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Sev Trek: The Comic Strip

Jurassic Trek's medical foot pumping thingy! This cartoon began during my first viewing of "Where no man has gone before", the TOS pilot. Our first view of Kirk was at one of these contraptions, and I remember both Wendy and myself having a good belly laugh (pardon the pun!) When Wendy saw my previous cartoon about TOS medical thingies, her first reaction was "hey, I wonder what that foot pumping thing does". Hence this comic strip was born...

Other Punchlines


These comics are created from the winning entries of The Write Your Own Sev Trek Competition. The winning entry was written by Vastator of Borg (interesting name). When we decided this week's winner, I realised what I considered the ideal punchline (and hence why I generally choose these types for the winner). Each comic strip tries to explain a phenomena of Trek. The best punchlines explain the phenomena, but not directly, and usually in a snappy, catchy kind of way. I hope that helps and doesn't just confuse! Here are some of the other funniest entries...

Gina Michaelson

It's to measure intelligence, The longer you go, The lower you rate!


It gives me a good belly laugh.


Scotty's suggestion. He said, "That girdle canna take much more of him. She's going ta blow!"

Spock(The Catz)

No idea. The manual was in technobabble.

Maria Spano

Don't you watch TV? It slices, it dices...


It generates a "Flab Containment Field," okay?

Elim 47

The female crew wants you to work off that extra energy!

Nick "Naraht" Frame

As the X generation would say " It [tech]s the [tech] in case of [tech]"

Matt McLaughlin

Would you shut up and finish my laundry?!


It gives the writers an excuse for your shirtectomy


It's the 23rd Century version of step aerobics.

Don Hansen

Shut up and keep pumping, the ship is slowing down!

Mike Wille

For the last time... it improves your memory.


Funny, that's what the crew keeps asking about YOU!


Makes your fat jiggle.


Whatever it does it's doing it now.


You'll have to pedal faster if you want to reach warp speed.

Billineum Falcon

I don't know, but you're enjoying it WAY too much.

Tai Shimizu

Nothing really I just thought you could stand to lose the weight.

John Nelson

Not enough apparently! Back into your girdle, Gym.

Jay Berryhill

This ship runs on fossil fuel. You're the fossil, provide the fuel!


Do you want fresh orange juice in the morning or not?

Francis Miranda

It's Spook's ear sharpener.

Francis Miranda

It's to bring more blood to your brain where it belongs.

Francis Miranda

Gym, I'm a doctor not a gym trainer!

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