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| Sev Trek: The Comic Strip Cuss leaves Forager! There was much speculation and rumour over why Cuss left Forager. Well, as part of its public service, it's time for Sev Trek to end the speculation once and for all!
| Other Punchlines |
| These comics are created from the winning entries of The Write Your Own Sev Trek Competition. The winning entry was written by Kevin Shaw. Here are some of the other funniest entries. | Chris Cole
| We've always said "Home or Bust". We're not home, but... well... the G-Man
| the needs of the ten outweigh the needs of the one pumpkinhead
| I'm proceeding on foot Mike Wille
| Don't worry... I'm leaving Kneelicks behind. Lord Fledrinnian
| I want to get a shuttle while there's still some left. Bob Clemmons
| Sorry. I'm not the kind to Cuss and tell. Cath
| I've passed my amuse-by date Brian Mc
| They're planning a love scene with Kneelicks! Tor
| Because it turns out that there's a new "Silicon Entity" to be dealt with. Mij
| You know the rhyme - Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. When it comes to blonde bimbos there can never be two! the G-Man
| because all weak characters eventually evolve into higher lifeforms nick calabrese
| Much like your hair, I just can't cut it anymore. Dacron
| This ship is only large enough for one oversized hairdo! Brian
| My contract aged as quickly as I do! Hawzman
| I'm sick of my Tribble hairpiece screeching every time I walk past Bologna. Stephen Gardner
| Because, unlike 10 of 10, I do fit in my uniform! Richard
| So I can blondly go where no blond had gone before Lord Fledrinnian
| I've decided to "pursue other interests". OK, I've been fired! Brian
| Shut up and kiss me goodbye! Riff
| If I stayed, the blonde would lead the blonde! JamesTheGreat
| Really, ask yourself... what use am I? Keystar
| It's depressing working with a hologram who has more personality than me. Francis Miranda
| When you gotta go, you gotta go. Lars Ormberg
| I just noticed... I'm going AWAY from home! JazMan
| My pay shrunk Brian
| I'm not a Happycampa! Unka Woofie
| Because the crew keeps calling me "1/2 of 10"! PhaserFire
| Shut up and cuss me! Liz C.
| To tell you the truth, captain, your hair freaks me out
| |
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