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The Sci-Fi Comic Strip This week: Golden bikini! This week's Sev Wars cartoon is a departure from the norm as I exercise a little creative liberty in the application of the famous golden bikini. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi Movie Cartoon Contest - the winning punchline is chosen in the weekly IRC Judging Session. The winning entry was written by trainwreck. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all the competitions as well as the finalist punchlines and Punchlines of the Day. Yoda
| Thinking Darkside thoughts... Mazotti Jordan, Green Lantern of Sevspace
| That's it. Rescue your own damn self. I'm outta here. Rod
| ...and now for the final touch, a honeybun for each side of your head ScottE Bemeup
| So that leg wax really paid off? ScottE Bemeup
| I may never eat again. Elf
| You know, Ham, whenever you want to talk to somebody... Elf
| Give me the Millennium Faulty and I wont tell Leer, okay? Elf
| A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away... Where men were men,... Durn
| First i kiss my sister, now this! Mezlaq
| No way. Find someone ELSE to tell the Wackiee. Cmdr. Solomon
| This is more disturbing than me dating my sister. Bill Harris
| On second thought, keep him! kmk
| Nice get-up, Liea, but You've really let yourself go! Griffin
| I knew that end sequence was gonna cost us somewhere. Jodocus
| How long have you been in space, Solo! Jodocus
| Ok, this PC nonsense has gone way too far! Excene Decascos
| On second thought, maybe it isn't such a bad idea to take the 'Roids and run! jadefire to the rescue
| lost that bet on the kessel run again, huh ? John Fallon
| Does Laidup know you've been in her underwear drawer again ? John Fallon
| Ham, I liked you better as a popsicle . Alicat
| Wow, I never would have guessed that you were a 'C' cup Amazing Colossal Puma Man
| The only way he'd let you out of the carbonite, huh? P Swayne
| You can keep that one, Blubba! Allan
| If you look trashy, you pick up trash. Allan
| Wow. Severe use of the ugly stick. Bliss
| You chose this over the carbonite?!?! Jack Hammerfist
| Lemme guess, you're really my weird uncle! Jack Hammerfist
| I know your eyesight hasn't recovered, but COME ON! Jack Hammerfist
| Lemme guess- you're my weird brother, right? Jack Hammerfist
| If you needed money, why didn't you ask me? Jack Hammerfist
| Well that's ONE way to thaw him out! Jack Hammerfist
| Don't tell me-- he's your ex, right? Jack Hammerfist
| Looks like EVERYONE's related in this film! Jack Hammerfist
| Your bachelor party was wilder than I thought! Jack Hammerfist
| It's ok, my dad wears and S&M mask. Jack Hammerfist
| PLEASE don't tell me you're really my brother. Jack Hammerfist
| Yes, it brings out your eys-- AND my lunch! Jack Hammerfist
| You're right, I DO think it brings out his eyes! Jack Hammerfist
| You FIEND! You never wore that for me! Jack Hammerfist
| Lube to the RESCUE... um.. nevermind. Manu
| Hey, looks like you've been working out!! Manu
| Gee, I lose my hand, you lose your mind!!... Hey, where's Leah?? Archer Sagitarius
| Oh man, wake up, Lube! Please, wake up! Gwyndolyn
| This is ridiculous....just pay him the money. Mark
| I am so glad this scene was cut! Estest the Great!
| I say Han! Gold really suits you TEFII
| See what happens when you diss the Farce. TEFII
| And yet another image scarred forever into my brain. TEFII
| Maybe they can fix it in editing. T'Bonz
| Ticked off Leer again Ham? Joseph
| Never mind, Jabba- You can keep him. trainwreck
| You're getting paid HOW much an hour?! Put one of those chains and gold bikinis on ME! trainwreck
| Han? Is that YOU?! [Pause] Is there something you feel like telling me? Matt McLaughlin
| There's something I'd give my right arm not to see. Matt McLaughlin
| Now I wish I were blind. Murdoc
| Wow! This "Think unsexy thoughts" Jedi trick really works! Jodocus
| Whatever levitates you barge I guess. Jodocus
| Now I see why some Jedi turn to the dark side! Jodocus
| Solo, I know you owe Jabba, but where is your decency! Trekmaster
| Leer's in the carbonite, right? I wish I could join her. Bobby
| Look Leia, I have to be honest, the bikini...great, but the big slug, not a good look for you Griffin
| I suppose Sev went the way of the rest of the web. Cmdr. Solomon
| Okay, Now I have a bad feeling about this. The Starfighter
| Geeze Ham, I didn't know you were that desperate for a date. Bill Harris
| On second thought, keep him! Dougyo
| All these strange new feelings! spiffy
| Geez! I'd hate to see MY action figure! spiffy
| My, Leer's stunt double is ugly!!! Amy Dalla
| Well, it could be worse...I'm not sure how, though... Amy Dalla
| Leer's not gonna be too happy about this, Ham! Kahless, next right
| Please say you're not my sister too! Kahless, fighting the good fight
| Smuggling just not paying enough anymore? Atilla the Ted Rebo
| Oh, great! He gets everything before me- the girl, the ship, the cross-dressing sequence I asked Lucas for... Donald
| Ham, does Princess Leer know about this? Sevanonymous
| That's it...I quit Alicat
| Aaarrgghh! My eyes! alicat
| Gee, you could have at least waxed! Jack Hammerfist
| What do you mean, you don't WANT to be rescued? Jack Hammerfist
| I REALLY didn't need to see this. Jack Hammerfist
| PLEASE tell me you're a prisoner. Jack Hammerfist
| If I pay your debt, will you promise to put on some clothes? Jack Hammerfist
| Couldn't you pay him back on credit? Jack Hammerfist
| Excuse me while I gouge out my eyeballs. Jack Hammerfist
| I didn't know you liked the chubby type! Jack Hammerfist
| Before I start: do you WANT to be rescued? §Sean§
| The carbonite looked much better on you §Sean§
| I told you not to pinch George's parking space derek
| You should consider a "one piece"! MindMelda
| God only knows what Chewbacca is wearing! MindMelda
| I told you to quit betting your ship!
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