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Sev Trek: The Comic Strip

The scantily clad females of Jurassic Trek! Now to those who say 7 of 9 is using sex to sell the show, well, look no further than all the alien babes from Kirk's time! As Theiss, costume designer said, "the degree to which a costume is considered sexy is directly proportional to how likely it seems to fall off!" I think this week's costume qualifies nicely!

Other Punchlines


These comics are created from the winning entries of The Write Your Own Sev Trek Competition. The winning entry was written by Jeffery Wood. This was a really tough one to judge - there were many funny punchlines and it was hard to pick one that stood out above the rest. Here are some of the other funniest entries.

Seth Cohn

She's not easy, being green.

Douglas Appelt

Set phasers to: Looove!


You may live long, but I prosper!


I feel my shirt ripping...


Well, you get wardrobe OR you get makeup. You don't get greedy.


Save yourself Spook, I'll hold her off.


Will the censors let me kiss a woman of color?

Christopher Michael

It's life, Spook... exactly as we WANT it!


Scantily clad? She is severely over dressed!


God bless those costume designers


Must... maintain... shirt... integrity!


Your...starship or...mine?


My sensors CONCUR!


Gotta love Roddenberry's optimistic vision of the future!


Time for the Quirk maneuvre.

Stephen Gardner

Actually Mr. Spook, I think she's wearing more than the last one.

Christopher Michael

She may be armed... I'll frisk her.

Chris Cole

Only your species would need high-tech to notice that!


Scotty one to beam up: the one with the ears


Spook can you give me an approximate half life for my shirt?

7 of 11

Ooh, lime-flavoured body paint... my favourite!


I love my job!


Have her sent to my quarters for further analysis...

Maria Spano

Green with envy, Spook?

Rodney Hrvatin

May I check for concealed weapons?

Candace A.

Is this a great universe, or what!

Mike Wille

Personal Log: beam down ALONE next time.


I love it when they let me have creative input


Her Sev trek T-shirt shrank!


Hoo, boy! I'd better tighten my girdle!

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