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This week's idea was suggested by ???.
Sev Trek: The Comic Strip

Help judge this week's comic strip! We will judge the winning entry of this comic strip at the usual time of Saturday 9am Australian EST. You're welcome to join us at the Sev Trek IRC Channel #sevtrek.

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Read the instructions and rules at the IRC Judging Page and a summary of the punchlines at the Finalist Punchlines Page. If you have any other problems getting onto the IRC chat channel or anything, ask your questions at the Sev Trek Discussion Board.

Other Punchlines


A sentient oil slick... no, that's how you kill a lieutenant

Ensign Crunchy

Just let them have a line, and let nature take its course

Sinkau Baylan

Allow him speaking parts, a yellow shirt, and a long life. He won't be able to stand the tension.

Sinkau Baylan

Give him an invitation to a Klingon bachelor party.


Death by time paradox. While back in time the ensign makes an innocuos comment to a stranger and suddenly blinks out of sight.

Jane Garland

Fill a room with ensigns, tell them that the one left standing gets promoted.


Gainweight: Hairy, I'm promoting you to Lieutenant. Hairy: OHMYGOD!!!(keels over dead from to much excitement)


Before you can a Ensign off you have to make sure he says somethink like"Quick over here" or "Theres nothing on this planet that could harm us".


Put in a easy to rip shirt and watch Captain Quirk steal the scene!


Killed in a hair avalanche when Gainweight's bun finally comes loose!


Have him practice with his bat'leth while he has hayfever. (ah-CHOO! >splutch<)

Amie Howell

Put a "noble sacrifice that requires one of the crew to die" into the script.

Mike Howell

"Ensign, your new C.O. is Commander Worf; and yes, 'Every day is a good day to die.'"

Mike Howell

Give him enough dialog to make the audience love him; then *bzzt* transploder accident!


Tripping over a small piece of antimatter.


Put banna peels on the trasporter pads just before they beam up,hey it's one way for the transpoter chief to releave the boredom

Gul Teral

Runing with scissors

Gul Teral

Accidently launched at a Wrongulan warbler while taking a nap in a photon torpedo tube

Gul Teral

Ripped to shreds by wild sev trek-fans looking for souvenirs

Gul Teral

Have him pierced on a Kraze-on's hairdo.

ScottE Bemeup

Call Barf a "Girlie Man".


Always make sure the turbolift is there before you step inside...


Dying of old age in the middle of the episode


Accidentaly shot by a phaser one of the main characters was tweaking


To be squished by the credits at the end of the episode


dematerialise the shuttle craft from around the ensign with a transporter beam

Gregory Griffiths

Have the console work fine for the entire episode; he'd die of shock!


Beamed into the warp core


Old age. It's never been done before.

Art DeBuigny

Put his quarters directly underneath Squatty's. Its only a matter of time before he falls through.

Art DeBuigny

Newscaster: Ensigns Deadmeat, Sittingduck, and Useless were killed today when a sentient gaseous cloud, originating from Commander Squatt after a Mexican feast, escaped and went on a killing spree. Ensigns Expendable and Breathless were also attacked , and are listed in critical condition.


Lock him in a room with Kodos the Executioner, Barney the Dinosaur, thousand of Killer Trubbles, and Kathy Lee:-)


Tell those nasty Klingoff who REALLY transported those Trubbles aboard...


lock him in a room with Deltan females!!!!


Operation "Human Shield".


Death of natural causes


"a-nibble-ated" by borg mice (better set those mouse traps on rotating modulations)


beam them down WITHOUT a senior officer (higher turnaround)


carnivorous gagh

Jim McNamara

Trubble salesman on Klingoff homeworld.

Jim McNamara

Performs "brain shrinkage" joke at a Klingoff nightclub.

Jim McNamara

Dies of terror after reading this sevcomp.

Jim McNamara

Tryhard crashes Enterforaprize on them

Jim McNamara

Gets the only backward firing Phizzer in Sevfleet.

Jim McNamara

Enters regularly functioning Hollowdeck, but dies of paranoia


Death from stupidity - you have to be a complete idiot to join Starfleet and become a redshirt.


Skinned as show-and-tell by Worf for Alexander's class.

the giraffe

As a provision, ensure that a knoll of any sort is nearby.

the giraffe

Make him an offer he can't refuse.

the giraffe

you don't kill the ensign; instead, merely take their face and flee to Florence in the ambulence you stole with it.

the giraffe

Do what Disney does; Make them fall from a large height and leave a plot hole between them and the bottom.

Nick "Naraht" Frame

While strapped to a console, launch said ensign from a torpeado tube, while forcing him to injest Kneelicks food, and listening to Troi & Quirk babble on....

meggy eel

red shirt too tight


A fizzer beam reflects off Picard or Siskos shiny head (or Gainweights bun)


Give him a Neelix mask and send him to fetch Twoblocks from the hollowdeck.


First (and last) volunteer at Beta's magic act.


Heart stops when suddenly kissed by 10 of 10.


Exploding console throws him into a swinging batleth's path.


Transploder accidentally turns the ensign into a holo-character, who is then shot dead by "Agent" Bashful.


Being hit by an ejected warp core just after beaming down to a planet.


Stand up comeidan at klingon Bar


Send him on a mission to signpost black holes


Accidentally transcongrugate the biplasmic rectangulator with the zirciolic hyperbung.


Reveal that he or she is the blood relative of a major character.


Send him on an away mission with Commander Chocolatey.


Offer him a command -- on any Sevship not named Enterforaprize, Defunct or Forager.


Give him unlimited Hollowdeck privileges as a "reward."


Do it the Forager way: Introduce ensigns that are already dead!


Give him (or her) a line of dialogue. Then let nature take its course.

Cmdr. Annos

Give her a red shirt to wear, make her marry Barf, get her on Voyager, and send her on a scuttle-mission.

Captain Sevway

Three words - the Doctor's slideshow

Captain Sevway

Force him to wait for something to happen between Gainweight & Chocolotay...he'll die of boredom....

Jo Olsen

1. Have the Ensign wear a red. 2. Have the Ensign beam down to a planet with major cast members.

P Swayne

Bypass the exploding console, and wire the ensign himself to explode.

ScottE Bemeup

Participate in a love seen with a Horta.


Accuse him of drinking all of Gainweight`s coffee supplies


Vulcan ensign dies trying to mind meld with Tryhard.


Console implodes rather than explodes, and ensign dies of shock.


Order him to steal Schidzo's baseball / Odour's bucket / Gainweight's coffee / Quirk's toupet / Robert Beltran's teleprompter.


Have Lwxana develop a crush on him - he'll jump out of the nearest airlock.

Jim McNamara

Beam him to the shapeshifer planet with an "I love solids" t-shirt.

Jim McNamara

Carnivorous tribbles

Jim McNamara

Drinking and scuttlecraft flying.

Jim McNamara

Drinking a shapeshifer in liquid form

Jim McNamara

Trick him into giving Cue a wedgie


TOS: Keep Quirk surprisingly chaste. TNG: Keep them nameless. DS9: Give them a Jem'Hoarder for a new best friend for the rest of their lives. VOY: Give them a name, let the audience know them, those b*st**ds...


USS Redshirt , Sev Fleets newest star ship


Shot out with a photon torpedo because it has to be detonated manually.


Swimming in the warp core's antimatter resevoire.


Mood-changing shirts. You fear, it goes red.


Take ten of them giant-sized pins.


Find out if keelhauling really IS possible in space.


Barf needs a punching bag!

Colin McD

Accidentally beamed into a vat of Romulan Ale during an all night keggar on the bridge


Food taster. Ensigns eat Kneelicks food first, to make sure it's safe for main characters to eat.


Use as a living sheild to protect main characters.


Saying "Yee Ha!" while riding a photon torpedo into a Klingoff warship.


Order airlock maintenance and say that, because of budget cuts, EVA suits are not allowed


Order them to clean the torpedo tubes and then order a weapons test

Jia Sarong, Green Lantern of Sector 90210

Send him over to the Bored with Kneelick's Five Goo Soufflé, kill two birds with one meal!


Bashed in the head by a copy of the PC directives.


Being too close to Quirk when his girdle snapped.


Errant phizzer control software targets all in red shirts.

Gemini Orion

Give him an errand to run, namely delivering 2000 Trubbles to the nearest Klingoff.


Drowns in own drool on seeing Ten out of Ten for the first time.


Gets between Gainweight and her morning coffee.


Old age.


Dying of shock at still being alive at the end of the episode.


Dying from brain shrinkage (sorry....)


Dying of boredom waiting for Quirk to finish giving them their orders.


Put an exploding console under their pillow.


Cracks skull open flinging himself off his chair to avoid exploding console


Gradually, first one leg gets replaced, then a hand, then the other arm, then a few ribs and internal organs, then....eventually RoboEnsign


The lemming way: following a group of other ensigns down a quantum singularity.


By accident - while cleaning a phizzer.


Three words: Doyouwanna's Cleavage Trap


Bounce a deadly laser beam off Pinchhard's head.


Gee on sev trek a novel way would something normal like a heart attack.


juggling a batleth...blindfolded


Ensign Notappearing gets assimilated by the warp core

Dial "M" for Maul

Instead of the console exploding, the ensign explodes. (Hey, why damage the hardware?)

The Red 9

Force... them... to... listen... to... Quirk... give... a... lengthy... speach...


Lacerated to death by Spook's ears.

Star Trek Encyc.

Shoved into the deuterium tank, then injected into the warp core

Londo Moelarry

Quirk, Spook and McCourdoroy and a redshirt ensign are standing in together. Quirk has his communicator out and is saying : "Squatty, three to beam up!"

Art DeBuigny

Have a main character fall in love with said Ensign.

Art DeBuigny

Accidentaly beamed into a vat of Kneelicks casserole.


Put him in a roomful of Klingoffs and have a ventriloquist yell "P'Tach"!

Art DeBuigny

Slapped to death when Squatty's belt 'canna take it no more' and snaps.


Used to plug hole in Warp Core

Rat Boy

Inhaling Quirk's toupee cleaning solution


Eaten and regurgitated by a huge Trubble.


Squatty accidentally sits down on one.


Writing "Little ensign room" on the airlock.


A papercut


Ejecting the Ensign instead ofthe warped core

The Great Wizzard

Let him kiss the "Babe of the Week" -- in Quirk's presence


"Forget" to close the air lock.

Ann E. Nichols

Peacefully in his/her bed.

The Great Wizzard

Lock him in a room with Squatty and no food.

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