning entry to the Tournament 5, Round 1 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

17 June 97
Total: 36 entries

Winner: Mills - 6 Points

Michael Lewis - 5 points
Wipe off that smug look and get the RAID.
Wei-Hwa - 4 points
Better tell Wayne to act fast if he wants his caviar!
Eric Smith - 3 points
This has something to do with those exterminator coupons you've been clipping for the past week, doesn't it?
Mills - 2 points
Let's look at new apartments - it's won the war.
Wei-Hwa - 1 point
You moron; spiders lay THOUSANDS of eggs, not hundreds!

Name Points Name Points
Mills 30 Riff 15
Christian L. 14 Wei-Hwa 10
Michael Lewis 9 Joey Jones 8

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