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NEW!!! Episode 15, the final episode of the online version of Resurrection is now online. Click here to go directly to Ep 15!

Welcome, X-philes, to the mysterious, government conspiracy uncovering cartoon series Resurrection! First century Federal Imperial Agents Scurvy and Mouldy have been assigned to investigate one of the most significant supernatural events of history: the disappearance of Jesus of Nazareth’s dead body. The government and local religious authorities are concerned a heretical uprising may occur and have charged Mouldy and Scurvy to uncover evidence that Jesus' followers stole the body.

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15

The Sev Files translated into other languages! For those of you whose native language is not English, you may be able to read the Sev Files in your native language! Find links to Slovakian, Hungarian, Czech and German translations at The Sev Files Translations page.

Notes on The Sev Files: Resurrection

Ep #1 Episode #1 features, of course, Agents Scurvy and Mouldy. Some people have pointed out that my style is very Simpsonish. This is by no means intentional, and I definitely did not copy my caricatures of Scully and Mulder from the Simpsons versions (that should be obvious as my caricatures are quite different, and unfortunately quite inferior). You’ll notice that the characters, particularly Mouldy, change quite substantially over the story, becoming more taller and streamlined.

Ep #4
Episode #4 introduces the shadowy Cigarette Smoking Man - one of the more popular moments of the story to date. I quite enjoyed this bit, particularly the timing of the last three frames. I won’t reveal who he really is yet. Suffice it to say the colour of his clothes is the only clue to his real identity.

Ep #6
Episode #6 was hard work! Firstly, I spent ages in front of the TV trying to draw that morphing, alien assassin dude. I’m afraid I was my own worst enemy with him - the caricature really fails without a chin. Maybe I should have given him one. The other major task was converting Skinner’s office to the 1st Century. Skinner himself was easy - characters with obvious distinguishable features are a cartoonist’s dream.

Ep #8
Episode #8 ushered in a new era in Toon Zone cartoons. The Apostle Peter was based on Michael Cooper, the winner of the Write Your Own Pits Competition. Mary Magdalene was based on Ticia Luengo, winner of the Meaning of Sev Competition. Future episodes will feature more apostles and other characters, so if you want to star in the Sev Files, go to the Toon Zone and enter one of the competitions on offer.

Ep #9
Episode #9 features a bit of an X-files in-joke. One X-files episode highlighted the crucifix necklace Scully wears. I thought considering what S & M were investigating, it would be interesting to speculate how Scully would get her necklace in the 1st century time period.

Ep #10
Episode #10 stars another cameo role from a Sev Trek Competition winner - Deekie from Sev Trek #8. I also did a bit of biblical research for this one. While most people would like to be in the history books, I’m sure Thomas wouldn’t be too thrilled to know the word ‘doubting’ is always attached to his name (John 20:24-28). Mouldy’s reference to Stephen was based on Acts 6:15 (I know it’s reaching, but I had to put something there!) Even Scurvy’s comment in the 2nd panel is a paraphrase of 2 Peter 1:16.

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