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This week's idea was suggested by §Sean§.

Sev Wars: The Comic Strip

Podracing! Here is a visually nice to look at yet essentially meaningless little scene - much like the actual pod race, really.

Other Punchlines

These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi Competition. The winning punchline was written by MindMelda. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winning punchlines of all the Toonzone competitions.


Anarchy: You may take my life, but you'll never take my freedom! Sebulba: You have no freedom, you're a slave.


Sebulba:At least, in 20 years time, I won't need a mask to breathe!!


Anarchy:Cheaters never win! Sebulba: You'll feel differently when you grow up!

Darth Clitnon

Anarchy: Just becuase I'm blonde and cute doesn't mean I'm not evil!

Darth Clitnon

Sebulba: Midicholorians-schmidicalorians!


Sebulba: Anarchy Bar Bar is your father. Anarchy: Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

darkjedi AKA Lyndon Carroll

Anarchy:-Go easy, I have asthama!


Sebulba: Time to die, slave scum! Anarchy: Let me know what my dust tastes like, OK?


Anarchy: break a leg! Sebulba: I wouldn't be able to drive if that happened!


Anarchy: ew! bug guts on my teeth!!! Sebulba: ew! bug guts in my sinus cavities!!!


Anarchy: do you have bugs in your teeth yet? Sebulba: are you kidding? I've got bugs in my intestines


Sebulba: he he! I wonder what'll happen if we hit jabba Anarchy: we'd get stuck


Sebulba:Jar Jar Poodoo Mechanic! Anarchy: You can say that again!


Sebulba: I think I can, I think I can. Anarchy: I know you can't, I know you can't.


Anarchy: All you are is dust in the wind!


Sebulba: I know the script says I have to crash, but this podracer's just too cool to bust up!


Anarchy: I'm finally going to beat you! Sebulba:Who cares, I'm just trying to hit Bar Bar Jinks!


Anarchy: You're headed for the ground! ; Sebulba: I'm not falling for that!


Anarchy: Do you know who I'll be when I grow up?


Anarchy: Look out for that Bantha roadkill!!!


Anarchy: aren't you thinking that this is pointless if you just kill all you're opponents? Sebulba: funny you should ask!


Anarchy: he he he! let's hit the gungan once we pass the finish line


Anarchy: Pick on somebody your own size!!!!...... no, wait!!! cancel that!!!


Both: Wheeee!!!! this HAS to be a ride at disney world someday!


Anarchy: the force is with me Sebulba: but this fork will be in your engine


Sebulba: face it! if I kill you, leonardo dicraprio will have no reason to be near Mr. Lucas


Anarchy: You wouldn't hit a person with goggles, would you?.......... aaaagh!!!!

Frogboy Lives

Anarchy: Thank the force my pants are brown.


Sebulba: this'll teach ya to make fun of my way of walking!

Jen the jumping quean II

Sebulba:I'm not leting you win! Not by the compuiter animated hair of my chiny chin chin.


Sebulba : Goo CHUBA MOOHO KACKA!!! Anarchy: Yes I agree, Bar Bar must die!


Sebulba : EEEE CHUGA WANGA BANTHA POODOO!!! Anarchy: Hey leave my mother out of this!!!

Acid Warlord

Sebulba: Blue suits you! Anarchy: Wait till you see me in black!


Sebulba:Eat dirt,Slave Scum! Anarchy: Eat Big Rock, Camel Breath!

John Fassbender

Anarchy: I can't wait 'till I grow up and get the really fun toys.

Cordavin Lon

Anarchy: Turn your airbag on!!


Sebulba: What powers your pod-racer? Anarchy: The adoration of millions of nerdy males.


Anarchy:You've got bugs in your teeth.

Avenger CO

Anarchy: Your stop is right over there...


Anarchy: Jaw-Jaw Jinx said he'd give the winner a victory kiss. (This'll get me the win for sure!)

Scott McClenny

Anarchy:How you do wheelies with this thing?


Anarchy: You can't kill me, I'm already in the sequal.


Anarchy: I don't like the rush hour very much...!


Anarchy: Gotta make this scene count...If I don't win the race, movie's over !

John Fallon

Sebulba: Oooh yeah, I'm gonna be reeaal scared when you grow up and come after me !


Anarchy: You know who the star of this film is?

David D

Sebulba : How do these little cables not snap with all the power from the engines? Anarchy: Don't ask me I'm just a kid!

Nine Point Eight

Sebulba: You can't drive worth poodoo kid!

Nine Point Eight

Sebulba: Look Ma, no hands!


Anarchy: I'll be more evil than you one day! And I'll have a ship the size of a moon!


Sebulba : What are ya gonna do? Farce choke me?


Anarchy: I'm the king of THIS world! Whoo-hooo!


Anarchy:I am disturbed by your lack of driving courtesy! Sebulba: "GASP"


Sebulba :Red's faster Anarchy:When I grow up, Im gonna havea Red light sevver!


Anarchy: Yipee!

The Great Wizzard

Sebulba: Hey kid! Which way to the Episode 2 auditions?

The Great Wizzard

Sebulba: Quit tailgating!!


Sebulba: Bar Bar Jinx is your mechanic ?! Har, har, har,...

Jim McNamara

Anarchy: Shouldn't you keep your eyes on the road?

Jim McNamara

Anarchy: I can't lose! I'm cute!

John Lang

Sebulba: Watch dust might give you asthma!

Francis Miranda

Anarchy: I break for pods.

Francis Miranda

Anarchy: Can you tell me the directions to the nearest McJabba?

Jim McNamara

Anarchy: I'm getting a case of shuttlepod rage.


Anarchy:Just wait til I grow up, you'll be sorry!

Jim McNamara

Anarchy:Hey! Sebulba: So what're you gonna do? Blow up my planet?

Sev Wars #32 Sev Wars #34

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