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Tournament 3 Hall of Fame

The Tournament 3 Hall of Fame lists all the past winners of Tournament 3 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition.

This tournament was won by Mills, who gets the shirt and gets drawn in a future Toon Zone cartoon. See how many points the finalists accrued in the Points Board.

Round 5

The winning entry to the Tournament 3, Round 5 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

6 May 97
Total: 35 entries

Winner: Art Hurst - 6 Points

Mills - 5 points
I would have shaved myself bald, but that would look stupid.
Michael Lewis - 4 points
I had to change the TV channel, pain was no concern!
Mills - 3 points
By the way, there's a hair clog in the toilet.
Art Hurst - 2 points
Just getting to the root of the matter
Mills - 1 point
I think I'll buy that spray-on hair...

Round 4

The winning entry to the Tournament 3, Round 4 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

29 Apr 97
Total: 50 entries

Winner: Michael Cooper - 6 Points

Michael Lewis - 5 points
Herman: Don't you miss having your hands free?
Wayne: Well, it does make changing the TV channel very hard...
Mills - 4 points
Herman: You want me to call the fire department?
Wayne: No, they might use a hose.
Casey - 3 points
Herman: For instance?
Wayne: All this stress is bound to cause hair loss!
Mills - 2 points
Herman: That's the only option!
Wayne: Maybe in your world.
Danny Davids - 1 point
Herman: What other options?
Wayne: Chemotherapy.

Round 3

The winning entry to the Tournament 3, Round 3 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

22 Apr 97
Total: 77 entries

Winner: Art Hurst - 6 Points

Rhys Southan - 5 points
You know what happens then - it goes flat!
Michael Lewis - 4 points
With what, my feet?!?!?!
Mills - 3 points
I'll give my hair a day to let go on its own.
Casey - 2 points
But there is no way I could wash my hair without taking a shower!
Mills - 1 point
Shut up and recline the chair so I can watch TV!

Round 2

The winning entry to the Tournament 3, Round 2 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition

15 Apr 97
Total: 63 entries

Winner: Michael Lewis - 6 Points

Mills - 5 points
I guess my car keys aren't in here.
Casey - 4 points
I should have put my pants on first.
Michael Cooper - 3 points
Put the video camera down, Lance, or there's gonna be real trouble!!
Mills - 2 points
Who's driving me to the emergency center this time?
Michael Lewis - 1 point
Shut up Lance, I'm NOT Superman!

Round 1

The winning entry to the Tournament 3, Round 1 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition, won by Michael Lewis with the punchline ‘What a day to forget my deodorant.’

8 Apr 97
Total: 23 entries

Winner: Michael Lewis - 6 Points

Mills - 5 points
That's where the lollipop went!
Michelle Ridge - 4 points
Next time, I'm putting the super glue tube farther away from the hair gel...
Larry Beezley - 3 points
That hair spray promised superior hold, but this is ridiculous!
Mills - 2 points
I should comb my hair TWICE a month.
Michael Lewis - 1 point
I thought peanut butter got the gum OUT!

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