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This week's idea was suggested on the Ideas Board by Tom Hyde.

The Sci-Fi Comic Strip

This week: Anarchy Flyswatter's ominous shadow. This week's Sev Wars comic strip looks at the weird and ominous shadow of Anarchy Flyswatter, inspired by the Episode 1 promotion poster.

Other Punchlines

These comics are created from the winning entries of The Sci-Fi Movie Cartoon Contest - the winning punchline is chosen in the weekly IRC Judging Session. This week's winning punchline was written by RWoozie. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all four competitions.


I guess the future isn't so difficult to see after all.

ScottE Bemeup

Some day you'll be tall, dark, and wheezy.


I will not condone a wedding proposal that will lead us to total obliteration.


This must be somehow linked to the fact that the movies are now being filmed backwards...


This is from the same wacky physics that brought us light speed travel, which is of course impossible!


I never really noticed before, but his ears kinda stick out


I need to paint over that "Foreshadowing Beige #4"!

Juan Deer

That's your farce skill? Shadow puppets?


I can change him.


This sun is really showing your dark side.


is it just me or is his shadow in the shape of a dark lord of the sith. probably just me


Where ever could Yoda get the idea that he's dangerous from?

Amy-Wan Kenobi

Do you think we're being OBVIOUS ENOUGH here?

Liz Porter

I'm sure he'll grow up to be a fine upstanding member of the universe


I end up with HIM! Maybe I can change him?

Cordavin Lon

So he's a little messed-up emotionally, but, hey - at least he doesn't have any serious health problems like, say, asthma.


Promise me you won't kill Mouldy-Bun and you can come


All right, you've convinced me, take the kid and go!


this is but a shadow of what's to come!!


he's got a weird shadow just like you Qui gon, except yours is a tombstone for some reason


Those damn midichlorians.

Scott Iskow

That's so cute... I'm getting all choked up.

Scott Iskow

He WILL be a Jedi. Beyond the shadow of a... Oops. Never mind.


Are you sure we can trust him, he seems to be one of the shady types


Oh, isn't that cute! He's playing "Guess the Shadow" again.


I wouldn't marry anyone who dresses like that!!


What kind of idiot would end up looking like that??


You know, Annie, most boys just write their NAMES in the sand...

Nodrog_CRC if a thousand posters suddenly cried out in foreshadowing and then, were silenced...


And the winner of the Sev Wars shadow puppet contest goes to...


Now, all we need is to show an image that's half Senator Turpentine and half Sick Lord, and we'll win an Oscar for 'Blatantly Obvious'.

Space Katet

And the meaning behind the title ‘Phantom Menace’ is revealed.


Think of that growing to seven feet. Do you still want to train him?!


Anyone not got the hint yet?


I have a bad feeling about... NO! I am not going to say that line. I have a NASTY feeling about this.

Cordavin Lon

I want a pre-nuptial divorce.

Cordavin Lon

And all I can do is make butterflies with my hands.

Cordavin Lon

Fascinating... Whoops! Wrong show! I meant, ahem... "I have a bad feeling about this".

Cordavin Lon

I have a bad hairdo, er, feeling about this...

Cordavin Lon

Are you sure about this; trusting our fate to a boy we hardly know and have "bad feelings" about?

Unka Woofie

I see you're going to be tall, dark, and... well, tall and dark.

Avenger CO

The greatest villain ever foretold.

Ken O'

Fee Fi Fo Fum . . . I smell Foreshadowing!


You're right. That is one ugly stain.


I think anyone with that kind of disorder will fit in with the Redeye Council. What with the aliens, freaks and the rest.


Qui-Gon, I think I'm starting to get one of your apprentices bad feelings.


Honey, did you take someone else's shadow?


Don't look now, Anarchy, but your dark side is showing....


That's the best shadow puppet I've ever seen!


hopfully it's just double suns playing tricks on us


He'll make a great redeye. but i doubt any one would want to stand in his shadow


Good thing people have already seen the last three movies, huh?


Now that's what I call helmet hair.


Aren't you a little short for a Sith Lord?

Leon van Steensel

The special effects-team has tighter budgets by the movie.. Now they're even using old shadows!!

Leon van Steensel

Sure, blame it on the sun!


He constantly complains he's as cold as his shadow.

Kalahari Karl

Gee, has your buddy Jedi on the ship seen this yet? I think it's his undoing...


Look! It's true! Only the shadow knows!


We think it has something to do with the twin suns, or the fact that he grows up into a creepy bald guy who likes blowing things up, we aren't sure....


I hope this isn't an indication of things to come....I was really hoping he'd get taller!


We don't know where he got that shadow, but the circus tried to hire him just last week!


Anakin, I swear- that bottled-up anger has got to go? Do you want your shadow to stick like that?

Dr Satan

Wow! A bell tower! Can you do a puppy dog?


Little men cast big shadows.


could have been worse. could have been Jar Jar binks shadow

4 of 5

now son, you've got to go with this man its for ack-ock-I...Can't ack-breeaathh.

Scott McClenny

Yeah, but wait until you see him do a duckie!

Mark Walton

Weird... on a world with two suns I would expect him to have two shadows... at least one of them his own!

Darth Clinton

That ain't nothin'. I can do Darth Sidius.

Darth Clinton

Lemme tell you now, Helmet Boy, it's either me or the universe, but NOT both!

Darth Clinton

LOOK! Proof that he's incredibly evil and will take over, wait, that's just the camera angle.

Darth Clinton

In my day, films were subtle when they foreshadowed!

Darth Clinton

Neat trick, kid! Can you do a TIE fighter with your hand?

Darth Clinton

And by the way, kid, black vinyl does not turn me on.


They say boys without fathers have a dark side...


You're right, he does need a haircut!


So that's why he's scared of his own shadow!


He looks innocent, but who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?


That's pretty cool. Someone should make a poster of it.


We call him the bell tower.


He doesn't have a 5 o'clock shadow, he has a 30 year shadow.


Quite-Gone, are you SURE that isn't the shape of things to come?


he may be scrawny now, but in 20 years......


He's strangely cute, in a dark and foreboding sort of way!


"I've got to lay off the hard stuff. I looks like there's a scary Sith Lord behind that kid."


What evil lurks in the heart of men...the SHADOW knows. What do you mean that's already been done?

Mystic Orangutan

Oh, it's nothing. The doctor said it'll go away in time.


To be honest, I don't think this is even half as scary as the fact that Bar Bar Jinks is going to star in the next two movies!

craig =8^}

what's wrong, ani? you're just a shadow of yourself today.

craig =8^}

do the jawa, ani, do the jawa!

craig =8^}

heh, heh, isn't it amazing what two suns will do...

craig =8^}

i told that hairdresser SHORT on the sides!


Are you sure about this? Trusting our lives to a boy with a defective shadow?

John Fallon

Big shadow - big box office..

127 of 128

Oh that's just the double sun affect, don't let it fool ya.

Richard Willis

There's just something attractive about a young boy with an ominous shadow.. mmmm


Is it Groundhog Day?


Your right Annie, there is something wrong with it.

Kyp Durron

I've heard of Mini-me, but this is ridiculous


Personally, I more worried about his breathing.


and remember: always inhale thru your nose and exhale thru your mouth !

John Tontodonati

The Travelling Shadow Puppeteers were too scared to hire him.

gen. Zhukov

I love those redeye shadowplays


Out of all the shadows, my son had to look like a Dutch milk-maid....


*whispers* Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only chance!

Martyn Williams

Do 'Deformed Rabbit', that's my favourite.

Norwegian Bajoran

You need a haircut, boy! And I'm gonna fall in love with that brat??

Kevin M.

Just try to think of him as a full size shadow puppet.


He is a little short now, but he'll grow into the part


He's just getting in touch with his "Inner Villain"


"If he snores too, forget it! That shadow thing is creepy enough."


And without moving his fingers, too.


At least he'll develop shoulders.


What, no "bad feeling" comments?


Okay, you can have him.


The 3 suns make such an odd shadow.


Exploding planets? Ani, you're such a kidder!

Rejected by the Borg

Clean underwear, toothbrush, spooky shadow. Yeah that's it. Your packed and ready to go!

Rejected by the Borg

Someone in the casting crew will be fired for this!

Rejected by the Borg

Does that prophecy say anything about leaving a mark behind him.


I STILL think he's cute!


You know that feeling of absolute dread and revulsion Obi-wan gets? This is worse.


I always knew he had a shady character


I think Obi Wan was on to something.


Uh, do you think this runs in the family?


Just to test a theory: Anarchy could you take a step to the left?

Avenger CO

I wonder if that'll show up in his class pictures?


Mannequin! Didn't I tell you to wash that wall?


He seems a little shadowy to me!!


He looks better under cloud cover!!


Hmm, what could I say to make this any wierder than it already is?


This boy's shadow looks like a rocket taking off...


Did you do something with your hair?


This is almost as creepy as when Yada cast the shadow of Bar Bar Jinx!!


Oh yah, I see your point. Making him a Redeye is a GREAT IDEA!!


Earth tones were SOOO last year! I see you in black colors.


And I thought MY hair was outrageous!


And I'm marrying HIM? I gotta set my sights a little bit higher..


Old sins cast long shadows, future sins cast foreshadows.

Cmdr. Solomon

That's funny. You'd expect the Kid to be deformed...not his shadow.

Cmdr. Solomon

Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't shadows supposed to *look* like the person casting the shadow?


There goes my little galactic dominator...


I thought you said he only SEES things before they happen.


Now what I have told you about that foreshadow, young man?


Your future is behind you!


If forewarned is forearmed, somebody is hiding a Death Star.

Petréa Mitchell

These kids and their new-wave hairstyles...


Y'know, I'm not normally a good judge of character, but I have a good feeling about that boy. I think he's going places.


The boy is dangerous, all can see it, why can't you?


Its strange - but not as strange as the Imperial March playing every time he enters a room.


We're thinking of getting surgery for his ears.


I've heard of Shadows of the Empire but this is ridiculous!


If he starts choking me with his mind, I'm leaving!


He likes making shadow puppets

Dial "M" for Maul

Maybe the tightness in my throat ISN'T emotion...

Dial "M" for Maul

This redeye stuff is going to keep him inside a lot, right?

Dial "M" for Maul

Did you remember to pack your inhaler honey?

Dial "M" for Maul

How's your breathing honey?

Dial "M" for Maul

Midichlorians with a sense of humour.

Dial "M" for Maul

There's a darker side to everyone.

Dial "M" for Maul

Don't say it. The audience knows all about you "bad feelings"

Dial "M" for Maul

This is a normal redeye thing, right?

Dial "M" for Maul

Don't make that face.

Dial "M" for Maul

Stop slouching Anakin!

Dial "M" for Maul

And you're sure he's the chosen one?

Dial "M" for Maul

Remember honey, DON'T LOOK BACK!

Dial "M" for Maul

Anakin! Don't do that, or your shadow will get stuck like that!


So the balancer of the Farce is a shadow puppet?

Billy Arbco

The shadow? Oh that's nothing! You should hear his breathing when he's asleep! SPOO-KY!


Well, I'd be even more worried if he didn't have any shadow.


Two suns will do that.


Weird sun there's on this planet!

Avenger CO

Could you really call it foreshadowing?

The Great Wizzard

I think he'll choke us if we step in his shadow.


Aw, he's going to destroy the cuuuutteee


Look at him, he couldn't harm anything.


Anakin means 'Big Ears' in Huttese


Cool! Do Yada next!


That's pretty good, but wait till you see my duck impression.


Always two there are. A child and a shadow.


I guess it has something to do with his asthma.


"That's a helluva hairdo, Helmet Head

The Great Wizzard

At least he won't mutate into a Gunkan!

The Great Wizzard

Are you sure that won't blow too much of the story?


I think it's time for a haircut...

The Great Wizzard

George! Adjust the spotlight angle!

8 of 12

Now THAT's a five o'clock shadow!
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