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This week's idea was suggested by Leto Kauler.

Sev Wars: The Comic Strip

Daft Vapor's choking! This cartoon gave Sevilians another opportunity to rewrite one of those classic lines for Sev Wars, this time that scene where Daft Vapor chokes the Impurial dude from a distance!

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Other Punchlines

These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi Competition - the winning punchline is chosen in the weekly IRC Judging Session. This week's winning punchline was written by Shaun Harris. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all four competitions.


You want a bad feeling? I'll give you a bad feeling!

8 of 12

Lets see an action figure that can do this!


You have offered me a breath mint for the last time, Commander.


Hmmm, my carpal-tunnel is acting up again.

Avenger CO

I told you I wanted a cup holder in my Tie fighter!

Andy Ngoh

Here, let me tighten that loose collar for ya...


And this little finger went to market...


Next time dont steal my scene!

The Chia Rhino

Sorry, hand spasm!!


Make fun of my breathing, will you...


I find your impression of me disturbing.


Earwaxs defeat us? You're daft!


You're "this" close to REALLY getting on my nerves!

meggy eel

Only I get to press all the buttons!

ScottE Bemeup

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but The Farce will crush your larynx.


This will teach you to make fun of the way I breathe!

Christopher Michael

You have snickered at my breathing for the LAST TIME!


Whats the matter? Sith lord got your tongue?


Sith happens!

John Lang

This is for voting for Boba Fett as "Coolest bad guy"

Kevin Warrington

Step on my cape again and see what happens


What's up? Gotta bad feeling about this?


Your throat is weak, old man!


How are you feeling, Admiral Heimlich?


I call this the 'reverse Heimlich'.

Riff (whose seen too many Kids in the Hall episodes)

Want me to make him do the 'funky chicken'?

The Crazy Zonie

That is for locking the keys inside the death star!

The Crazy Zonie

Don't even think of casting that De Capprio boy, either.

The Crazy Zonie

For my next trick, watch me pull a rabbit out of my helmet!

The Crazy Zonie

Look, Ma! No Hands!

The Crazy Zonie

Stop Being a baby. I haven't touched you yet!


I find your lack of Sev disturbing.

The Chia Rhino

This is more fun than crushing pop cans!


Do you feel lucky... punk?


You really should be eating smaller pieces... say about this size.


Now you know how I feel....

Kevin Warrington

I'm also giving you a nasty scowl

Kevin Warrington

Anyone else think Rick Morannis played the part better?


Yeah, the plot IS kind of hard to swallow...


I find your lack of deodorant... Disturbing!

Heisenburg Concentrator

You know what they say - Air today, gone tomorrow.

Gregory Griffiths

Next time, do not say that Blubba Fatt is more popular than I am.


And for my next party trick...


I will ask you again. How many lights do you see?

Alejandro Lee

I find your lack of speech amusing.

Matt McLaughlin

Again, what's your problem with podracing?


NOW are you going to put out your cigarette?

Petréa Mitchell

Apologize, or you get a telepathic wedgie next!


Let that be a lesson to anyone who wants to comment on my bad breath!


This is nothing. You should see me with the stewardesses!

John Lang

That's for calling me "Little Orphan Annie"

Strike Falcon

You've dialed long distance from my chest plate for the last time, Admiral!

Strike Falcon

You've put the colors in with the whites for the last time, Admiral!

Strike Falcon

You've left the toilet seat up for the last time, Admiral!


Damn, finger cramp again.

Hanover Fisk

Not as evil as smoking a whole planet, but much more personally satisfying

The Great Wizzard

You're right, Tarpit. It IS easier than pinning needles in a doll.


Can your Dud Star do this?


YOUR fish was only this big...


No, I won't pay the Dud star's parking ticket


Elbows! Elbows!


I've only got THIS much patience


I heard what you said about my mask!


And this is for the joke about me that you wrote on the bathroom stall!!


NEVER sit on my Ray-Ban's AGAIN!!!


No. You cannot go out with my daughter.

ScottE Bemeup

I sense a disturbance in The Farce. Nope, just gas.

ScottE Bemeup

I treated you like my son. I still am.

ScottE Bemeup

Now take back what you said about my Momma!

John Fallon

NOBODY beats me at the podracing game !!

John Fallon

Don't deny it ! I saw you sneak down into the detention block and get fresh with my daughter !

John Fallon

For the Last time, I DO NOT want to borrow your Ventolin !

John Fallon

Pinch my parking space on the Dud Star , will you?


I shall call it... the Vapour manouver!

The Great Wizzard

Does anybody else want to know how I look under that mask?


that'll teach you to try and use my chest calculator

Francis Miranda

Relax, That bone will be out soon enough.


You know now how it feels? That's how I breathe my whole life.


Shhht! Nobody is allowed to breathe louder than me.

Joona Palaste

The Dark Side is great! I can kill people and not soil my gloves with blood!

The Great Wizzard

Your "Bad Feeling About This" was correct.

The Great Wizzard

It's GABY not GABBY!


It's the enforced remote Velcron neck pinch! What do you think about it?


The farce literally takes your breath away, hey?


No I will not use my chest to dial out for pizza!


Sorry, its that damned arthritis again.

Norwegian Bajoran

He called me "Annie"!!


Damn, I've got those pains in my hand again.


Woops! Was just stretching.

The Great Wizzard

You don't agree with me destroying the Gungan homeworld?

The Great Wizzard

I won that Pod Race fair! I didn't cheat!


We WILL use this station to kill Barney the Dinosaur!

The Great Wizzard

Admiral! We're supposed to ignore Grand Moth Tarpit's foul stench!

The Great Wizzard

For the last time: I am NOT your father!


Next time perhaps you won't down my "basic black" wardrobe...

John Lang

That's for saying Darth Maul is better than me!


That's the last time you beat me at tiddly winks

John Lang

I can see you're all choked up about this.

John Lang

That's for eating the last dinner roll.

John Lang

I find your lack of deodorant disturbing!


I find your lack of breath...amusing.

John Nelson

And if you think this is neat. my other hand sices and dices!


this station is nothing next to the power of a fishbone.

Erik Hollender

Put a woopie cushion under my seat...

Gregory Griffiths

For the last time, my chest is NOT an ATM machine!!!

Gregory Griffiths

NEVER try to make a phone call on my chest ever again!

Gregory Griffiths

Well, you said you didn't want to smell Targit's foul stench!

Living Paradox

I want my money from the poker game NOW!
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