| Top 50 Book Orderers Sev Trek history was made at 10.30am on Saturday 19 September when the first ever Sev Trek book, The Sev Trek Collective, was launched on the Internet. Announcing the launch on IRC channel #sevtrek, there was a big rush as Sevilians tried to be one of the first 50 orderers (and more importantly, one of the first 10 orderers who won original artwork). Here are the 50 Sevilians who got their orders in first! Top 10 |
| The first ten orders won a piece of signed original Sev Trek artwork (chosen from miscellaneous cartoons used in the book), as well as 3 extra free bookmarks and the book edition screensaver. |
#1: Trevor Man (England) #2: Fredrik Svedberg (Sweden) #3: Neil Docherty (England) #4: Adam Rosenberg (USA) #5: Andrew Murrell (England) #6: Nathan Head (USA) #7: Erwin de Jong (The Netherlands) #8: David Leeding (Australia) #9: Rob Cowell (UK) #10: Jacqueline Mellor (Australia) Sevnote: It's interesting to note that although most Sev Trek orders are from the USA, the top ten is dominated by Europe and England. Wendy's theory on this is because the book was launched after midnight in Europe but early evening in the USA - downloads would've been quicker at the later time. So to all the English and European Sevilians, know that it was worth staying up to order the book! :-) #11 - #20 |
| Orderers #11 to #20 won 2 extra free bookmarks (on top of the free bookmark with each book or shirt ordered) and the book edition screensaver. |
#11: Amanda Mckay (Australia) #12: Christopher Kovacs (Canada) #13: Kylie Thomas (Australia) #14: Guy Ben Ami (Israel) #15: John Voysey (Australia) #16: Susan Bermudez (USA) #17: Gidi Kroon (The Netherlands) #18: Francis Miranda (Philippines) #19: Alvin Chan (Australia) #20: Chris Hampson (Australia) #21 - #50 |
| Orderers #21 to #50 won 1 extra free bookmark (on top of the free bookmark with each book or shirt ordered) and the book edition screensaver. |
#21: Margie Matteson (USA) #22: Nick Frame (USA) #23: Danny Davids (USA) #24: John Fassbender (USA) #25: Brian Posnack (USA) #26: Rich Miles (USA) #27: Nathan Gilchrist (USA) #28: Christine Schnell (USA) #29: Meredith Metzler (USA) #30: Neil Buchalter (USA) #31: Anna Offerman (USA) #32: Michael Cooper (USA) #33: Pepper Hayes (USA) #34: David Rickley (USA) #35: Rene Verrijk (The Netherlands) #36: Patricia V. Strzembosz (USA) #37: Constance Kaplan (USA) #38: John Nelson (USA) #39: Johan Draaisma (The Netherlands) #40: Rik de Deken (The Netherlands) #41: Erik Hollender (USA) #42: Matthew Wilson (USA) #43: Vince Maiocco (USA) #44: Katherine Park (USA) #45: Arthur Levesque (USA) #46: Anne Seals (USA) #47: Andrew Farr (UK) #48: Emily Koehler (USA) #49: Mary Nosek (USA) #50: Tyler Stevens (USA) |
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