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This week's idea was suggested by Francis Miranda.

Sev Wars: The Comic Strip

The Dud Star! Here's a cute idea to wrap your imagination around suggested by Francis Miranda that I immediately latched upon (because it was quick to draw :-)

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Other Punchlines

These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi Competition - the winning punchline is chosen in the weekly IRC Judging Session.
This week's winning punchline was written by Brian (he's back). You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all four competitions.

Joe Mystery

Sir, we figured out where those Franchise Menace bootlegs were coming from!


Haha! BOOOM!!! Teeheehe!


Let's see a Redeye do THAT!

Shane Vassar

Oh my God! You killed Kenny Prime! You %^%$#^!

Shane Vassar

Ha! You call that dinky moon an explosion? Set course for Alderaan and I'll call your moon and raise you a planet!

Old Skul

Quick! Now that we have annihilated 300 million people, switch to a 30 second shot of a dead ewok!

Cmdr O'Conner

Clean up in sector 5.


Yeah, I like to consider myself a deconstructionist


Take that planet of the Red-Shirted ensigns!

Diana van der Pluijm

Is this fun or what?`

Darth Amy

I *told* you I could hit it! Now pay up, all of you.


Now we know it. The Enter-for-a-prize would NOT win in a contest against the Dudstar

Shane Vassar

Death Star 1, Planet 0.

Bob Clemmons

There goes all the neighborhoods...


i wonder if they'll add a shockwave in the special edition...


Diplomacy, don't you just love it ?


You DO realise the shield emitter for this thing was on that planet ?


Our 2 hour mission, to seek out new life and new sevilisations.... and then blow'em up.


Hah - Try and show episode I without THX surround sound will they!

James Miller

That's what you get for competing with Microsoft


... does anyone else feel like cutting me off?

Erik Hollender

And that is the end of Jar-Jar's planet...

Christopher Michael

Double park in *our* orbit, will you?

Angu§ McLaren

I got dibs on the next planet!

Angu§ McLaren

Overkill! Don't you just love it?


My turn! My turn!


No more junk mail from THEM. No siree.


That's one small blast for the Emperor, one giant explosion for the Empire.

Mr. Bass

That's going to leave a mark tomorrow.

1LT Harrison

For when you don't have time to explore strange new worlds.

Darth Amy (formerly Spockett)

I'll teach you to make fun of my wheezing!


Sith Happens!

Petrea Mitchell

Stand ME up, will you?

e hursh



NEVER infringe on Lucasfilm copyrights!


That wasn't the video eject?


It was like that when I got here


No sir, there's no "UNDO" button on this console.


Take THAT you decent, kind-hearted goodguy planet!


Oops. That's gonna be a lawsuit.


Now, would you like to take back that "foul stench" remark?

RainStrom & Co.

There's gotta be an easier way to kill weeds!


Enough target practice. Let's go blow up an important planet.


You want some technobabble?? We got yer technobabble right here!

Jedi Vlloors

That Fly won't be bothering us anymore!


That'll sure give plenty of people a "bad feeling".


At last, an end to the annoying Earwax race.

Namgubed the Merry Elf

Good, now we have a clear view of Venus.


Does anyone else think I look fat in this uniform?


And after 20 years, JC will do a special edition of this strip with improved FX.


All right, all right! So you *can* hit the broad side of a barn!


We brake for nobody!

Tom Hyde

That's gotta hurt.


No, YOU show Daft Vapor the electric bill.

The Great Wizzard

There's got to be an easier way to find out what all those unlabelled buttons are for.


Who says size matters not?


So, anybody else want to give the movie a bad review?


Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've cre---Wow!!!!


Pssst! I think somebody's compensating for a personal shortcoming, if you know what I mean.


Oh, and cancel that "destroy the planet" order. I was just letting off steam.

7 of 11

Let's see those Trekkies top *this*!

Jan Stah

Now for that bloody Jar Jar Binks.

Maggicus magnus (The Great Wizzard)

Veni, vidi, eradici (tr: I came, I saw, I blew up)


He shoots! He scores!

Francis Miranda

The power to destroy a planet is insignificant to the power of the Force...whoa!! I stand corrected.

Francis Miranda

Now i know why our electric bills are sooo high!

Francis Miranda

Let's see Episode One beat this!

Erik Hollender

No taxes, no planet.

A. M. Doehre

Who da Man !?!?.....Who da Man !?!?

Erik Hollender

Beat me at cards will they!

Francis Miranda

Hey gunner! You missed a spot!

Kyle Bruck

Who will we gloat to now?


ooooooh, pretty


That'll teach them to rip the tags off their pillows!
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