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Sev Trek: The Comic Strip

Red Alert! I've always wondered what the point of Red Alerts were, other than building up dramatic tension through the use of flashing red lights and annoying sirens. Here is the real reason for them!

Other Punchlines


These comics are created from the winning entries of The Write Your Own Sev Trek Competition. The winning entry was written by Harry (that's right, just plain, simple Harry) out of a whopping 1044 entries (this competition is getting pretty competitive). Here are some of the other funniest entries...

Rob Bos

It's used to arm Console Exploding Devicestm.


The insurance premiums go up.

Jeremy K.

Same thing as yellow alert, except the music is louder.

Raul N. Rosario

It is my cue to state the blindingly obvious.

Admiral Akbar

Some annyoying person flicks that light on and off!!!

Lee Hickman

It's to warn the red shirts that they're gonna die

Tyler Stevens

A red lens goes on the camera.

Matt Wise

Some good plot development...If we're lucky.

Mike Toohey

Our 60-Day trial on the bridge software is up.

Bob Clemmons

Our carefully disguised morality play is about to be revealed

Tai Shimizu

In so many words, lights flash, a siren rings, consoles explode, and any minor character dies.

Christopher Michael

I'm sensing anxiety from the extras cast...

Christopher Michael

This wouldn't have happened if you men would bother to stop for directions!

Jason Kinch

A message is sent to SevFleet Command requesting more ensigns.


The red-shirts are harder to see.

Captain Clodo

Time for our tumbling act.

Brian Blalock

It tends to distract the audience from our acting.

Adam Champion

Well, ILM get another $ 15 000 for turning on lights and making noises.


We get ready to collectively lean one way or another.

John Haynes

We curse the lack of seatbelts on the bridge!

Tim M.

Everyone tries to move away from the consoles. FAR away.

7 of 11

Well, the sirens give me a headache, and the flashing lights give me an epileptic fit.


You officers get to blend into the background.

Soul Taker

There's a sale on deck 3.

Rob Garth

All non-essential crew members must leave the bridge ... oh, I best be off then.

Goku Webslider

Beta runs around in circles making fire engine noises!


1. Shout at alien 2. fire phasers. 3. spare alien life 4. roll credits... Same ol' same ol'.


Intermittent lighting and loud noises increase our ability to make correct decisions in a crisis.

Lord Fledrinnian

All non-essential personnel are about to die!

Lord Fledrinnian

It means we've exceeded the special effects budget!


Consoles explode, Ensigns will die, What do you expect?


It warns viewers that dramatic over acting is ahead.


Usually a commercial.

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