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Daft Vapor's face! The big revelation of Return of the Jedi (other than Leia being Luke's sister, ho hum) was finally seeing Darth Vader's face, and what an ugly mug it was! Is this how Luke will end up looking in the third sequel trilogy?

Other Punchlines

These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi Competition - the winning punchline is chosen in the weekly IRC Judging Session. This week's winning punchline was written by Christopher Michael. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all four competitions.


You know, you were more intimidating with the mask ON.


No. I won't take the REST of the suit off!

The Darshank

Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts...

The Darshank

I'm sorry Father. I shouldn't have laughed.


Note to self: Do NOT attempt to shave with a lightsever!!


Tell me that isn't hereditary.


No wonder Mouldy-Bun hid us from you!


Damn, you're UGLY!!!

Wade S.

What'd Mouldy-Bun hit you with? A light saber or an ugly stick?

risk one

What do I win if I count the sev-logos on your head?

The Darshank

My Gawd! Not another harmonica scene! This Special Edition just keeps gettin' worse...


Whoops, opened the wrong end!


Mental note: avoid lava.

Mikkel Lodahl

You sure that mask was just for breathing?


The Emperor fried you up good!

Adrian Rischmueller

I wish the studio wouldn't hire scab labour!

Unka Woofie

Makeup! Wardrobe! SOMEBODY!!


I'm guessing you'll want to be cremated?


Maybe I was adopted...


Man, you look like Darth warmed over!

Evan Gluck

I'm sure glad I am going to be burning you later.


If beauty is skin deep, you must have VERY thick skin


Wow - neat trick. Now turn your head the right way out

Andy Ngoh

Yikes, Dad! Better think Clearisil.


On second thought, keep your mask on.


I am SO glad I didn't get on Mouldy-Bun's bad side!

Nick Frame

Oh no! Custom Sev Bandages! Will the merchandising ever stop?!?!

Buzz Lightyear

Oh CRAP!!! Is THAT what I'm going to look like when I grow up?

Pete Dogwalker

What did you do?! Stick your face in an electric socket?


Well, it's been nice knowing you, Mr Vapor, but I gotta go now...


I guess that's what happens when yo rely on the Imperial Public Health System!

Ryan Dawson

Dad, since you're dying anyway, can I push all the buttons on your chest?


On second thought, you can stay here.

The Darshank

Get away from me you lazy-eyed freak!


Eww, Dad, gross!

Demona Starling

Please tell me it isn't genetic!


Whoa! Looks like you ran into a fight with a Imperial lawn mower!

Admiral Dack

Gosh, you were the Good, the Bad and the Ugly all in one!

Admiral Dack

What do you mean by, "A kiss for your old man"???

Admiral Dack

If Jake Lloyd knew he'd wind up like this, I'm sure he wouldn't have taken the part!

Admiral Dack

Let's leave the rest of the suit on, okay?

Admiral Dack

The years have not been kind, Pops.

Admiral Dack

I waited for three episodes for THIS?!?


I think i'll leave your photo out of the family album

Mike McCormick

Do NOT ask me to take off anything else.

Bob Clemmons

You know, I liked you better in Lion King.

Bob Clemmons

Funny. I was expecting James Earl Jones.

Bob Clemmons

Jeez. No wonder you're so crabby.

Jason Wasikowski

Thanks for not asking me to take the whole suit off.

Bob Clemmons

Gee Dad. Someone in makeup sure hates you!




Now I hope they'll never make the third trilogy!

Jeppe T

Are you sure we are related

The Darshank

On second thought, maybe I will leave you here.


I see now why you wear a mask.


OK - you've looked on me with your own eyes, now lets put this thing back on!

Wm. Iserman

Yeeash, talk about razor burn!

Francis Miranda

First, an incestous sister, an absentee mother, and an ugly father!

Francis Miranda

You look like Homer Simpson with a hangover!

Francis Miranda

How come? You were such a cute kid in the trailers!

Daniel R

Please, put it back on!

Francis Miranda


Daniel R

I have a not-so-good feeling about this...

Daniel R

So THAT is why you wear a helmet.


I guess you don't get much sun on the dork side!


Why did you tell me to take your helmet off?


If thats what happens when you join the Dork side, count me out!

Erik Hollender

Is your face under that other mask?

Erik Hollender

What in the Force happened to you?!

Erik Hollender

I hope that face skips a generation/
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