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The Sev Trek Competition Rules

This page is divided into two sections. The first part are the rules of the Write Your Own Sev Trek Competition. The second part is just some recommendations you can choose to follow or ignore.


Bullet1 Each week, the funniest punchlines are listed in the Comic Strip Archives. Whoever writes the winning punchline will be listed in the Hall of Fame.

Bullet1 Don't submit any crude or lewd punchlines. Sev Trek is strictly PG rating!

Bullet1 If you don't want to be added to the Sev Trek mailing list, just don't enter your email address in the Fill-Out Form.

Bullet1 When you submit a punchline, you are allowing Sevloid Art (that's us - the creators of Sev Trek) to publish your punchline in any purpose. For example, if your punchline is judged the funniest, it will be used in the comic strip. If the comic strip proves popular enough, it may be printed on a Sev Trek shirt later on.

Bullet1 Please type your name and punchline in upper and lower case (no ALL CAPS).

Bullet1 When using character names, use the alternative Sev Trek names. If you use the original names, I'll replace them with the Sev Trek names (but I'm lazy and rather you'd do it!).

Bullet1 DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT rehash punchlines from previous strips (are you listening, Riff? You know who you are!) Although "my brain shrunk" eerily seems to work in most comic strips, I've read it a million times now (even in The Pits and Twist competitions) and it is starting to get a little tired.


Bullet1 The shorter your punchline, the more chance you have of winning. The best types of punchlines are the ones that contain a lot of information in only a few words.

Bullet1 Read the Submitted Entries page before entering your own punchlines. This is just to avoid entering punchlines that have already been done before. You wouldn't believe how many repeats of punchlines I get. For the Measly Crusher Practical Joke comic strip, I musta got over 100 punchlines involving Measly and an airlock.

Bullet1 Only a small proportion of submitted punchlines actually get published on the Entries Page, so please don't email us if yours doesn't make it.

Bullet1 Read How to Write a Funny Punchline. You might pick up a tip or two on comic strip writing.

Bullet1 Now this is just a suggestion, but usually the comic strip is attempting to explain some Star Trek anomoly in a funny manner (eg - why Klingoff foreheads changed, why sev ships go whoosh in space). Although you can do anything in your punchline, I tend to prefer ones that explain the Trek inconsistency.

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