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This week's idea was suggested by Leto Kauler.

Sev Wars: The Comic Strip

The neverending supply of stormbloopers! While Trekkies joke about the ever dying red shirted ensigns, Sev Wars has been killing off anonymous, faceless Stormbloopers like there's no tomorrow.

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Other Punchlines

These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi Competition - the winning punchline is chosen in the weekly IRC Judging Session. This week's winning punchline was written by Mark. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all four competitions.


'Join the Impure, blow up the galaxy'


Haven't you every heard of the Famous Stormblooper Farms?


I don't know, why don't you ask your father?


in a "specail edition" they can do everything...

Pointless Albatross

They managed to cross-breed a rabbit with a Michelin-man

Mike McCormick

Join the Impure, travel the galaxy, meet fascinating and unique species, and blow up their planets.

The Impure is spreading the word that Daft Vapour is supermodel!


He dropped the IQ requirements.


He bought them online at '', of course!


All the Munchkins from 'Wizard of Oz' grew up, and needed work!


Well they do get to wear these nifty outfits!


They know women are suckers for a man in uniform


They're all really Rubble spies. Don't tell.


"What stormbloopers? That's the waiting line for Star Wars 2."


People will do anything for a free plastic suit!


We can't actually kill them. They're union!

David Walker

I guess they decided for Quantity, not Quality


It's cheaper to buy in bulk.

Darth Vid

well, it all started with all those "be all you can be" t.v. comertials


These dumb questions are why I'm going to have a career after this and you won't.


It's easy to find help when skill isn't a requirement


"Get Jar Jar" recruitment posters.

Darth Clinton

Same place Queen Amidala shopped for her outfits

Darth Clinton

Gungan recruiters. People join just to shut 'em up.


Acting College.

Pointless Albatross

I dunno. Where do you get all your stupid questions from?

Pointless Albatross

The good ones require training from birth, but I think these are the 'just add armour' sort

Pointless Albatross

I understand your dad's quite a ladies man...


The slogan 'Join the Impure or else' - I think that did it.


Well you don't see welfare lines in the Impure anymore do you?

John Lang

Either the stork or the cabbage patch...didn't your mommy tell ya' that?

Bill Harris

Instant Stormbloopers. You just add water.

Petréa Mitchell

The question should be, where can *we* get some?


Just shoot, kid, and don't get cocky!

ScottE Bemeup

Refugees of corporate downsizing.

ScottE Bemeup

Good men are hard to find. Bloopers are a dime a dozen.

John Fallon

"Work for the Dole Scheme", Kid !


Mix and match body parts

Michael Shaw

The whitegoods department.

redshirt ensign noname

they're cheaper by bulk


How does any military get its volounteers? Rednecks who can't afford their own guns!


Same place Lucas found you-the gutter.

Sander Lenderink

They must be recycling tin cans !!!!


A photocopy machine gone terribly wrong.

The Crazy Zonie

Multi-million dollar ad campaign. Almost enlisted myself.


Don't ask where, ask "Why"

Reggie (OO7 Reg)

Chicks DIG the suit!

Jedi Vlloors

They come with the armor.


Did you really believed you were the only one from a god-forgoten planet that wanted to have some action?

8 of 12

You didn't pay attention in sex ed, did you?

Eric Seynaeve

Do you really think the clone war is over?


Their slogan is: "At least it's not red."

Corey Hogan

Yo Mama.

Corey Hogan

Hey, who DOESN'T want to be in a Sev Wars movie?


He probably blew up their planet


Oh great, what a time to explain about the birds and the stormbloopers


Infomercials for meglomaniacs


I guess they go bulk.

Rug Man

They get free cable in the helmets.

Darth Tilden

Copy and Paste.


They're the newest Chia-pet.

risk one

They don't. Everybody uses their uniforms as a disguise.

Josh mace

From extra pod racer parts


It was either this or six stormblooopers who never missed.


Smoke and mirrors.

Darth Amy, Mrs. Darth Maul (haha)

A few extras and a LARGE supply of bacta.

Darth Amy, Mrs. Darth Maul (haha)

I dunno, but the only reason they can afford so many is that they cut the budget on target practice.

Amen Hotep VII

What disgruntled postal worker would say "no" to a REAL gun?

Pete Jespers

Internet shopping


You know those little figures you get in cereal packets...?

8 of 12

you can get anything through the internet nowadays.

Phil "RealmMan" Capps

The recruitment posters claim it's a great way to meet women.


You'd be amazed what they can do with chia pets these days.

Alejandro Lee

It's the plothole that keeps on giving, isn't it?

reshirt ensign noname

you'd be suprised what a bunch of kids would to for collage tuition

reshirt ensign noname

more importantly, WHY do they get all those stormbloopers

reshirt ensign noname

well, when 2 people love eachother very much...

Alejandro Lee

Their recruitment ads promise little training and early retirement.

The Crazy Zonie

Same guys. The hallways are circular.


Finally, a "where" question.


Same place Forager gets all their shuttles.

The Chia Rhino

They get melted down to make new ones!


There's really only thirteen. They just run real fast and pull a LOT of overtime.

Gregory Griffiths

Where does Lucas get all these annoying kids?

Gregory Griffiths

They're the same ones all the time! With those uniform suits, who can tell the difference?


OK. Let me tell you about the birds and the bees...


You know the people who goof-off in school?


They all devoted their life to the Emporer after he killed Jar Jar in episode 2.

Da Chief

The real question is how do they teach them all to miss!


They grabbed them from the lines for the Franchise Menace.


Why? Are you planning to order some for yourself?


Minions of Evil 'R Us.


They grow them. Like sea monkeys.


There's always an endless supply of idiots to recruit!

Warpmind de InzanE

They labeled the recruitment office door "Gents".


Stormbloopers R Us... where you can get quality Stormbloopers at a fraction of the price.

The Shoe

Mommy Stormblooper, Daddy Stormblooper, and a large supply of Alcohol.


Extras are Cheaper than Good Actors.


Why do you think the Cologne Wars were fought?


The Producer has Lots of Relatives...


I don't know. But they must be cheaper than the droids they had 50 years ago...

8 of 12

I'm guessing wholesale distributers.

8 of 12

They're fans who will do anything.


Birds and Bees, Luke....


I don't know, but I'll but you're related to them, too.....

Tom Hyde

There's really only 5 or 6, we keep killing the same ones over and over.


Extended family members....


Internet casting call....

ScottE Bemeup

Ours is not to reason why. Ours is but to make them die.

ScottE Bemeup

Superior photo copier technology.

ScottE Bemeup

Special Effects. They're all my cousin Irving.

ScottE Bemeup

Haven't you heard of the Clown Wars?


CGIClones R Us

Jor (the Wizard of Sha-ka-ree)

Who cares? They're all nerfherders anyway

Jor (the Wizard of Sha-ka-ree)

They're just cardboard cutouts

Jor (the Wizard of Sha-ka-ree)

Great Dental Health plan


Kid. Don't you see they are still in Diapers?


Mail order
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