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| Sev Wars: The Comic Strip Understanding Chewtobacca! Many have wondered how Ham Slowmo can understand the growling Chewtobacca. Even more confusing - why everyone talks in different languages in the same conversation. If you want to use this comic strip on your own web site, just copy this HTML code and paste it into your website. You can use it freely in exchange for a link back to the Sci-Fi Competition. To add your web site to my list of Sci-Fi Publishers, just enter your web site in our entry form.
| These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi Competition - the winning punchline is chosen in the weekly IRC Judging Session. This week's winning punchline was written by jshap999. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all four competitions. Mosaic
| Yeah, his accent IS a bit heavy. dave rodhouse
| i don't know just smile and nod AverageJoe
| Years of listening to Wackiee music growing up AverageJoe
| I've got a politically incorrect feeling about this AverageJoe
| Becuase it's not wise to ask a Wackiee to repeat itself. Merrick
| Easy, one grarrgh is good, two is bad Eomer
| I don't know, chewie, I don't understand her either. Atload
| Wait till he starts using technobabble! Antti
| Do you really think he'd look so angry if I understood what he says? Jeffrey MacHott
| What's that Leia? Lube fell into the well and his hand is cut off and he has a compound fracture in his collarbone and he needs medical attention? Quick! Go call the paramedics while I get Wedgie to help! CDR Soen
| He speaks Tim Allen, I speak Tim Allen!! Mordacity
| I am Ham Slowmo, Human-Wackiee relations
| Well, he just called you a walking pair of headphones. Spudz
| Look at the teleprompter, sweethart! dettus
| We all got a little protocol droid inside of us... Carloss
| duh!...coz I'm scruffy look'n Lt. Brad Gentry
| He really speaks English, but your hair just muffles it. JP
| Compared to Gungans, Wackiees are a cinch to understand. Criticman
| What, you don't see the telaprompter over there! 8 of 12
| I make it up. Have you seen what an angry wookie can do? Carloss
| If you can heard can do anything! Shlamko
| I don't know chewie. I guess I can read her lips. neilinoz
| Easy. One grunt for yes. Two for "Whoah! She's having a bad hair day!" Legoian
| He said not to use his hairspray!!! The Lone Ensign
| He's speaks English, those ear-muffs are blocking your hearing! wormhut
| That's nothing. You should hear me after an hour in that bar on Tatooine. happyDubo
| How could I NOT? The big lug... Eddie Williams
| No, we can't tell her Lube's her brother. Brian Kendall
| Well, normally he does flag signals, but... Brian Kendall
| They editted out the subtitles for the finished version of the movie. redshirt ensign noname
| he says that he needs a flea bath Jeremy
| Morse code. Graugh is dot and Grarrgh is dash. Mr. Bass
| He's wondering if those buns are cream-filled T'Rowa
| With this neat thing I stole from another universe--it's called an Implausible Translator. Shane Vassar
| Practice...patience...practice..and a Wookie to English dictionary. connie
| Thats funny you ask. He just ask me how I understood you! Mike McCormick
| I grew up listening to Bob Dylan Riff
| No, I don't get her either, Chewy. Samurai Penguin
| It's easy when you don't have cinammon rolls over your ears. Petrea Mitchell
| I know the grunts are just incidental-- he really communicates by smell. Daki
| Used to be married. It all sounds the same. jshap999
| I didn't catch that Chewy. What'd she say? 7 of 11
| He sounds exactly like I do when I wake up hung over. Apple
| The same way Lube understands ATM2! An'la Shok Wizz
| I majored in Carpetese G.B.A
| Yes, she's a bit mentally challenged, Chewie..... Kane Slasher
| For the Farce sake, read the script! Corsair
| I speak 3 languages, Imperial Standard, Wookie, and Loooove....c'mere. Darth Doll aka Ken
| He's not growling. I'm a ventriloquist. Ilta
| "Wackiee for Dummies" Ilta
| You don't see the little white subtitles every time he speaks? Phillip Wright
| Believe me you don't want to know what it is in English! joerg
| You must unlearn what you have learned. joerg
| The same way I can fly a space ship just by pushing two handles backwards. Mitchell
| I don't wear earmuffs. Narina
| Autocue,bottom right corner Daria
| Nobody understands him, sweetheart. Why do you think he's always angry? The Great Wizzard
| It's just to avoid spoiling the story before the film opens. The Darshank
| I'm one-quarter wookie. Check out the chest hair baby! The Great Wizzard
| He didn't say anything, he just coughed up something. Nintendo Guru
| I ask Creepio when you aren't looking. Nintendo Guru
| Quiet about the engines, Chewie, I'm trying to womanize! jdwiseman
| It's easier than understaning Bar Bar Jinks. Nintendo Guru
| He speaks English VERY slowly. jdwiseman
| Could you repeat that? A bit slower? Nintendo Guru
| Enough about him. More about us! Francis Miranda
| After the Wookie language, my next challenge is Womanese. Francis Miranda
| He'd rip my arms off their sockets if i didn't. Francis Miranda
| I don't! Why do you think he's angry all the time. Francis Miranda
| I don't care about Chewbacca! It's you i want to understand! Francis Miranda
| Because i'm nothing more than a BALD WOOKIE!! jdwiseman
| Better question: How can you HEAR what he is saying. neilinoz
| It requires an intimate understanding of grammar, sentence structure, phonetical analysis and a pair of REALLY tight leather trousers JC
| I don't - I just make his words up.
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