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Sev Note: Admittedly, some cultures are influenced by visitors from Earth in some TOS episodes, but there are definite episodes where this is not the case.
Sev Trek: The Comic Strip

Alien race's strangely Earthlike culture! Isn't it strange how all cultures in Star Trek are so earthlike. This is particular the case in TOS. They all seem to resemble Ancient Rome, early 1920's or modern times. There was even one planet that had an American flag and the USA constitution. I mean, an American flag?! I know America thinks it's the centre of the world, but the galaxy?!?

Other Punchlines


These comics are created from the winning entries of The Write Your Own Sev Trek Competition. The winning entry was written by Azazel. Here are some of the other funniest entries...


We came, we saw, we franchised.


Imitation is the cheapest form of creativity.

Nik 'FastTrack' Petrovic

Don't you see spook? All the old chat up lines work!!

Tim Daniels

Et tu Spook?


We're PC, Spook, we recycle.


When we're finished with our past, we sell it.

Mike Wille

To prepare us for "The Voyage Home".

William Boykin

Coz Earth Girls are easy!


We're Sevfleet. Monotony and conformity is part of the job.


Its the only way we can re-use the same 5 big rocks that appear in every episode.


To boldly go where everyone has gone before

Bryan Thomas

Recycling is of PARAMOUNT importance!


DizzyLoo can't afford anything else

Rob Garth

It was either this or the set from Lost in Space


Just point me in the direction of the ancient earth women


Where do you think the aliens took abductees to?!?

Tim Daniels

When in Rome....

Simone Byrne

Because they were forced to evolve on the studio's budget Spook!

Christopher Michael

We must have passed through a loophole in the script-plot continuum!

Christopher Michael

We must have beamed into the wrong soundstage!


Well, it's either this or papier mache rocks. Take your pick.

Mike Wille

I don't know. Maybe we should get a sexy historian down here to tell us.


We send in a redecorater before we beam down.


They don't. The Cultural Translator shows it to us in earth-like terms.

Chris Cole

It's easier to feel smugly superior to the past!

Chris Cole

You never COULD appreciate a good toga party, either!

Jason Kinch

Because the moral at the end of the show is more evident that way.

Francis Miranda

For the same reason that our equipment resembles ancient earth junk.

Tim M.

So a 24th Century crew spouting 20th Century values looks believable

Cathy Mac

Easy, Spook. Infinite diversity, limited casting pool.

Jeffrey Contompasis

T-E-R-R-A-N-S. Terrans have the very best... culture.
(Note from the author: This is really funny if you've every seen the Nestle's commerical with N-E-S-T-L-E-S. Nestle's makes the very best... chocolate.)

Shari Berryhill

Don't hate Earth because it's beautiful....


We borrow all our props from nearby sets.

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