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| Sev Trek: The Comic Strip Help judge this week's comic strip! We will judge the winning entry of this comic strip at the usual time of Saturday 9am AustralianEST. You're welcome to join us at the Sev Trek IRC Channel #sevtrek. To join, open your IRC software and join the irc.openprojects.net server. Then join the #sevtrek channel by typing the command /join #sevtrek and join in the fun!! Read the instructions and rules at the IRC Judging Page and a summary of the punchlines at the Finalist Punchlines Page. If you have any other problems getting onto the IRC chat channel or anything, ask your questions at the Sev Trek Discussion Board.
| Other Punchlines | Gul Teral
| No captain shall participate in a landing party, unless he really really really want to. Cmdr. Solomon
| All Captains must obey the orders of Gainweight's Hairdo, No questions asked. Will Watson
| Reversing the gravity-suction toilets is inadvisable. Will Watson
| Any officer caught setting off the red alert alarm while the captain is on the toilet will be placed on red-shirted toilet duty. Allan
| Anything can be fixed by pushing buttons. Ashley
| All consoles must explode. Prohibited with main characters. Ashley
| Interfere whenever possible Zaphode
| All Sev space vortexs are to be entered Dr Satan
| DO NOT mistake replicators for urinals. Yncke
| All personnel must have a name that is pronouncable in English. Dave The Explosive Newt
| Teeth cannot be cleaned with phasers MindMelda
| Aliens know more about human history than humans, and shall constantly rub our noses in it. Joseph
| Continuity of plot is optional Joseph
| "Second star to the right and straight on 'till morning" is NOT a valid helm command Joseph
| A photon torpedo a day keeps the romulans away Yncke
| 47. Imitating the captain is allowed at own risk. 47.1 Possible result: long chat with the captain in question 47.2 When in crisis, 47.1 is implemented when crisis is over and you're still alive ScottE Bemeup
| If at first you don't succeed, deploy the temporal anomaly ScottE Bemeup
| All newly promoted Captains have 30 days to schedule their folliclectomy ScottE Bemeup
| All Sevships must signal before changing lanes Doggy Spew
| Ensigns that survive 3 seasons are considered a main character. All other ensigns are considered dead meat. 95angelago
| Don't put a trubble in a klingoff's bed Trekmaster(Ted Rebo is just being creative)
| All sevships must have at least one officer who is musically inclined(especially if they're bad at it). Gul Hood
| Do not exceed your landing party by more than two ensigns...any more and you're asking for trouble... Tsama
| The engineer must not refer ANYTHING in the engineering room as "this thingy here", as this will worry the Captain. Samurai
| In situations of extreme danger, ethics are more important than common sense. Samurai
| All biological substances should be considered sentient until proven otherwise. Captain Treklin
| If it comes from the captain, It's always a good idea. Mark
| You may not interfere with a new alien's culture. But, if in trouble, you can destroy their planet. Mark
| Small children must be exposed to danger but never actually hurt. Mark
| Negotiation through superior firepower. Mark
| Piker can never be captain. Mark
| One Sevship will always be lost in space. Mark
| There are no bathrooms. Avalon
| All doctors must either have some sort of obscure talent or be incessantly cranky. Brian K.
| notice to all senior staff: life is like a box of tribbles...you never know how many you'll get. Red shirts and ensigns read rule 48 Cpt Thomas
| It is forbidden to run through the corridors while yelling "Abandon Ship, Abandon Ship..." Buckwheat
| Only destroy your ship if... 1) Temporal anomilies are present, 2) Klingoff's are on board, or 3) Counselor Tryhard is piloting. Josue
| Resurrection is a valid career option for command staff. Dave The Explosive Newt
| It is inadvisable to refer to all-powerful leaders of alien races as "You there" Will Watson
| Authorisation to use technobabble can only be given by the captain due to its high mortality rate. Shlamko
| It is not wise to call omnipotent beings "You!!!" Nodrog_CRC
| The new intro is "To perceive as if moving in relation to the universe in a hopefully beneficial manner to where no single or group entity of our immediate knowledge has been before." The Great Wizzard
| When the captain says "On Screen", it is not allowed to use a magnification factor so that the object can actually be seen. Elinon
| In cases of imminent death, plot may be discarded Morgan
| When contacted while in bed, 0.2 seconds permitted for dressing, hairdo's and reporting to required deck. Morgan
| While under fire, all crew will make vigourous contact with the nearest bulkhead §Sean§
| If JC is sick then it is OK to use a "I'll draw the strip later" concept... Shinigami
| Officers will refrain from being overly arrogant. That's the captain's job. Shinigami
| Ensigns found in possession of a life will have it confiscated. Shinigami
| Ignore the admirals. They're only there to attend the banquets. Shinigami
| When told by the captain to effect a solution, the engineer must answer "That's impossible. Wait! If we reconfigure..." Shinigami
| When one officer is facing certain death, at least three senior officers must go on a doomed rescue mission. The Great Wizzard
| Extensive special effects are preferred over continuity, plausible characters and decent storylines. essayg
| All systems must have primary and secondary backups installed - except warp core ejection, weapons, and life support. Shinigami (Rebo may or may not be annoying, but what harm does he do?)
| When two cast members have been obviously attracted to each other for several seasons, they should SHUT UP AND KISS! Mr. Memo
| The meaning of Sev is [We're sorry. Due to a computer error, the rest of this file has been deleted.] Mr. Memo
| "Your mama wears combat boots" is NOT a compliment in Klingon. Mr. Memo
| The plot is primary. If necessary, laws of physics, continuity, etc. need not apply. The Great Wizzard
| It is not allowed to sing Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" before engaging a space battle. the giraffe
| If you're a woman, either have a jumpsuit, or a miniskirt. Sirrta
| Use your ensigns with care - they are not unlimited like shuttlecraft Cmdr. Solomon
| All Sev Fleet personnel will squelch any form of individual thought. P Swayne
| If there is a bald character, that character must either be a captain or a woman. Cmdr. Solomon
| To be completely tolerant and accepting of all races, unless their beliefs differ from ours, in which case you are to kill kill kill. Will Watson
| Saying "Fools! You will all bow before me! Muh-hah-hahaha!!!" Is not a good way to begin first contact. Will Watson
| "I Didn't like the look of them" is not a valid reason for opening fire. Nodrog_CRC
| Use of time travel is strictly prohibbited, unless it as needed to save the Earth or it just looks cool. Admiral H
| Before you can be captain, you must violate ALL directives Hector F
| All devices on the ship can be modified to do something completely different and new when the plot requires it Will Watson
| If the ship runs out of photon torpedoes, consoles may be used as a back-up. Will Watson
| On away missions, it is vital to send popular/important crew members to ensure that the team is not destroyed. Berlinghoff Rassmussen
| No mission can have long lasting effects, except to establish another series Berlinghoff Rassmussen
| All Regular characters are to be equiped with a catchphrase (the better for sevflett to merchandise them) Berlinghoff Rassmussen
| All dilemmas and/or unknowns to be resolved in under an hour Morgan
| Random corridoor walkers keep to the left. Morgan
| Inertial dampers must smoothly withstand trans-warp acceleration, but not a torpedo. Morgan
| All transploder incidents must include main cast past or present, absurd concequences are always reversable. The Great Wizzard
| NEVER flush in spacedock! The Great Wizzard
| The only allowed source for quotes is Shakespeare Elim
| When nothing has been happening for a week, and there are no sevspace anomalies around, FIND one. 009
| Warp 5: It's not just a good idea - it's the LAW 009
| No fat chicks The Great Wizzard
| Except for the Ship's Womanizer™, all crewmembers must take an oath of celibathy. Archer Sagitarius
| the 47th directive: all captains must be addicted to a hot, steaming beverage and have lots of attention brought to their hair Cpt Thomas
| All male sevfleet captains must be bald ! All female captains must compensate for the lack of hair of their male counterparts Cpt Thomas
| Thou shalt use 47 at least once in every graphic and number Cpt Thomas
| The storyline has absolute priority; any other directives may be rescinded Elmo
| Senior staff shall always consist of two females. Bored are wild cards. Elmo
| Captains must be addicted to at least one beverage Elmo
| When traveling through time, keep to the right. Elmo
| When traveling through time, always remind th crew not to kill their grandfathers. Sirrta
| want to survive ? Name your shipe Enterprise..
| Trubbles may only be used as Gym Quirk's rugs. OptimalOp
| You must not fear. Fear is the Ensign-Killer. Fear is the little death that causes a cascade Warp Core failure. You must let fear pass over and through you, and when it is gone, only the main cast will remain. T'Rowa
| In the event of the near-complete destruction of a civilization by a Starfleet ship/officer/crew, the survivors are to be taken out for free beer. T'Rowa
| Declaration of Section32.47B, Alien Mind Control, immediately absolves anyone from any blame of any sort. Sevanonymous
| Shoot to kill when no one's looking. OptimalOp
| When under attack, fling yourself needlessly into bulkheads. OptimalOp
| A rose is a rose is a rose is a Changeling that's going to kill you. T'Rowa
| Engineers shall not use chewing gum, bailing twine, or spit to hold the ship together unless no other materials are available. Mazotti Jordan, Green Lantern of Sevspace
| Unexplainable phenomina can be explained with one word: Sevspace! Ann E. Nichols
| Thou shalt have a crisis worthy of a commercial break every 10 minutes. div
| Spin off whenever possible Lt. Cmdr. Taev
| If no plot holes are detected in the area violation of the PC directive is permitted. Lt. Cmdr Taev
| No Commanding Officier may beam to a planet unless attactive female is present. Delta Flyer
| Always keep a few extra ensigns lying around. kmk
| To know that no matter how difficult and perilous the situation, it can always be solved within the last 5 minutes. Brian K.
| While engaging an enemy for the first time, all weapons shall be set to "ineffectual" T'Bonz
| Must have one annoying character per series. No exceptions! T'Bonz
| Quirk's law - make first contact with the babes! T'Bonz
| In Federation we trust, all others pay latinum! Wendon Pettey
| Younger captains/heros must always wear tear-away uniforms. Shlamko
| If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it's intelligent. Brian K.
| Keep hands and feet inside the sevship at all times mouse - Jefferies tube 32
| Mention the number 47 - 47 times an episode! Nodrog_CRC
| Baldness is an approved hairstyle for command personnel. Nodrog_CRC
| Ignore any beings that do not speak english and any planets with non-breathable (by humans) atmospheres. Freilicher
| Annoying characters shall be encouraged to evolve quickly. Freilicher
| Interfere if you really want to. Freilicher
| Female newcomers shall be provided with skintight uniforms immediately. Freilicher
| Shake your groove thing. AP
| a) Use impossible methods to solve difficult problems. b) Use difficult methods for easy problems. c) Use easy methods for impossible problems. AP
| Ignore directives that can't be divided by 2. AP
| Travel through quadrants in alphabetical order! Ravenid
| Any mention of plot-holes will result in death. Ravenid
| Captains may not have relations that end in happiness. Ravenid
| Only a Captain may make wooshing noises when going to warp. Morgan
| Playing Pac-man forbidden during warp core diagnostic Will Watson
| Officers wearing toupees may be excused from work in areas of low gravity. zips
| When exploring strange new worlds, Give it at least half a day before sleeping with any member of the population. Number 0
| The Enterprise is always the only ship available during emergencies Number 0
| Female guest stars may not leave the ship without having had an affair with a male officer first Number 0
| Redshirts may not beam up again Number 0
| Consoles must be able to explode during battles Number 0
| Counsellors must be useless Samurai
| The Technobabble Directive: All plausible events can be explained with a great deal of technobabble. All implausible events can be explained with an equal amount of technobabble. Unexplainable events can be attributed to warped space, babblonrifts, or a stream of the particle of the day. OptimalOp
| To boldly include thinly veiled moral messages in every adventure. OptimalOp
| To boldly go where everyone single other freakin' race has been before. Hessel
| If your vessel is hit, shake along with the camera Hessel
| Always tap your communicator before talking Hessel
| Don't kill ensigns unless they are called Hairy Chin Will Watson
| Officers are forbidden from watching the Tellitubbies due to damaging effects on universal translators. Will Watson
| The method for warning the captain of a hit from an enemy weapon is to shout "Hull breach! We're venting plasma." no matter how slight the impact is. Dave The Explosive Newt
| Any creativity in the script must be instantly crushed. Dave The Explosive Newt
| The ship must be kept looking clean and tidy, no matter what the circumstance. zips
| When breaking the prime directive, always make sure it's for a VERY GOOD REASON! Robert Falcon
| Any minor character involved in a relationship with any major character automatically recieves a 50% chance of death before the end of the episode. Tsama
| If bored, try putting helium into a Breen's suit. First one to laugh dies. Spacemania
| Slapping somoene is not a smart way to make first contact Ashley
| Speak your mind and fly a fast ship! Ashley
| If you don't have a name, your gonna die. Ashley
| To boldy seek out new life... and kill it! T'Rowa
| Horta officers are not to be used as footrests, coffee tables, or doorstops. Michael Bunnell
| When viewing alien art never say "Boy, is that ugly" that could start a war. Avalon
| No singing in the shuttlecrafts! risk
| Whaztever you do, look like the existence of the universe depends on it. Les Sanders
| "All toilets and the discussion of the expulsion of bodily wastes are forbidden." Les Sanders
| "The communicators must always be the first devices to malfunction in a landing party crisis." Shinigami
| When an engineer comes up with a solution, someone must always rephrase it in baby-talk for the viewers. Mr. Spork
| Seek out new worlds & new civilizations.. that will buy our merchandise!
| If plot hole appears, fill at all costs with incomprehensible technobable, if no technobable available, place ten out of ten in a profile shot and hope no one notices. Robert Underwood
| How do you keep an idiot busy for hours? Read the first 47 directives. Sjerrie
| When trying to get home fast if lost, stop at every system for 'scientific research'. Sjerrie
| All starships and space stations must have a random-plot-generator installed at all times. Sjerrie
| Decaff may not be served aboard starships. Rabbit
| The prime directive is null and void if she's pretty enough. Rabbit
| When passing gas, blame the nearest Klingoff. Rejected by the Borg
| Sevfleet Directive 47: No complaints are allowed about the sometimes late cartooning of blank strip competitions, unless JC is more than 47 of those behind! owen mcnally
| never give klingon wedgys no matter how temting Redshirt No. 251111119
| Nameless Ensigns should try to die quietly Talar
| To have the number 47 crop up at least once per episode John Fallon
| Due to Sevfleet Health regulations, only one smart-aleck ensign per ship will be permitted.. NateDog00
| Torpedo first, ask questions later. NateDog00
| The use of ensigns as human shields is allowable under situations of duress. NateDog00
| Never interfere with an alien race... unless it improves the plot. Elmo
| Use ensigns sparingly. Theyhave to last you awhile The Trivial Psychic
| In the event of a severe catastrophy, hit the reset button. Derek
| All SevFleet captains must go to extremes with their hair: too much or none at all. Elmo
| If saving the universe, try to wrap it up in about two hours Elmo
| If interfering with an alien culture, try to wrap it up in about a hour P-feif
| Time travel is not permitted (unless the plot sucks). Mazotti Jordan, Green Lantern of Sevspace
| "Console Twister" is NOT a viable excuse for violating the "No On-Duty Nookie" clause in the SevFleet contract. See "Ensign Parisite, infractions of" Vicki
| You CAN change the laws of physics. Bishop
| Always try to have at least one completely useless standard cast member. Stuart Ferguson
| Any character development will be swiftly punished. P Swayne
| If the captain falls in love with someone, that person must die. P Swayne
| All ensign's consoles must be equipped with explosive devices. Ruth (from Canada)
| When in doubt of course of action, reverse polarity. Farnell
| No pets QoS
| Don't put all your ranking officers into one shuttlecraft P Swayne
| Minor guest stars must always wear red Mama mia, that'sa some spicy Ted Rebo
| The CD Directive: All officers must undergo mandatory character development episodes unless they are a boring, unliked character. Will Watson
| All redshirts must be put through special training on how to die as quickly and as spectacularly as possible. Will Watson
| Anything red must be instantly destroyed. Will Watson
| Baldness may not be worn below the rank of captain. Adam
| Leave a glitch somewhere so aliens can take over the ship. Trevor Raggatt
| Prime directive? Schm-ime directive!!! Some dude
| There shall be aleast one wonder boy or person that will think up of something that the smarter officers should of thought. MindMelda
| All aliens that don't look like humans with odd points and bumps shall look like fog or pizza. ScottE Bemeup
| Don't kill off a main character, unless you promise to bring him right back. Ruth (from Canada)
| Any crewmember suggesting the use of seatbelts will be issued a red shirt. foxpaw
| While wearing the red shirt, stand as close as possible to the wispy cloud, or anti-matter leak, or faulty reactor core, etc., etc. freaky
| don't rub captain pickhards' head for luck §Sean§
| The sev -queen gets the final word. Trevor Raggatt
| No First Officer will be given a decent storyline Trevor Raggatt
| Every Sev Fleet command crew will have one annoying character that EVERYONE hates Morgan
| All civilisation saving must be done with under 3 seconds remaining. Morgan
| Console fire extinguishers recommended but not provided. Trevor Raggatt
| Shoot first, agonise for a solid forty minutes later Trevor Raggatt
| Klingoff and Wrongulans are not evil, just unfortunate victims of their upbringing. Trevor Raggatt
| All ensigns will have their personalities surgically removed on promotion to bridge duty. Morgan
| Bridge crew always takes credit for victory. Alicat
| All transploder accidents must occur 2 minutes before a crucial beam-up Trevor Raggatt
| The cost of crashed scuttlecraft will be deducted from your salary - which is why, in Sev Fleet no-one has any money! Morgan
| Your ego must not exceed that of your captain. Trevor Raggatt
| All Sev Fleet bridge-crews will contain one member who is wrestling to come to terms with his heritage. Trevor Raggatt
| You shall not do anything which contradicts the principles of Sev Fleet (unless you agonize about it for thirty minutes beforehand). Trevor Raggatt
| You shall not interfere with the natural development of another civilisation (unless you really want to) Morgan
| Any redshirt not dead by the season finale will report to the torpedo tubes Admiral H
| Anyone who breaks the Pc directive gets off free if they save the world evay
| When all else fails, merchandize. The Great Wizzard
| All captains must join the "Hair Club for Men" Leander
| Don't let ensigns make first contact. It could be their last contact! (Measly Cruncher could be an exeption, see also directive 47b) Will Watson
| Thou shalt not copy Red Dwarf. Will Watson
| Crew members may not leave the ship unless issued a permit by the first officer. The first officer can only issue permits on production of a permit. Will Watson
| Terraformers are expressly forbidden from recreating Wales. Will Watson
| On long range missions, high-ranking male officers must wear a dress to preserve morale. Will Watson
| Any officers found to have been killed and replaced by a shape-shifter forefit all pension rights. Will Watson
| Work done by an officer's doppelganger in a parallel universe cannot be classed as overtime. Will Watson
| In an emergency situation involving two officers of equal rank, command will be given to the one which can program a VCR. The Great Wizzard
| Each crew MUST have one artificial character who is much more developed than the rest combined. The Penguin Weekly
| Take the longest route possible home. The Penguin Weekly
| Investigate every last spacial phenomena for the sake of the storyline. AuSpock
| To Boldly violate the PC Directive in the most sevilised manner, and screw up the Sevspace/time continuum while we're at it! Griffin
| All crew members shall have faceless identitys unless a contract is in effect. Trevor Raggatt (with a large debt to T'Rowa!)
| Making out on consoles is forbidden (and potentially hazardous!). Shlamko
| If at first you don't succeed, technobable it. Shlamko
| If you've survived being ensign, everything else is a piece of cake. Rejected by the Borg
| During transportation of alien diplomats all unknown leftovers in dining areas should be considered as possible lifeforms until proven not so. T'Rowa
| All chief engineers will have an interesting physical or personality quirk to make up for the fact that they are basically glorified repairpersons. T'Rowa
| All ships must have a precocious child crew member. If one is not available, it should be conceived as soon as possible and force-grown to the age of ten. T'Rowa
| Mortal Kombat tournaments may not be played on the main bridge viewer unless the ship is in spacedock. T'Rowa
| Making out on consoles is forbidden.
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