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| The Sci-Fi Comic Strip This week: Winged Bullfrog! Seeing as we have to wait till December to see Peter Jackson's Balrog, I've decided to invent my own Fraud of the Rings version. I based it on some John Howe paintings although Wendy's comment was mine looked much cuddlier (so much for the scary effect). It'll be interesting to see how close I get it! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi Movie Cartoon Contest - the winning punchline is chosen in the weekly IRC Judging Session. The winning entry was written by The Great Wizzard. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all the competitions as well as the finalist punchlines and Punchlines of the Day. Griffin
| Frodo: Going to brown alert. Merri: Way ahead of you. Murdoc
| If I'm not back in three days, just wait longer. Murdoc
| Rats! Balrog! Mellon! Hmm.. It's not going away. Dacron
| I knew that mistake on my tax form would catch up to me Dacron
| Run, you fools! It's my mother-in-law! Jack Hammerfist
| Bullfrog: Well if it isn't Harry Potter! Gandalf: OOOH, you're goin' DOWN! Jack Hammerfist
| That's it...NOBODY calls me Harry Potter! Jack Hammerfist
| Ok, Udun it? Jack Hammerfist
| If I were 2000 years younger... Jack Hammerfist
| You're right-- the book WAS better! Jack Hammerfist
| Time to kick some Bullfrog. Jack Hammerfist
| Feeling lucky, PUNK? Jack Hammerfist
| If you clutch me, I'll HEW at you! Jack Hammerfist
| No, he DOESN'T just need a hug! MindMelda
| Gonedaft: I have the Scared, uh, I mean, SACRED Flame! Jack Hammerfist
| You must answer me these questions three... Jack Hammerfist
| Quick Frodo-- the banana peel! Trevor Raggatt
| Er...from now on you can call me Gonedaft the Brown Trevor Raggatt
| Fraud of the Rings: Godzilla vs Gonedaft. Good name for a movie Trevor Raggatt
| Love the eyes...but the wings could be more convincing Trevor Raggatt
| Apparently they spent the effects budget on all Gladwrapriel's frocks just
| Your action figure is not going to sell unless you do something about that hair. Shelley
| Behold Durin's Bane: Mrs. Durin! Glorendil
| They put a bullfrog with no clothes, and later they complain the movie is only PG-13... Ann E. Nichols
| Hey, Bullfrog, would you let me pass for a couple of juicy Hobnobbits? Ann E. Nichols
| Will you two relax? The Comedy Relief always survives. Ann E. Nichols
| Well, guys, time to sit out a few chapters... Griffin
| It's my family reunion all over again. Mosaic
| Jackson's Bane! The budget sucking balrog! MindMelda
| Okay, I'm officially out of ideas; your call, Fraudo! Jia Sarong, Green Lantern of Sector 90210
| Let's see. Big, mean, ugly, carrying a red sword...Must be evil. Away with you, Daft Mule Wannabe! Darth Supershadow
| Ok! You can take the stupid ring! Just don't hurt me! Glorfindel
| Is it too late to take Elrond's advice and trade in Pippin for a mighty elf lord? Glorfindel
| The bad news is, only a small party of people can sneak through Mordor. The good news is, our party is about to get a LOT smaller. Glorfindel
| Frodo, give me your ring of invisibility...I'll um.....go for help. Bill Harris
| So you're not in the movies. That's no reson to throw a tantrum, Bombadil! Russell
| What was I smoking last night? Russell
| I changed my mind give me the ring Trevor Raggatt
| Rubber suit. Stuck on wings. WHat kind of cheap adventure is this? Trevor Raggatt
| I'd been hoping for something a little less "The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad"! T'Rowa
| Why do I hear "The Imperial March" in the background? Bill Harris
| Go back where you came from! Back to that episode of Xena! just
| I'm a main character and your CGI. I'll win 9 times out of 10. Cap10Rob
| I bet George Lucas could have come up with a scarier mosnter!! Cap10Rob
| Staff? Check!, Sword? Check! New White Robes? Check! Lets Go!!! Matt Hancock
| Great - ANOTHER Episode 2 reject... CrazyLady
| Gonedaft: Ahh, geez, you again? I used to be a gold wizard! Griffin
| BullFrog: I shall grind thee to dust. Gone Daft: Smoke you like a pipe! Mark
| Lets get ready to rumble! Mark
| Who let the dog out? Mark
| Care for a breathmint? Mark
| I hate these toll roads. Commander
| Bullfrogs get bigger every year. Dial "M" for Maul
| Gonedalf: "Do you know what happens to a Bullfrog when it gets hit by lightning?" Dial "M" for Maul
| Gonedalf: "Well this is the pits" Dial "M" for Maul
| Gonedalf: "Darth Maul: The Later Years" Dial "M" for Maul
| Gonedalf: "You know, I heard of a guy once with red eyes and horns...any relation?" Dial "M" for Maul
| “Remind me again why I can’t just break the bridge?” Dial "M" for Maul
| Gonedaft: "You call that good CGI Jackson? Switch to ILM!" Dial "M" for Maul
| Gonedaft: "As a good guy, I should probably be dressed in white..." Dial "M" for Maul
| Gonedaft: "Prepare to croak, Bullfrog!" Bill Harris
| Fool of a Took, he can't fly! And I'll prove it! DoggySpew
| Bullfrog : `` RIBBIT.´´ Gonedaft : `` Well THATS an anti-climax .´´ Shlamko
| You see Froudo, now we pseudo-fight, and the special effects will be added later. Tsama
| Well, looks like SOMEBODY heckled Sauron one too many times... Tim
| Al right what do you kids want for dinner , a wing or a leg ? Wyv
| Bullfrog my but... Pitbull on steroids! Dirk88
| Black is sooo last year's color Wyv
| Stand back! Im gonna give this one a manicure! Wyv
| This one is going down even if i have to paint myself white! EvilDevil
| Why is it that every monster we meet is better good looking than me? EvilDevil
| I cant believe that thing is going to kill me... Darth Supershadow
| I'll teach you to meddle in the affairs of THIS wizard! Darth Supershadow
| Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards! For they are able to kick butt! Darth Supershadow
| By the fire of Moria, you shall not pass gas, or we'll get blown sky high! His Momma
| Damn, your ugly! Farnell
| So YOU'RE my lawyer! Farnell
| So you aren't a good guy then? Screwtop
| If memory serves, I recall how to defeat this creature. Stand back, Bulbo. Screwtop
| What did you say about my hat?!? Ruth (from Canada)
| I didn't see you at the last Maia reunion. So, have you seen anything of Yavanna lately? Screwtop
| I suppose a staring contest is out of the question? Sakaya
| Aren't you a little short for a Bullfrog? Zhou Kangrui
| Great. It's Daft Mule's cousin. MindMelda
| I see punk is still going strong here. Quantum
| Go back to the plot hole prepared for you. You can not pass Seeker
| Damn those CG artists! Nodrog_CRC
| If you strike me down, I will grow more powerful then you can... aw, forget it, let's just fight. Keith (who is looking into entering the Witness Protection Program even though he's British)
| PJ, the bluescreen is still there! Keith
| That had better not be Jim Carrey in there! Vixen
| Wow. That's one scary beanie baby. The Grey Wizzard
| "You will find adventure or adventure will find you". How true the teaser was... Trevor Raggatt
| G: You're going DOWN! B: I'm not the only one! Trevor Raggatt
| I bet its just an orc in a rubber suit Rabbit
| Look at that hair! What a nightmare! Rabbit
| Ooo, glowing red eyes. How original. Rabbit
| Grand-oaf: OK, which of you two ordered the wings? Rabbit
| Bullfrog: Time to kick the hobbit! The Grey Wizzard
| Gimme, are you sure this is the only way to Lórien? The Grey Wizzard
| It may be easier for the viewers but I prefer movies where you can't distinguish good and evil with a brief look. The Grey Wizzard
| Which one of you "borrowed" my spell-book last night? The Grey Wizzard of Oz
| Anyone got a better idea than "Let's throw some water in his face"? The Grey Wizzard
| Troll bridge ahead! Corsair
| Check and see if we have enough for the toll. Corsair
| Relax, I know this guy. The Grey Wizzard
| From now on, you can call me "Gonedaft the Yellow". John Fassbender
| This is why it's important to get your beauty rest. Keith
| Why do you need to walk over the bridge when you have wings? Keith
| Gonedaft: You killed my father! Bullfrog: No. I am your father The Grey Wizzard
| Elven sword.. check. Spell to destroy bridge... check. Famous last words... not yet, not yet... littlestar
| Look, it's called "Fraud of the RINGS", not "Fraud of the WINGS"! Duh! The Grey Wizzard
| I suppose "Rock Paper Scissors" is out of question... The Grey Wizzard
| I repeat again: NEVER throw dice in a dungeon! Mandella
| Uhh... Mellon? Kevin
| I'll be back... Kevin
| Don't try this at home kids The Grey Wizzard
| *throws staff down the pit* Ok, Fido: Fetch! The Grey Wizzard
| I hate those family reunions! The Grey Wizzard
| Any volunteers for a heroic sacrifice? The Grey Wizzard
| Arrogance, thanks again for jinxing it! The Grey Wizzard
| What have I got in my pockets? The Grey Wizzard
| Gimme, I take it back. You Dwarves weren't cowards when you abandoned Moria because of Durin's Bane. Jimbo Jones
| Worry not - this is only the first book! Jimbo Jones
| I see dead hobbits.... The Grey Wizzard
| In times like this I really wonder why I left Valinor. Jimbo Jones
| Frodo, knock it of with the shadow puppets. Jimbo Jones
| /Now/ I'm Gonedaft the brown.... Jimbo Jones
| I have a bad feeling about this... Jim McNamara
| Gonedaft: If we can short out the computer, we'll be fine. The Grey Wizzard
| See, Pipsqueak, what the stone you threw down that well caused? The Grey Wizzard
| Stop! Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, 'ere the other side he see. The Grey Wizzard
| Ok, I'll save your butts again. But it's for the last time! The Grey Wizzard
| Elven sword... check. Suitable spell... suitable spell... SUITABLE SPELL... uh-oh... The Grey Wizzard
| This could scare all your colours out... The Great Wizzard
| Lemme guess: you're not the Archangel Michael? The Great Wizzard
| Batman meets the Minotaur? Gregory Griffiths
| Gonedaft (wispers): Don't worry, guys! Since when do good movie characters ever need to worry about villains in black carrying red swords? Gregory Griffiths
| Bullfrog: *whosh* So, Gonedaft we meet again. When we last met, I was but the student. Now I am the master! *whosh* Gonedaft: Only a master of evil, Bullfrog! Gregory Griffiths
| Bullfrog: *whosh* Fraudo, Gonedaft never told you what happened to your father, did he? *whosh* Eric Wright
| . . . and so the duck says, 'That's not a Bullfrog, that's my wife!' Gwa ha ha! Whoa, tough room. Eric Wright
| Time to find out if those wings help you fly, you fool. §Sean§
| I may have to put some overtime in on this one Eric Wright
| This is an evil Bullfrog, Fraudo. You can tell by the red light saber. T'Bonz
| Hmm...let me guess...bad guy! T'Bonz
| There goes the neighborhood! JC
| Hey, the wings were meant to be allegorical!!
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