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Sev Wars: The Comic Strip

Daft Vapor's hand chop. This week's 50th Sci-fi comic strip is a nostalgic remembrance of the very first Sev Wars comic strip, with a nice new one liner for Daft Vapor as he lovingly chops off his son's hand.

Trivia and Nitpicks for this week: Well, I must confess, this is not one of my best drawn Sev Wars cartoons. Not only did I draw Daft Vapor in a fairly stiff and unfluid manner, I forgot to draw his cape! (and boy, did everyone let me know :-)

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Other Punchlines

These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi Competition. This week's winning punchline was written by AndreaC. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winning punchlines of all four Toonzone competitions.

J Racer

Now you are truly my son.

J Racer

There! That oughta make up for 20-odd years without a good spanking!


Now you know, how Yoda got so small!


Now I've cut your nails for you. Time for a haircut!


It's all fun and games until someone loses a limb

Justin Allen

For the last time, stop picking your nose, or I'll cut the other one off too!

Cordavin Lon

You do not know the power of the prosthetic!

André Gatien

I always prefered the "hands off" approach.


Did you say 'Hand me my sever' or 'Sever me my hand'?

Jedi Knut

Son, there's something you should know... I'm not left handed... and neither are you!


Someday, son, you'll thank me!


cool hand, luke!


It's all fun and intergalatic terrorism until someone loses a hand


I'm only doing this because I love you.

Mike Wille

NO, I will NOT talk to your hand!

Big J

Whoops ... well ... THAT will make it to the blooper reel!


That's the last time you take out the landspeeder

Philip Price

Don't you make fun of my breathing again!

Philip Price

That's for looking nothing like me!


Keep your hands off daddy's stuff.


I'm sorry, son, but there was a problem when we were manufacturing you're action figure. This is the easiest way to handle the problem.

ScottE Bemeup

Now that's gonna leave a mark.


See, THAT´S how to use a lightsaber

John Fallon

Ok, maybe NOW you'll stop sucking your thumb !

John Fallon

I told you what would happen if you disobeyed the curfew !

C|-|@R|_0T@|\| C|-|@0§

Ah, excellent!!! The first part for my new and improved body


Oh, "Talk to the Hand" was so 90's!


Originally, I wanted a right-hand man...but this will do...

Kevin Warrington

And that, son, is how you 'disarm' your oponent


Now I can call you "Hand Solo"




Ooh; that may not have been the best lead in to what I'm going to say next...


"Son, you've lost your touch"


Give me a hand to conquer the Galaxy!


So you won't rule the universe with me? Then prepare to meet your room!

John Lang

Not wash your hands, eh? I'll teach you!

Stefan E.

Give me four, my son!


Raise hands all who are against the dark side


Yes i do this to all my kids! Its like marking my taritory!


Alright Mr' wise guy... lets see you use my chest phone now!


Lube would you pull your self together?!


A new feature for your action toy!

John Fassbender

Ah! I remember when I lost my first hand.


High Five!


And this is for your mother walking out on me.


I'm still getting a Father's Day card right?


Modern Sith Lord Parenting Monthly prescribes tough love.


I'm only doing this because i love you, my son.

Ensign Dim

Damn! Perhaps this isn't so good for trimming your fingernails...

Ensign Dim

I've decided against having you as my right-hand man.


NOW do you believe I'm your father?


Don't cry son, I'll get you one just like daddy's!


Teach you to disobey your parents!


All that money on piano lessons!


Let's all give Lube a big hand for the ham acting, people!


No great loss, it only had four digits to start with.


I said "Hand it over," but you didn't listen...

Michael Bunnell

I'll just get that hangnail for you. Oh, GOD!


When I say "hands down", then I mean it!


Look, you can cut off a hand with it and it STILL remains sharp!


Don't worry, it's not a vital organ!!!


This little piggy went to market..... oops!


Do you need a hand?


You remind me of me at your age.


Son, this is tough love.


Did daddy make a boo-boo?


Get a grip on yourself!


I see your training was not complete.

Alejandro Lee

Left-handed with my eyes closed!

Alejandro Lee

Wait till you see the medical bill. Now THAT'S murder.

Cmdr. Solomon

This'll help you stop biting your nails.

Cmdr. Solomon

That'll teach you to date your sister!

Alejandro Lee

Work on that grip of yours.


Just think what I could do if I figured out that cheat mode for this thing..


Choose the dark side, Lefty.

Justin Allen

I have to hand it to you son, you sure can't hold a sever to me!

Justin Allen

now when I say give me a hand, I mean it

Justin Allen

No need to applaud now, my son!


I hope your ambidextrous.

Kevin Warrington

That could be a serious *hand*icap

Kevin Warrington

I've always been pretty handy with a light sever


Child abuse my butt. When I was a kid, they hit us with lightsabers all the time, and we liked it!

Siriusly not

Another one for the collection

Don Rae

Sorry son, but I need the spare parts!


I'm not letting you off with a mere SLAP on the wrist!


you scream like a girl


it seems like I now have the upper hand


tell me if this hurts


one down, one to go


Crap....I've just gave this movie an R rating!


Hey, we can't all be good parents!

Kalahari Karl

Gimme five!

ScottE Bemeup

Sorry. Were you using that?


missed that damn fly again!

ScottE Bemeup

I told you if you didn't cut those nails I would.

ScottE Bemeup

That's the last time you come to the table without washing your hands.

ScottE Bemeup

Spare the Sever, spoil the child.

ScottE Bemeup

I told you I hate shadow puppets.

ScottE Bemeup

Time for an off handed remark.

John Lang

This is for not sending me any "Happy Father's Day" cards!

ScottE Bemeup

Like father like son.

ScottE Bemeup

Look Ma, no hands!

John Lang

THAT'LL fix that hangnail!


Oh. put it on ice, and they can reattach it.


I told you not to move while I cut your hair.


And this is the WRONG way to use a lightsevver.


Falling to pieces, are we?


Lefty, sorry, LUKE I am your father


Hand today, Stump tomorrow...

8 of 12

And yes, it can even cut limbs.

8 of 12

Tired of dismembering loved ones with dull blades? Order the new lightsever!

The Great Wizzard

And now you're ready for the next level in our family's initiation ritual.

Michael Shaw

Oh stop complaining, it's only special effects

Michael Shaw

The wrist bone's connected to the arm bone. Not any more.

Michael Shaw

Don't expect to get things handed to you just because you're my son

Michael Shaw

Oops...can't see a thing in this mask

The Great Wizzard

Fine. Then you'll join me the Dork Side of the Farce body part by body part...


Don't worry, it's a family tradition.


This little piggy just got his hand chopped off!


You've got your father's hands ... mind if I take them back ?


It slices, it dices ....


Obi-wan has taught me better

The Great Wizzard

Let's see how they make THIS into your new action figure...

The Great Wizzard

At least I finally got that fly [BZZZ]... oh no!

The Great Wizzard

You'll never blow up my dud star again!

Shawn McNiel

What? It's your sister who's the Organdonor?

The Great Wizzard

(singing) I wanna hold your ha-a-a-and

The Great Wizzard

...and then Mouldy-Bun did THIS...

The Great Wizzard

(singing) The wrist bone's connected to the arm bone...

Shawn McNiel

Who's the twisted freak now?


Chip off the old block, eh?

Norwegian Bajoran

Hands off!

Shawn McNiel

Son, this hurts me, more than it hurts you.

Shawn McNiel

We Flyswatters are stern disciplinarians.

The Terminating Wizzard

Hasta la Vista, handy!


You look like you need a hand.
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