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Sev Trek is a weekly Star Trek comic strip. New humor and cartoons added each week! We answer the questions everyone else is afraid to ask. Why did Klingon foreheads change? Why is Picard's accent English? And what's with Janeway's hair? Web site owners can publish Sev Trek on their own site for free!

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Sev Trek: The Comic Strip is a weekly comic strip that asks the questions everyone else is afraid to ask! Why did Klingoff foreheads change? Why is Pinchhard's accent English if he's from France? And where does Forager get all its shuttles?!

The Comics...

You can start by selecting any of the numbers below, but I recommend you start at Strip #1 and follow the strips sequentially (the cartoons download quicker that way).
Most of these cartoons are a product of the The Write Your Own Sev Trek Competition. That means the punchline is the winning entry of the competition. I've also included some of the other funniest entries that didn't win first prize but are pretty funny nonetheless.

I - The Slow-motion Picture

#191: Slow motion approach
#111: Ileer's oath of celibacy

II - The Rant of Kahn't

#189: Fat Squatty
#59: Checkout in Sev Trek II
#62: Motion Picture Squatty
#235: Quirk's son
#183: Spook's death

III - The Spoof of Spook

#262: Velcron mindmelt
#84: Death of the Enterforaprize
#98: Why Quirk saved Spook
#109: Lt Sevvik's changing face

IV - The Voyeur Home

#239: Translating the whale probe
#203: Whale mindmelt
#207: Whale thoughts
#215: Cursing Spook
#187: Quirk does 20th Century
#213: Punk music
#219: Squatty & computers
#258: Thar be whales here!

V - The Infernal Frontier

#197: Quirk falling
#179: Campfire singalongs
#205: Jailbreak
#223: God vs Quirk

VI - The Rediscovered Franchise

#225: Plagiarised Velcron saying
#181: Prison Smoochies
#266: Quirk kissing himself
#177: Quirk's clone
#250: Squatty's bumper sticker

VII - Degenerations

#242: Zulu's family
#244: Ill equipped Enterforaprize
#152: Beta dunks Cruncher
#156: Beta's lifeform song
#201: Mr Toycorder
#241: Beta's laughing fit
#233: Guano in the Nexus
#160: Quirk & Diapers
#217: Quirk's Irrational Mission
#157: Who is Quirk
#149: Quirk's last words
#211: Quirk's epitaph
#199: Ugly human female
#195: Klingoff Warbler bumper sticker
#185: Beta swearing
#154: Crashed Enterforaprize

VIII - Forced Contract

#274: Bored Bumper Sticker
#252: Destroying Earth's past
#246: Drunk genius
#193: Zephyr Cockroach
#227: Freaking out Zephyr Cockroach
#254: Obsessive fan
#67: The Bored's sexlessness
#104: Gaudy's ISORE
#133: Disassemblable Bored Queen
#231: Arrogant Bored
#270: Launch delay
#175: Melted Bored Queen

IX - Indigestion

#260: Reality TV
#256: Malfunctioning Beta
#276: Beady headwear
#101: Barf in X-Gen movies
#264: Anticlimactic kiss
#237: Shaving Piker
#124: Cleanshaven Piker
#142: Beta's inflatable rearend
#221: Smooth Pinchhard
#144: Piker's joystick
#146: Indigestion the musical


#209: Scenes we'd like to see
#248: Villains we'd like to see

Jurassic Trek

#5: Don't beam down in a red shirt
#18: Cheap looking tricorder
#31: In-between adventures
#33: Captain Quirk's clone
#42: Primitive 23rd Century medicine
#44: Captain Quirk's ripped shirts
#46: That medical foot pushing thingy
#48: Why alien cultures are so Earthlike
#52: Scantily clad female aliens
#57: He's dead, Gym
#66: Spook & Nurse Crabapple
#70: Captain Quirk and computers
#73: Sev Trek's alternate universe
#76: The Velcron hand salute
#80: Slapping Yeoman Randy's butt
#82: Getting rid of Captain Pike
#86: The Velcron neck pinch
#89: Spook's Viewing Thingy
#93: Malfunctioning Transploders
#96: A very Sevvy Christmas
#102: McCorduroy and Transploders
#107: Quirk and Trubbles
#121: Tribute to DeForest Kelley
#123: The Jurassic Trek mission
#127: The laws of physics
#129: Oohlala's ear piece
#141: Explaining Spook's ears
#158: Ensign away mission
#159: Dead ensign
#174: Squatty's catchphrase
#196: Quirk's wig
#198: Q-Tip Gladiators
#226: Quirk as Santa
#234: Why Spook joined Sev Fleet
#240: Quirk's forced kiss
#257: Spook's catchphrase
#263: Squatty's missing finger
#265: Three year mission
#269: Beaming up Quirk
#273: Quirk dewigged
#275: Quirk's future
#279: Mindreading Quirk
#283: Spook's Dad marries human
#284: Resurrected ensign
#285: New Uniform Colours
#288: Silicone based babe
s484: Ensign target uniform

Sev Trek: The X Generation
#1: Barf's furroughed brow
#2: Is Beta IBM compatible?
#8: Pinchhard's English accent
#10: Gaudy & relationships
#12: The state of the Alfafa Quadrant.
#14: What to do with Beta's head
#17: Getting rid of Measly Crusher
#20: Guano's appalling taste in hats
#22: Pinchhard & romance
#24: Why spaceships whoosh in space
#28: Practical joke on Measly Crusher
#32: The changing sex of Beta's cat
#34: Where do they keep the toilets?
#38: Men... Women..
#39: Why they have Red Alert
#45: Useless Counsellor Tryhard
#50: The choice of the X Generation
#55: Pinchhard's Shirt Tugging
#58: Fire at Will
#60: Technobabble
#64: Gaudy and Row out of phase
#74: Pinchhard & away missions
#78: Dr Cruncher vs Dr Pavlovaski
#87: Lt. Barfly's hollowdeck program
#110: Pinchhard's hatred of kids
#116: Pinchhard gets a haircut
#119: Rash picks Cue over Pickhard
#120: What Beta looks for in women
#122: Bald Sev Fleet captains
#125: The X Generation mission
#136: Counsellor Tryhard's baby
#137: Kookoo O'Blimey gives birth
#139: Beta's urge for children
#143: Piker rejects captaincy
#147: Replacing Dr Pavlovaski
#150: Tryhard's jumpsuit
#163: Beta's evil twin
#166: The Pinchhard Manoeuvre
#170: Harassing Cue
#182: Cue and the afterlife
#184: Pinchhard and poker
#192: What use is Tryhard?
#204: Piker the cardshark
#208: Trashy Yard's death
#212: Finding Beta's head
#222: Galactive relatives
#236: Evil parallel universe
#238: Executing Measly
#S1: Boldly going nowhere
#289: How Trashy Yard died
s488: Piker's beard
s492: Blue screen of death
s496: Barf's son Alkaseltzer
s498: Toycorder buttons
s502: Roommate Measly

Deep Sev Nine

#4: The Klingoff forehead
#6: Dux's spots
#9: Why Mourn never speaks
#11: Schidzo's new hairdo
#13: Defunct away missions
#15: Barf getting his butt kicked
#19: Why Dux is called "Old Man"
#25: Why aliens look like humans
#27: Why Sev Fleet changed uniforms
#37: Tequila's unmilitary uniform
#43: Exploding consoles
#51: Constable Odour's weird face
#53: Pivotal historical moments
#61: Why Garage was exiled
#68: How Odour lost his shapeshifting
#72: Klingoffs & Trubbles
#77: Sevdates
#79: The Bjorn ear grabbing thingy
#81: What Gem'Hoarder do for fun
#85: Naked Fungi women
#88: What Leerta sees in Romp
#92: Why Sevships don't have seatbelts
#95: Barf's Sash
#99: Schidzo fighting Cue
#105: Barf's dying women
#112: Fungi Rules of Sevquisition
#115: Why Snog joined Sev Fleet
#117: Why Barf drinks Prune Juice
#118: Fungi head pieces
#128: Live gag
#131: Deep Sev Nine's mission
#132: Dux in Jurassic mini-skirt
#134: Edgy Dux's first appearance
#145: Shapeshifter recreation
#153: Cloning Wayout
#161: Counsellor Edgy Dux
#164: Barf hates Edgy
#165: Sev Fleet war cry
#168: Cute Edgy Dux
#172: Phizzer rifle settings
#176: Schidzo's baseball
#178: Breen refrigeration suit
#186: Barf's bruising relationships
#194: DS9 & Defunct bumper sticker
#200: Juvenile Bashful superspy!
#210: Uniform colour change
#214: Bashful's dart playing
#224: Amputating Snog's leg
#228: DS9's mental health
#245: Alien baseball chatter
#247: Barf's transfer to DS9
#259: Bashfull's hollowdeck programs
#261: Eddington's betrayal
#280: Tequila & Odour's kiss
#282: Prophet's cheap set
s490: Odour mimicing humans

Sev Trek: Forager

#7: Gainweight's broken hairdryer
#16: What Cuss sees in Kneelicks
#21: Will Forager ever get home
#23: Cuss's second birthday
#26: The emotional hollowgraphic doctor.
#29: Forager's lost shuttles
#30: The new Bored cube
#35: Gainweight's hair as kindling.
#36: Are we there yet?
#40: Poor Ensign Hairy Chin
#41: Chocolatay's Tattoo
#47: The number 47
#49: Bored babe Ten out of Ten
#54: Forager's folding nacelles
#56: Why Cuss left Forager
#63: Ten out of Ten's catsuit
#65: Kneelicks & suicide
#69: Gainweight/Chocolatay
#71: Sev Trek caves
#75: The Implausible Translator
#83: Gainweight & coffee
#90: Alfalfa Quadrant aliens
#91: Sesspit betraying Forager
#94: Destroying Forager
#97: Parasite and Bologna kissing
#103: Bologna's Pregnancy Coat
#106: Malfunctioning hollowdeck
#108: Forager's Bumper Sticker
#113: Disappearing Lt Curry
#126: Why Cuss dumped Kneelicks
#130: Bald hollowgraphic doctor
#135: Forager's mission
#138: Naming the EMH Doctor
#140: Promoting Ensign Hairy Chin
#148: Demoting Tomb Parisite
#151: Bologna loves Tomb
#155: Naiveti following Ten
#162: Unlimited scuttlecraft
#167: Ten follows Bologna
#169: Kneelick's Cooking
#171: Gainweight's hairstyle change
#173: Captain Proton
#180: Singing Hollowdoc
#190: Species 90210
#206: Choking Kneelicks
#218: Undestroyable Deltoid Flunker
#230: Barfly and Forager
#232: Forager defeats the Bored
#243: Turning off the doctor
#249: Gainweight bumper sticker
#253: Missing technology
#255: Fast growing children
#271: Assevilated Gainweight
#277: Trimming EMH
#278: Vengeful Cuss
#281: Gainweight's hair
#286: Parasite the slug
#287: Bored Queen in pieces
s486: Cue loves Gainweight
s494: Hairy's lovelife

Sev Trek: Enterforaprize

s500: Toilet flushing


#3: You're a Trekkie when...
#100: You're a Sevilian when...
#188: Captain's beverages
#202: Future Olympic events
#216: Characters from Series 5
#220: Top uses for Trubbles
#229: Other directives
#251: Enterforaprize blueprints
#267: Ways to kill an ensign
#268: 47th Sev Trek Movie
#272: Rehashed E'prize blueprints

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This Assimilation Ring site is owned by: John Cook

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