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| Sev Wars: The Comic Strip The annoying Bar Bar Jinx! In Episode 1, Jar Jar Binks is one of those characters you either hate or barely tolerate. I fall in the "hate" camp myself but I thought I'd let you all express your own opinion through ATM2 in this comic strip. If you want to use this comic strip on your own web site, just copy this HTML code and paste it into your website. You can use it freely in exchange for a link back to the Sci-Fi Competition. To add your web site to my list of Sci-Fi Publishers, just enter your web site in our entry form.
| These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi Competition - the winning punchline is chosen in the weekly IRC Judging Session. This week's winning punchline was written by char. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all four competitions. Billy
| Look at yourself, wire for brains! M@ Nelson
| Actually, he grows on you... Kinda like a fungus. Anne
| Note the LACK of Gungans in Episode IV... Anne
| You-sa can say THAT again! Anne
| You're so polite, Creepio. Rambling J
| All I know is that he's taking up all the screen time. CCC
| So true--viewers have an easier time understanding ME. RainStrom
| "odd" is an understatement! Premium Special Effect
| Excellent! He'll fit in instantly! Snicker "I stole it, I admit it"
| You're one to talk, See-thru-Pee-Oh. 8 of 12
| He's smmmmaaaaaarrrter than the average Gungan! 8 of 12
| How wude! Aquymcklo
| Look at it this way. We'll only have to put up with him for another 1, maybe 2 episodes then he's out of here! Phil Capps
| Maybe he should switch to decaf! risk one
| Hmmm, I've always wanted to try out my laser ray... Jeep
| At least, *he's* in costume! Jedi joel
| Are you mooning me? I think you're mooning me. George!!! He's mooning me. Tony Baur
| Didn't we see him in "Cocktail?" TH Phan
| You should see him before he drinks his daily 12 cups of coffee!! The Darshank
| Don't worry -- by Episode IV, they'll have lost the technology to create CGI's. The Darshank
| Strike him down and take his place as my sidekick. The Darshank
| I just know I'm gonna get stuck with one of these losers. Nick
| I still can't belive that brat Anakin blasts me in the 4th movie, after all the times I've saved his skin in this movie alone! Spiner
| What should I use on him: my fire extinguisher, my shock prongs, or my pizza cutter? 7 of 11
| Do me a favour and bribe George Lucas to kill him off in Episode 2. Tim Nolan
| King George didn't think we could carry the comic element in the 90's. Carloss
| Never tell me the odds! Jor
| Now you know why Senator Palpitition targeted THIS planet Jor
| Just wait untill episode two: The Bar-Bar Menace... Jor
| At least he doesn't return in episode four Kris
| Boy do you have a knack for the obvious, Wire Boy. Riff
| He makes us look like serious characters. Jor
| Look who's talking, skeletor! Christopher Michael
| You're looking at half the FX budget there... Alejandro Lee
| At least he doesn't have a 50-year-old midget trapped inside him. Alejandro Lee
| We don't need YOU to help kill our franchise! Alejandro Lee
| And to think he cost $500,000 per frame. Shlamko
| Will you turn your politness chips off? Alejandro Lee
| Admit it, you're new look didn't draw the crowds. Dave Heagney Jr
| At least he has enough sense to not go around naked! JP
| Your ability to state the obvious never ceases to amaze me. Unka Woofie
| Define 'odd', circuit face. Sarah
| bar bar is dumb dumb! Alejandro Lee
| You two really, REALLY need to get a spinoff. Alejandro Lee
| May the Jinx not be with us. Tor
| Meesa gotsa bad feelings 'bout himsa. Petrea Mitchell
| You should talk, skeleton boy. Haathi
| Take comfort in the fact that he dies before Episode IV... Haathi
| Do not underestimate the power of potential marketing. Haathi
| It is at times like these that I wish I was equipped with a disintegration ray... Haathi
| Never have so many groaned so much about so few... Haathi
| I feel a great disturbance in the Farce... as if millions of movie-goers sudenly cried out in terror... Haathi
| Let's hire a bounty hunter before it's too late. Haathi
| He is the Chosen One! The One who will bring comic relief to this Farce! Haathi
| Lucas finally found something more annoying that the Earwax. Artimus
| Watch what happens when I give him an electric shock... essayg
| I wouldn't know...I can't understand a word he says! Mara Amaya Jade
| You're just mad that they used your clothing budget to animate him. Mara Amaya Jade
| At least HE wasn't built by a nine-year-old! Mara Amaya Jade
| You're just jealous that he's the new comic relief. Mara Amaya Jade
| Mesa think he be bantha fodder in episode 2! evay
| Yeah, but I bet he sells more Episode I plush dolls than you! Andy Ngoh
| I'm just glad he's not juggling me! evay
| I'm not coming back for Episode II until they digitally remove him from Episode I! Matt McLaughlin
| For someone who knows 6 million forms of communication, you sure have a talent for understatement. Cmdr. 8472
| But look how well his toys are selling! 8 of 12
| I'm in the presence of a master of understatements! 8 of 12
| Yeah, I juggled ten of those at last year's christmas party. 8 of 12
| Compared to what? You? 8 of 12
| Taken a look in the mirror? nick
| Well, you are the expert on annoying.. connie
| Odd, but a great juggler. Erik Hollender
| This from a nude robot. Erik Hollender
| Odd does not do him justic. Puam
| "Wipe him out..... all of him" JP
| You know, sometimes i wish you had a nose 'off switch'. JP
| I wish I could reach high enough to push your nose... Eric Goodwin
| We could trade him for the parts. RageGrl
| ..This from a naked droid... Ben McNeill
| Don't insult him, he's ears are going to fly us away from this place. JP
| Yousa mightin' be sayin' dat. Alejandro Lee
| Give him a storm trooper outfit and put him out of his misery. Alejandro Lee
| Animators sacrificed his brain for more tongue space. Alejandro Lee
| Jolt cola does that sometimes. Alejandro Lee
| The Farce has a funny way of making you pay dearly for that remark. Alejandro Lee
| Green is Jedi, Red is Sith, and Yellow is just hopeless. Surianne
| Yes, he makes me oddly homicidal Alejandro Lee
| Yeah, but he's got your motor oil, pal. Alejandro Lee
| Who's having tea socials with moisture vaporators here?? Alejandro Lee
| Strike him down and take your place as sidekick. Alejandro Lee
| Aren't you glad Lucas created us before going senile? Alejandro Lee
| Just pray you don't end up part of Anakin's racer! 123 of 124
| Jealous are we? The Moaning Jedi
| Can i shock him now? Please! Please! The Moaning Jedi
| This creature is now the ultimate idiot in the univers. Francis Miranda
| Don't tell me you've got a bad feeling about this? Francis Miranda
| Better odd than prissy! Francis Miranda
| He's a Gungan, not a juggler! Francis Miranda
| Jealous he got all your screentime in this movie? CDR Soen
| Well, if that isn't the puppet calling the computer-generated character fake looking! Aubri
| Two bucks says he falls on his butt. Aubri
| Meesa thinkin' yousa the odd one, okieday? Aubri
| Ah, yes, a classic slapstick routine. How droll. Aubri
| He's a LOWER life form. We're computers, he's computer generated. Aubri
| I don't see anything.. he won't be added till post-production. Aubri
| Toss a few more cans at him! The Darshank
| For the last time Creepio, he is NOT gay!
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