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The Pits Archives

Here are the winning punchlines of the Write Your Own Pits Competition from Rounds 101 onwards. You can read the winners from Rounds 1 to 100 in the Pits Hall of Fame.

The Pits gets evicted
101: What's a nice girl like you?
102: Asking the Landbabe out.
103: Christmas
104: New Years resolutions
105: Eviction notice!
106: Sidewalk accommodation.
107: Looking through the classifieds.
108: Unfriendly landlord.
109: Bad interview.
110: Wayne blows it.
111: Landbabe returns.
112: Wayne summarises.

The Herman and Burger Girl saga
113: A lovely date.
114: Talking about feelings.
115: Herman gets tongue tied?
116: The date takes a bad turn.
117: Lance consoles Herman.
118: Lance's golden rule.
119: Why didn't Herman speak up?
120: An unexpected intruder.
121: Burger Girl drops a bombshell.
122: Wayne and Lance discuss Herman's anguish.
123: Wayne's views on women.
124: Will Lance help Herman?
125: Lance's theories on chicktalk.
126: Herman practises with Wayne.
127: Wayne's response.
128: Burger Girl arrives!
129: Herman hesitates...
130: Herman speaks!
131: Wayne sums up.

Wayne loses the TV
132: Wayne's attitude on caring.
133: The TV self destructs.
134: Wayne gets desperate.
135: Prompt repairman.
136: Repair costs.
137: What caused it.
138: Two week wait.
139: Wayne coping.
140: The cost.

The Y2K Saga
141: Are you safe from Y2K?
142: Making Wayne care.
143: Millenium Bugspray
144: The drastic effects of Y2K.
145: Bubweek in The Pits!
146: Labelling the flat.
147: Labelling Wayne.
148: Hoarding.
149: Stocking essentials.
150: Individual preparation.
151: Looter concerns.
152: Boarding the doors.
153: Burger Girl's entrance.
154: Millennium resolutions.
155: Christmas gifts.
156: Happy New Year.
157: Millennium nitpicking.

Raoul's revenge
158: Raoul's entrance.
159: Why Burger Girl dumped Raoul.
160: Passive spectators.

Herman in hospital
161: Fighting with glasses.
162: Caring visitors.
163: Accusing Burger Girl.

Herman returns
164: Returning home.
165: Creating a pigsty.
166: How to find stuff.
167: Solution to the mess.

The Pits goes on holiday
168: Relative Paradise.
169: Sun, sand, babes.
170: Neck-high Scumheap.
171: Bikini babes.
172: Sunburnt nerd.
173: Home stinky home.

The Dog
174: Messy Dog
175: Wayne's best friend
176: Taking care of the dog
177: Walking the dog
178: Female interest
179: Dog's view

Wayne's girlfriend
180: Wayne's girlfriend
181: Wayne the tour guide
182: Wayne's dream date
183: Phoebe rejects Lance
Lance searches for a girlfriend
184: Lance complains
185: Mimicking a slob & nerd
186: Faking honesty
187: Lance tries out honesty
188: Where Herman meets women
189: Lance meets Winona
190: Winona is revealed
191: Will Wayne forget?
192: Wayne's bumper sticker

The Olympics
193: Opening ceremony
194: Marathon watching
195: Training
196: Life after Olympics

Uni Election
197: Presidential qualities
198: Party policies
199: Campaign manager
200: Catchy Slogans
201: Handing out flyers
202: Monkeying around
203: Meeting Lance's opponent
204: Political debate
205: Post-debate chat
206: Poll results
207: Election Day
208: Acceptance speeches
209: Winner by a landslide...

President Lance
210: Presidential responsibilities
211: To-do list
212: Kissing babes
213: Blackmailer
214: The price of silence
294: Wayne's motivation

Wayne's job
295: Poor Wayne
296: Job hunting
297: Preparing for interview
298: Secretary response
299: What Wayne offers
300: Wayne gets the job
301: Job cubicle
302: Sleeping genius
303: Knock off time
304: Reflection

New flatmate
305: Rent hike
306: A new flatmate
307: Female applicants
308: Lucky lady
309: Flat rejection
310: The new flatmate
311: Gumbo's entry
312: Dumb flatmate
313: Sharing a room

Reality TV
314: Peep Show
315: Nitty gritty everyday life
316: Intrusive cameras
317: Natural behaviour
318: Boring TV
319: Wayne's followers
320: Wayne's blessing
321: Enlightenment
322: Privacy at last
323: Wayne's toilet humor
324: Strangers watching
325: Burger Girl on TV
326: Building mood
327: Kissing advice
328: Evicting Peep Show

329: No more cameras
330: Looking for valuables
331: Wayne surprise
332: Wayne's reaction to burglary
333: Burglar's exit

Dinner with Burger Girl
334: Going out with Burger Girl
335: Life without Herman

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