I don't know, but I can see where he's marked his territory.

Look around for the moving pile, oh wait, thats all of them

chris mcleod
he must be under the pile near the sink , I just saw that apple move.

don't know, but I think I just found Waldo. see him? I do, I do...

Ann E. Nichols
He'll be in the last pile you check.

Ann E. Nichols
Making Pigpen look like a neat freak.

Ann E. Nichols
If you'd gotten him that toy dump truck as I suggested...

Ann E. Nichols
In his natural element, as always.

If it moves, that doesn't necessarily mean it's Wayne.

S Treeton
second garbage bill to the right and straight onto morning

Seeking out new life and new civilizations.

I think he's off doing one of those "Where's Waldo" contests

Sillly, he's right, um, right.....um, well....hey, how 'bout them Mets!

We're playing hide and seek. Want to help find him?

Simple, just follow the dirt trail!

How should I know!! I'm not his keeper!

James Teale
If he's under that rubble, you'll have to shout a lot louder...

Alex Cain
Between the bologna sandwich and next to the pile of dirty socks.

Alex Cain
Negotiating a treaty with the roaches.

Alex Cain
Keeping an eye out for hostile life forms.

Alex Cain
Over there...and there...and there...and there...

I dunno but what's that mumbling sound?

Quebec. Its his turn to clean

He's hiding from the FBI. They said they want to open a sev-file for him.

Cmdr. Solomon
I don't think JC drew him in this time.

Latin From Manhattan
Check the pile of garbage under the table--I think it's breathing!

127 of 128
Makes 'Where's Wally' look like a dead give away!

alex cain
Somewhere between last week's meatloaf and last night's spaghetti!

Alex Cain
Diving for Dinner

Alex Cain
Feeding the pet roaches.

Space Katet
Just follow the trail of filth and flatulence.

James Teale
On a five-year mission to seek out matching socks.

P Swayne
Let's see if we can find any traces of him!

Do you know who I am?
He went out to get more garbage!

Thrid pileof sludge from the left....or is it fourth on the right?

Moreover, where is his rent ?

I think he and Waldo stepped out for a pizza

We drew straws - he gets to sleep in the upper dirt pile tonight!?

He's all over!

You never got your tracker badge in the Boy Scouts, did you?

Dunno - we started playing hide and seek a week ago. I suppose I should start looking now

John Butler
Charting the evolution of last month's curry.

John Butler
Readers, can YOU find Wayne in this crowd? - Oh! They've all gone.

That's for me to not care, and you to find

Alex Cain
He saw a bar of soap and panicked.

Here and there.

Mike Howell
Is that some sly way of getting me to clean?

Mike Howell
Have you looked under the garbage?

Mike Howell
Right, like I'll wade thru *this* to look for him!

I don't know, but I can tell he's been here.

Sev Space: Currently located in filth throughout the universe.

Something in the fridge ate him

David Roe
I've heard of wallowing in your own filth but this is ridiculous

where isn't he?

Harry Hazeel
Giving the cleaning lady CPR

Haven't seen him since I told him it was trash day.

Alex Cain
Looking for tonight's dinner. I'm sure he'll find it eventually.

Alex Cain
Dusting. The place is a mess!

Alex Cain
Looking for the tv remote he lost in 1998.

Alex Cain
Over there...next to the guy with the striped shirt and glasses.

Don't ask me. I just live here.

Can you kids at home help us find Wayne?

Admiral Memo
He's looking for some spare change.

Admiral Memo
He should be coming up for air any minute now.

Admiral Memo
He invented a new sport. Trash diving.

Admiral Memo
He could possibly be in one of the many piles of garbage.

L: "He said he couldn't stand hanging out with us two neat freeks."

Announcer on TV: This just in. Man lost for 3 days in large garbage pile, finally found by roommates.

Space Katet
He can't be far - the garbage is still warm.

127 of 128
I'm guessing he's probably camouflaged.

Hey, there's a children's book market in that.

You think I'm going to look for him in that?

Follow the yellowy-greeny-brown road...

The question is, if he will come back

Dave the Explosive Newt
Last thing I saw, he was being sucked into the quick-carpet.

Dave the Explosive Newt
Hmm, that gives me an idea for a book...

8 of 12
Wherever there is filth, you may find him!

Just follow your nose, Toucan Sam!

8 of 12
Find him before he finds you!

8 of 12
Missing in action!

8 of 12
In our hearts and in our minds

Where the food goes to die.

Technically speaking, he's all over the place!

Joona Palaste
I can't solve the mystery of his location - can YOU?

got me? I'm still trying to find the remote

You mean you can't tell him from the rest of the crap?

Calm down, man... He'll emerge when he's hungry!

They brought in sniffer dogs, but they ran out of the door yelping and haven't been seen since

Probably with Wally

Kiwi Joker
The point of hide and go seek is for YOU to find him

Kiwi Joker
More to the point where is the search party

Kiwi Joker
Your guess is as good as mine

The Great Wizzard
Dibs on his room -- after the exterminators are out

The best way to find him is to just clean one of the surfaces in this room and wait.

Spook's daughter
Doing a junk art project

Spook's daughter
He's making an art statement

Spook's daughter
I think he may have exploded

Spook's daughter
I asked him for rent and well, it got a bit messy

Spook's daughter
I found him in ten minutes,let's see how long it takes you...

Spook's daughter
Aha! ... No, that's just a sock

Spook's daughter
I've been here for 3 hours looking...

Spook's daughter
I haven't pin-pointed him yet but I'm working on it

Spook's daughter
Somewhere beyond the realms of my personal hygiene

Spook's daughter
Cleaning out his room

Spook's daughter
He's searching for hs "Where's Wally?" book

John Fassbender
You know how he gets on trash day.

The trash took him out!

We sent in a bloodhound, but he hurled.

Don't know, but there's plenty of spoor.

Never mind that - the search party costs $20 an hour - they've been gone for three days!

Herman, shout 'Steak&Kidney' then watch him emerge

At home.

Nick "Naraht" Frame
Are you even sure he's been here?

Nick "Naraht" Frame
*Sigh* looks like John forgot again...