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Sev Trek - Round 289

You became a main character's love interest. BIG mistake!

We ran out of ENSIGNS

Never mess with Spiner FEMMES...

You just HAD to step in front of an ensign, didn't you?

You KISSED Data without being properly grounded.

We all got SICK and tarred of you.

Let's just say it wasn't a SLICK move on your part.

It was a STICKY situation.

You met a tall dark STRANGER.

Sci-Fi - Round 194

Blander: Is that some sort of ANCIENT demon chant? Willies: No, I think it's Elvis...

B: BEHOLD Armageddon! W: Come off it Blander, that was last week!

Blander: Oh, no, FOLK music, badly sung! Willies: At least it keep the hellhounds away.

Blander: Isn't there a prophecy about this? Willies: ...and TWEED shall reign over all the Earth.

B: It's the worst monster yet... W: MIDLIFE crisis

That voice could WAKE the dead!

The Pits - Round 325

Much better than Wayne's BURPING the alphabet !

ENGAGE the x-ray cam

EXTREME close-up! I want mascara on that zoom lens!

LIGHTS, camera, and praying for action.

LOCK the door before she escapes!

This'll rate higher than the NOSE picking episode!

Look at those ratings SHOOT up!

Twist - Round 275

He also COMPETES in Boxing...

I've got a bad FEELING about that Australian competitor.

Darn this GENETIC engineering .

That's it! I'm taking up JAVELIN!

Sure he can JUMP, but his form is terrible!

I don't KNOW about you but my money's on Australia.

Come on! Anyone can tell he's using STEROIDS!

Sometimes equal opportunity rights go TOO far!

Sunday - Round 14

Wayne: So who won? Lance: We BOTH did.

W: If you want something DONE... L: Make someone else do it!

Wayne: "That was FUN." Lance: "Let's play 'Garbage Catapault'."

L: Good GAME. W: Same time tomorrow.

Herman: Should we mention our LAUNDRY game? Lance: Let it be a surprise.

W: So the SCORE is? L: Us one, Herman nil!

W: Who of us WON by the way? L: I only know who lost!

These punchlines are the finalists of The Pits, Twist, Sev Trek, Sci-Fi and Sunday Comps. The winning punchline is decided on the #sevtrek IRC Channel. Make sure you read the IRC Judging Rules before the Judging Session.

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