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This week's idea was suggested by jdwiseman jdwiseman.
Sev Trek: The Comic Strip

The Bored!!! Apparently, when Q first introduced the Borg, he described them as being "neither male nor female". However, the Borg Queen and Seven certainly seem all female! This comic strip (sort of) explains the mystery.

Other Punchlines


These comics are created from the winning entries of The Write Your Own Sev Trek Competition. The winning entry was written by Sean in spite of Naraht's attempts to get his own punchline won (read the IRC Transcript of the Judging Session). Many thanks go to Erwin de Jong for running this week's IRC Judging Session (I was going to but couldn't get Majel working - the techo-dufoid that I am) and for choosing the punchlines during the week (Erwin is practically running the Sev Trek site at the moment! :-). Here are some of the other funniest entries.


Sexlessness seemed a waste with all this rubber so...


I was modified for viewer compatibility

Nick "Naraht" Frame

You are what you assimilate


We call them Species 1 and species 2.

Nick "Naraht" Frame - The once and returned IRC Guru

We upgraded to MS BorgOS 47 - Now with Gender support!

Bill "Irrelevant" Castner

The producers are more powerful than Cue


Do I really look THAT bad?


We come with accessories!

Erwin de Jong

Details! Details!

Erwin de Jong

That was before we assimilated Pamela Andersson.

Erwin de Jong

Cue never saw Ten out of Ten.

Erwin de Jong

He read the wrong cuecard.


Cue? What does she know?

Brian Mc

We prefer the term "gender challenged."

Rob Bos

Neither, both. Irrelevant.

Jeffrey Contompasis

And our supposedly classless society has royalty. What's your point?

Bob Clemmons

Try telling that to Harry Chin!

Scotte Bemeup

What does he know? His idea of sexual relations is thumb wrestling.


The rest of them are neuter. That's why I need you, Mr. Fully Functional.

Brian Meyers

Ratings first, continuity later.


We're trying to change that "cold, evil, genderless drone" look we've been stereotyped with.

Ben M.

We're bored of that.


Nitpicking is futile!

Francis Miranda

Just like you, we too are on a quest to be fully functional.


I can change bodies and be the Bored King for you if that fantasy will suit you better

Brian Kendall

Hold on while I activate your plot inconsistency chip.

pot-belly pig

I have adapted to service YOU.

Billineum Falcon

Cue Who?


Obviously we've upgraded since then.

Matt Nelson

Ah, implants. Is there anything they can't do?

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