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Sevylon 5 Comic Strip Archive

Here is an archive of the Sevylon 5 comic strips created from the Sci-Fi TV Competition. I recommend you keep an eye on the What's New Page to be notified of new strips, competitions and other stuff.

If you want to suggest a comic strip idea, read the Ideas Tips Page then post your ideas on the Ideas Board.


Sevylon 5 Bumper Sticker
Lardo bumper sticker
Greeting card Quash
Velourlon encounter suits.
What does Lardo want?
What does Go'kart want?


Charlatan's entrance
Velourlon cryptic answers
Angelic Quash


Charlatan & Va'va'voom
Charlatan's true face
The one...
Velouron & Shudder riddle
Anna Charlatan's return


Gung-ho Charlatan
Emperor Contagion's heads
Charred Maudlin
Charlatan's resurrection
Go'kart's mechanical eye
Charlatan vs Earth


Ivonava's disappearance
Psev Corps slogan
Lardo's bodyguard
Go'kart action figure
Garibaldi's hair
Psevcop Bested
Lyta's glowing eyes
Zooty zoot zoot!
Linear's unrequited love
Shutting Sevylon 5
Back to Sevylon 5

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