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| Sev Wars: The Comic Strip Tripping the AT-AT! Why did the Empire have to build such rickety looking walkers (wouldn't big wheels have been a little more stable?)
| These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi Competition. This week's winning punchline was written by Q. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winning punchlines of all the Toonzone competitions. Justice
| Funny, our tow cables aren't supposed to look like shoelaces.... Quip
| If they ever invent the wheel we're in deep jar-jar! Quip
| Not as good as the banana peel, but.... Quip
| Prepare to engage mechanical foot... Quip
| Now for the wedgie! Avenger CO
| As long as they keep thier shoes on we're set! Andrew Perry
| All knees and weak ankles... Told you they were... unbalanced. Archer Sagitarius
| I've won the Rebel Rodeo! Sarah
| I told them not to put Jabba in the front seat Kris
| Think we can get it to beg and roll over? MindMelda
| Now this planet has a moon! the cheekster
| The shoelace trick worked so much better than the whoopie cushion maneuver. Prophet Kristy
| You're right, Janson, Velcro is the fastener of the future! J. Krucek
| Guess no one told 'em their shoelaces were untied. Bliss
| And now, for some butt-kicking fun! Sevanonymous
| That's what happens when you don't double-knot them. Gobi Toby
| I don't care what universe you're from, that's gotta hurt! Foster
| It's simple, the rabbit runs around the tree, and into the hole! Bill Harris
| And another Imperial design flaw is successfully exploited! Kris
| Let's see Lube beat that. Kris
| We should've thought of tying their shoelaces together years ago. MindMelda
| They're right where you want them, Wedgie! Deploy grappling hook! Nodrog
| You tied it's shoelaces together! Brilliant! The Great Wizzard
| Prepare the branding iron! Mark
| Whoa doggie! Nice roping job! Mark
| I guess we're now a Tie fighter. Mark
| And to think, I use to get in trouble for doing that as a kid! Alejandro Lee
| Should've invested in moccasins. Cmdr. Solomon
| Thank God the Empire was stupid enough to put legs on their vehicles. Cmdr. Solomon
| Well, I'll be darned. Lube was right. Tying its shoelaces together DID work! evay
| Okay, now the finishing touch: the "Kick Me" sign over the aft torpedo tube! evay
| If you think that was easy, wait until you see what the Earwax do to them in the NEXT movie! Griffin
| Strong are we with the shoelaces! Kevin Warrington
| Now let's go kick it in the butt MindMelda
| All this technology and they still don't have the wheel! MindMelda
| I trained for that in the school cafeteria! Kevin Warringtron
| ...and I double-knotted them. ha Kevin Warrington
| I can't believe they fell for it Arild
| The Impure's budget cuts are our gain. Q
| I can hear their premiums rising from here. Q
| How Ironic. The IMPURE have been reduced to RUBBLE. Q
| George wont be to happy with us trippin up all his fancy new models! fractal7
| Hogtied, two point four seconds. New record Qui-Gone Gin
| Tiiiiiimber! Puke
| Thats what they get for not using wheels. Darth Binks
| Figures! They used the same contractor for the Stormblooper armors too! The Crazy Zonie
| Thats why I wear loafers. The Crazy Zonie
| Whadda I tell you? Tie their shoes together! Kalahari Karl
| See what I said? All you gotta do is attach the harpoon on the underside and then fly straight up! That's why they call me Wedgie! Commander
| YEE-HAA rope them doogies!!! Tom Hyde
| AT-ATaboy!!! Alex
| And that is why you always tie your shoes Kurt
| More footage for the Rebellion funniest home videos! Joseph
| It looks like we'll win the Imperial Rodeo this year. Joseph
| Now all we have to do is figure out how to strap that to the hood of our snowspeeder... ScottE Bemeup
| I can't believe they fell for that old trick. Corsair
| Good thing you brought those Banana Peels.... mgeoffrey
| Told you tieing the shoelaces would work! ScottE Bemeup
| Bottoms up. Corsair
| Prepare for tickle....deploy feather. ScottE Bemeup
| It may not be The Farce, but it works. ScottE Bemeup
| Those bloopers are always tripping over their lines. ScottE Bemeup
| Let's call that the Wedgie Maneuver. John Fassbender
| Now let's go tickle their feet. Haathi
| Next time, use Velcro! Haathi
| I'll do a fly-by. You make faces at the drivers. Macbeth31
| See what happens when the government contracts to the lowest bidder? Macbeth31
| We'll be back with a can opener in a few minutes, guys! Macbeth31
| I learned that back at the wampa rodeo! acidkrispies
| Talk about 4 left feet!! jdwiseman
| Fell for the old "Tie the shoe strings together" gag.
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