| The Pits - Round 321
Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 321 of the Pits Cartoon Contest. | MindMelda | 1. I have found it! 2. Spiritual enlightenment? 2. No, the bottom of the sink! Hanover Fisk |
| 1. How does this harmonize the soul? 2. Hermanize. He said Hermanize the soul. | Dave the Explosive Newt |
| 1. He was right.. 2. Yes: work sucks! | 5618 |
| #1 Feeling enlightened yet? #2 Light-headed is more like it. | Bobby |
| 1:I told you we should have joined that other cult 2: Yeah even poisoned koolade has gotta be better than this | Smith_and_Wesson |
| Guy #1: If he loves being a slob, why are we cleaning for him. Guy #2: When we figure it out, maybe we'll be enlightened. | MindMelda |
| 1. The Master says"Only through experiencing the cleansing of the house may we experience the cleansing of the soul." 2. Then how come HE's taking a nap? | TEFII |
| 1: Now I know how the other half feel 2: And smell. | Jack Hammerfist |
| 1. Found the lesson yet? 2. Yep-- work STINKS! | Dave Gold |
| The ultimate goal is to clean your spirit. But you can start with the dishes and the laundry! | Amy Sherman |
| 1.Well, the dishes and the laundry have definitely reached a higher plane. 2.Don't make me laugh, I'll swallow a fly. | Michael Lewis |
| 1) This plan stinks 2) Hey, we are on tv, so shut up! | aussietrekker |
| 1. Washing the dishes will cleanse my soul!!! 2: And washing the clothes will purify my thoughts!!!!! | Griffin |
| 1: I don't feel SPIRITUALLY cleansed. 2: I don't feel ANY kind of cleansed. | MindMelda |
| 1: Feeling enlightened yet? 2: No, and my load isn't lighter, either! | Jack Hammerfist |
| 1. What was that mantra he gave us? 2 "A slob is no one's fool..."-- wonder what it means? | Jack Hammerfist |
| 1. What did he mean, "be a slob, not a fool?" 2. I think I see the light!! | Jack Hammerfist |
| 1. Why can't he do this himself? 2. He can't touch soap! | Jack Hammerfist |
| 1. Feeling enlightened? 2. Yeah, but it could be the fumes! | Jack Hammerfist |
| 1. I KNEW he was a fraud! 2. Imagine-- WASHING things! | Eric |
| 1: It's hard for me to believe that we're following in Wayne's footsteps. 2: That's because his footsteps never took him to the dishes or the laundry. | Phil Price |
| 1:Hold it. How did HE obtain enlightenment? 2:By getting others to do his work for him! | Mark |
| 1: How does he make things dirty without moving? 2: Its a miracle! | Mark |
| 1: This is enlightening. 2: Let's quit. | Eric |
| 1: Enlightened yet? 2: No. Just light headed. | Eric |
| 1: I'll wonder if I'll get good karma from this. 2: His car is next on the list of things to clean. | Compdude |
| 1. "A fool and his free time are soon parted." 2. Oh, shut up. [I forgot to add the second part :-b] | Compdude |
| 1. So are you feeling ENLIGHTENED yet? 2. No, but these noxious fumes ARE making me feel kinda spacey... | Compdude |
| 1. I doubt that "spin cycle" counts as a higher plane of existence. 2. Shut up and find me some bleach. | Compdude |
| 1. "Anything you say, oh Great Guru." 2. Shut up and help me find the turpentine. | Eric |
| 1: Are we on "the enlightened path" yet? 2: The only path in THIS place is worn into the carpet! | Eric |
| 1: Any enlightenment yet? 2: Nope. A gallon of bleach and these haven't enlightened one bit. | Sheepy99 |
| 1: 4 years of college and this is what im doing?" 2: What do you expect with a bachler in Physics | Sheepy99 |
| 1: I think the guru needs to be "enlighted" 2:That means we pound him, right? | Sheepy99 |
| 1: I used to do this before I got here 2: Atleast then we got paid | Sheepy99 |
| 1: How can one so enlighted produce so much garbage? 2: It must be a gift | MindMelda |
| 1: I could get this kind of enlightenment at home! 2: For sure! | MindMelda |
| 1: Gee, this is worse than being home with Mom! 2: Yeah, except Mom cooks! | Brian |
| 1. I think we've been had. 2. No flies on you! | Brian |
| 1. This stinks. 2. Not compared to the "Guru's" wash ! | Brian |
| 1. What did you learn? 2. What the world's worst smell is! | Brian |
| 1. I think we're losers. 2. Welcome to enlightenment! | Save ferris |
| 1: What do you think of the Guru now? 2:Oh, enlighten this!! | Save Ferris |
| 1: This is enlightenment? 2: Well, after this, at least his clothes will be enlightened of this stink! | Corsair |
| 1. The true Guru wouldn't need this. 2. And these still have 2 wearings left in them! | Corsair |
| 1. We don't do this at home! 2. Neither does he. | C1ofUnknown |
| 1) I thought he LIKED the mess. 2) So did I. | A. Nonymous |
| 1-Shame on Wayne's roommates for not doing this! 2-Yes, they are obviously complete slobs! | Leander |
| 1: Oh no, not more! 2: Wayne works in mysterious ways. | Joona Palaste |
| 1: Maybe Guru Wayne is wiser than we thought. 2: At our expense! | Alex |
| 1:Surely loyal and lawful 'Guru Wayne' wouldn't put us through this ordeal. 2:I know. We're meant to be bludging slobs, aren't we? | Eric |
| 1: Is this Nirvana? 2: No, just grunge. | The Great Wizzard |
| 1: It wss too good to be true! 2: I told you he's a fraud, but would you listen? | 8 of 12 |
| Come and help me with the enlightenment! 2: I can't, I'm too busy with my own enlightenment | erik |
| 1: Did you see Wayne and Lance laughing at us? 2: Yes -- they've already been initiated. | erik |
| 1: Have you seen the light yet? 2: Yes -- and the guru looks a lot darker in it. | erik |
| 1: Some guy with glasses is out there laughing at us. 2: Yes -- he said he's already achieved enlightenment. | erik |
| 1: These celebrities all seem so great... 2: Until you smell their dirty laundry. | Amy Sherman |
| Have we had enough enlightenment for one day? Absolutely. One more load of this and I will actually be glowing from "enlightenment." | Amy Sherman |
| All these years I thought my mother was a whiner. Yeah, who knew SHE was enlightened. | Amy Sherman |
| He's DEEP alright... Yeah, we're up to our elbows in enlightenment. | JC |
| 1: I'm starting to have doubts about "Guru" Wayne. 2: I'm starting to see the light myself. | |
Round 320 | Round 322 |
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