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Here are cartoons with 'John Cook' as either Idea Suggester or Punchline Winner.

Title Idea Suggestor Punchline Winner
p321: Enlightenment John Cook Compdude
p322: Privacy at last John Cook Eric
p323: Wayne's toilet humor John Cook P-feif
p324: Strangers watching John Cook Compdude
p325: Burger Girl on TV John Cook ScottE Bemeup
p326: Building mood John Cook Mark
p327: Kissing advice John Cook Jo
p328: Evicting Peep Show John Cook Jack Hammerfist
p329: No more cameras John Cook Eric
p330: Looking for valuables John Cook MindMelda
p331: Wayne surprise John Cook Nightshade
p332: Wayne reacts to burglar John Cook Jack Hammerfist
p333: Burglar's exit John Cook MindMelda
p334: Going out with Burger Girl John Cook Mammakins
p335: Herman-less freedom John Cook Eric
p336: Crashed dinner date John Cook Rabbit
p337: Lance & Wayne's motive John Cook Michael Lewis
p338: Herman gets tough John Cook Joona Palaste
p339: Paying the bill John Cook Eric
p340: Hermie's question John Cook Eric
p341: Breaking the news John Cook chris
p342: Where to live John Cook Eric
p343: Living with in-laws John Cook Mammakins
p344: Asking permission John Cook KenyarJad
p345: Tenant-in-law John Cook Mammakins
p346: Best man candidates John Cook erik
p347: Invitation list John Cook Eric
p348: Suit hire John Cook Eric
p349: Wayne and suits John Cook
p350: Outdoor wedding John Cook MindMelda
p351: Horrible Bachelor Party John Cook Mark
p352: End of torture John Cook eric
p353: Nervous Herman John Cook Jack Hammerfist
p354: Bride or Groom John Cook Tyrrogan
p355: Approaching Bride John Cook Joona Palaste
p356: Frozen Herman John Cook Mark
p357: Gobsmacked Herman John Cook Mammakins
p358: The rings John Cook
p359: Raoul objection John Cook John Cook
p360: Kiss the bride John Cook
ps1: Boogercise John Cook Mike Howell
ps10: Where's Wayne? John Cook Space Katet
ps11: Channel Surfing John Cook Mark
ps12: New Year Resolutions John Cook Elinon
ps13: Pretzel choking John Cook Jack Hammerfist
ps14: Fly game John Cook Eric
ps15: Dirty dish cycle John Cook
ps16: Wayne buried alive John Cook Sara B
ps17: Wayne cooking slop John Cook Brett
ps18: Annoying phone John Cook Mark
ps2: Perilous Pushstart John Cook TEFII
ps3: Grossing out Herman John Cook Hanover Fisk
ps4: TV Sucks! John Cook Hanover Fisk
ps5: Caffeine fix John Cook JasonThorne
ps6: Dishes game John Cook Nobody
ps7: Wayne in line John Cook ScottE Bemeup
ps8: Shopping shenanigans John Cook erik
ps9: Wayne's alarm clock John Cook Vila Restal
s1: Furroughed Brow John Cook John Cook
s10: Gainweight's hairdryer John Cook Riff
s103: Secret Liaison John Cook John Cook
s12: Alien computer viruses Guy Ben Ami John Cook
s142: Barf's Sash Francis Miranda John Cook
s15: Anarchy & Mouldy-Bun John Cook Morwen
s18: ATM2 and Creepio John Cook Potato (Redeye) Knight
s2: Beta compatible John Cook Nick Walton
s210: Ringwaifs John Cook jivanak
s238: Red Shirt Death John Cook Andrew Lipsett
s285: Sev Wars shadows John Cook
s286: Slow Motion Approach John Cook Red 9
s293: The One is three John Cook John Cook
s299: Sevtrix Kung Fu John Cook LoneWolf
s30: Daft Vapor face John Cook Christopher Michael
s301: Alien baseballer John Cook Snicker
s305: Sevgate technobabble John Cook Ginamarie
s311: Gonedaft the Grey John Cook Eric
s315: Blah Blah's tongue Bob Clemmons John Cook
s327: Unkillable superhero Khalas John Cook
s33: Creepio & Sevships John Cook Tbone
s355: Golden bikini John Cook trainwreck
s371: Winged Bullfrog John Cook The Great Wizzard
s377: Crichton's head John Cook Mark
s379: Wolverine nosepick John Cook freilicher
s385: Greeting card Quash John Cook Nails
s387: Redeyes puppets John Cook 009
s388: Zulu's family Nick Frame John Cook
s402: Gainweight bumper sticker John Cook The Great Wizzard
s404: Squatty bumper sticker John Cook Art DeBuigny
s419: Rock Paper Scissors John Cook EvilDevil
s420: Thar be whales here John Cook 009
s424: Reality TV John Cook John Cook
s427: Designing Dud Star John Cook Nodrog_CRC
s439: Creepio the god John Cook Mark
s440: 47th Sev Trek movie John Cook
s443: Creepio's oil bath John Cook Dak
s447: Wolverine haircut John Cook Emeraldax
s450: Quirk dewigged John Cook The Great Wizzard
s466: Gainweight crew cut John Cook Lt. Brad Gentry
s467: Dud Star defence John Cook Jack Hammerfist
s477: Child Wolverine John Cook FCC
s48: Bad feeling John Cook jdwiseman
s480: Silicone babe John Cook Mr. Matt
s484: Ensign target uniform John Cook
s497: Creepio's maker John Cook Taya 17 Janeway
s509: Three Lame Men John Cook Corsair
s511: Daft Vapor's childhood John Cook Nodrog_CRC & §Sean§
s513: Gonedaft vs Sourman John Cook Andreas Randell
s521: Alternative claws John Cook Anon
s529: Lightfooted Legless John Cook Dacron
s53: Are we there yet? John Cook
s531: Hovering Hoover John Cook
s539: Moria gate message John Cook Mark
s541: 3 headed dog John Cook Bobby
s553: Gonedaft new hairdo John Cook
s56: Alternative toilet John Cook
s74: Choice of the X-Gen John Cook John Cook
ss1: To boldly go John Cook Joona Palaste
ss10: Counsellor Tryhard John Cook Jim
ss12: No Place Like Home John Cook Allronix
ss13: Sift Lord Auditions John Cook Mark
ss14: Film Adaption Sell-out John Cook 8 of 12 & Jorinda
ss15: Devolved Beta John Cook Ann E. Nichols
ss16: DS9 boldly sits John Cook 8 of 12
ss17: Evasive Quash John Cook Bonsai
ss19: Forager detour John Cook Bobby
ss2: Quirk's speech John Cook Mark
ss20: Sevtrix movie set John Cook John Cook
ss21: Dusting vampires John Cook Jeffrey Stier
ss22: Torn shirt John Cook
ss23: Admiral Fluke John Cook Polgara & Jim
ss24: Opening Moria Gate John Cook Mark
ss26: Smokey cave John Cook, Johan Draaisma 8 of 12
ss27: Synonyms for death John Cook Ronald
ss28: Extended Flyswatter family John Cook Allronix
ss3: Political Correctness John Cook Eric
ss4: Ratings John Cook Mark
ss5: Time Over-estimates John Cook Mike Howell
ss6: Fall of Anarchy John Cook Blues
ss7: Bumpy foreheads John Cook Trevor Raggatt
ss8: Slow motion picture John Cook eric
ss9: Hollowdeck malfunction John Cook Mark
t1: Nosepicking Sphynx John Cook John Cook
t10: Poster suicide John Cook John Cook
t11: Reporter Academy John Cook John Cook
t12: Octopus on board John Cook John Cook
t13: No food & drink John Cook John Cook
t14: Sunspots John Cook John Cook
t15: Precision Snails John Cook John Cook
t16: Bug going round John Cook John Cook
t17: Spider real estate John Cook John Cook
t18: Titanic blame John Cook John Cook
t19: Baby newspaper John Cook John Cook
t2: Freudian Slip John Cook John Cook
t20: Very mobile phone John Cook John Cook
t21: Mona Lisa blink John Cook John Cook
t22: Yellow Brick Road John Cook John Cook
t23: Dragman John Cook John Cook
t24: Philosophical chicken John Cook John Cook
t246: Celestial banter John Cook T'Bonz (moon) and Bill Harris(sun)
t247: Bull dishwashing John Cook Mike Howell
t248: Selling to death John Cook Dave the Explosive Newt
t249: Horror removalists John Cook aussietrekker
t25: Lactose Intolerance John Cook John Cook
t250: Hubble bumper sticker John Cook Mark
t251: MIR bumper sticker John Cook div
t252: Atlantis realtor John Cook Kathy
t253: Stinky baby John Cook P-feif
t254: X-ray Phone John Cook David Cervera
t256: Life of a grape John Cook MindMelda
t257: Punk poodles John Cook Brian
t259: Bigfoot swimmer John Cook erik
t26: Office politics John Cook John Cook
t260: Typing monkeys John Cook Sinkau Baylan
t261: Shrivelled raisin John Cook Mike Howell
t262: Baby vampire John Cook Lordy
t263: Mowing Wimbledon John Cook Mark
t264: Alien Bumper Stickers John Cook Dhraakellian
t265: Shark TV John Cook MindMelda
t266: Baseball signals John Cook DoggySpew
t267: Jugular Juggler John Cook NeonLizard
t268: Volcano Climbing John Cook Div
t269: Anteater picnic John Cook The Great Wizzard
t27: Running bird John Cook John Cook
t270: Inappropriate airbags John Cook DoggySpew (bullet) and Jenna (bumper cars)
t271: Desert Island dispute John Cook Rabbit
t272: Impressive snail home John Cook Sheepy99
t273: Innovative ant John Cook erik
t274: Bee hexicle John Cook Eric Huelin
t275: Kangaroo High Jumper John Cook Jo
t276: Chickens playing chicken John Cook Mike Howell
t277: Classical DJ John Cook John Cook
t278: Ape hairdresser John Cook polara
t279: Deodorant point of view John Cook 127 of 128
t28: Acid tap John Cook John Cook
t282: Shark grocery shopping John Cook jo
t286: Kangaroo Pogo John Cook The Great Wizzard
t287: Biosphere baseball John Cook stephen
t288: Jaded Santa John Cook Allronix
t289: Mountain escalator John Cook Alex Cain
t29: Unwelcome mat John Cook John Cook
t290: Surprise hatchling John Cook R Brown
t291: Noah's Ark stowaway John Cook Dak
t292: Sucking giraffe John Cook Alex Cain
t293: Messy kid flies John Cook Joona Palaste
t294: Bald tree John Cook kes the sweet lil ocampa
t295: Cupid target practice John Cook Lordy
t296: Lucky ice skater John Cook Lordy
t297: Sitting bee John Cook MindMelda
t298: Comet bumper sticker John Cook Lordy
t299: Crocodile mistaken identity John COok
t3: Reckless giraffes John Cook John Cook
t30: Frankenstein dinner John Cook John Cook
t300: Porcupines & waterbeds John Cook Ann E. Nichols
t301: Bad Easter bunny John Cook Steve Jung
t302: Horse bumper sticker John Cook Eric
t303: Primordial soup John Cook The Great Wizzard
t304: Sir Forkalot joust John Cook The Great Wizzard
t305: Creative shark attack John Cook Mark
t306: Lazy cyclists John Cook Janet
t307: Unfinished rollercoaster John Cook
t308: Football diversion John Cook Amy Sherman
t31: Finger foods John Cook John Cook
t32: Law of Quantitive Fowl John Cook John Cook
t33: Dogs in space John Cook John Cook
t34: Rapunzel & Prince John Cook John Cook
t35: Defensive driver John Cook John Cook
t36: Shameless plug John Cook John Cook
t4: Misused firemen John Cook John Cook
t46: Gravy train John Cook erik
t5: Forgetful Frankenstein John Cook John Cook
t6: Flexiteller John Cook John Cook
t7: Wicked Witch's bane John Cook John Cook
t8: Patient's stomach John Cook John Cook
t9: Venus Flytrap dinner John Cook John Cook
t310: Fossil record John Cook Leander
p361: Wedding night John Cook TiZ
p362: Life without Herman John Cook Nazgul
t311: Naked banana John Cook Lindz
ps19: Messy philosophy John Cook Eric
p363: Layering mess John Cook Michael Lewis
t312: Pawn vs Rook John Cook Mammakins
ss29: Catchphrases John Cook Khalas
p364: Taking out the trash John Cook Leander
t313: Grandma shaped tummy John Cook KRS
ss30: Jaded magical world John Cook starbys
p365: Phase Two John Cook Eric
t314: Lost in asteroids John Cook assassin
ss31: The Council of Eggroll John Cook Mark
p366: Guiness Book of Records John Cook ChocJones
t315: Curing sick computer John Cook khayman
ps20: Wayne's masterpieces John Cook MindMelda
s567: Hairy Plopper's scar John Cook KaraMeL
p367: Wayne's room John Cook MindMelda
p368: World record mess John Cook Corsair
t317: Snake beer gut John Cook The Great Wizzard
ss33: Alkaseltzer the warrior John Cook Jack Hammerfist
s571: Bikie Anarchy John Cook Admiral Memo
p369: Dad's show John Cook David Cervera
t318: Einstein's other theory John Cook Tim Monti Wohlpart
p370: Shower stats John Cook Chosen
t319: Incompetent pyramid John Cook johnnyb
ss34: Athletic Yada John Cook malgrievia
p371: Fatherly dislike John Cook Nazgul
s575: Identifying replicants John Cook assassin
t320: Escalator siege John Cook Nazgul
p372: Moving back to The Pits John Cook 8 of 12
t321: Foliage-dresser John Cook Nazgul
p373: Leaving In-Laws John Cook Eric
t322: Hanggliding bird John Cook Angela Ehrlich
p374: Homecoming John Cook
t323: Woodpecker workaholic John Cook
ss37: Mourn's thoughts John Cook
p375: No room for Herman John Cook
t324: Humpty trampoline John Cook
s583: Sourone's one ring John Cook
t38: Rock, paper, scissors John Cook John Cook
t37: Smoking fireman John Cook John Cook
t40: Caged bird John Cook
t41: Holy Guacamole John Cook
t42: Intestine argument John Cook John Cook
t43: Turtle drug test John Cook
t44: Amazing Vegeciser John Cook John Cook
t45: Waiting room books John Cook John Cook
t47: PIPEC John Cook
t48: Early paparazzi John Cook
t49: Sensitive New Age TV John Cook
t50: Shop till HE drops John Cook
t39: Unsuccessful Mars probe John Cook
t51: Too many cooks John Cook John Cook
t52: Witches flying test John Cook
t53: Late wedding guest John Cook
t54: Bug fight John Cook
t55: Elderly window shopping John Cook
t56: Master's Games John Cook
t57: Reindeer antenna John Cook
t58: Fly restaurant John Cook
t59: Horse Leg-lock John Cook

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The Sev Wide Web and all content within are © Copyright 2000 by John Cook.
None of my material can be used on any other site without prior permission from the author.
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