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Rifle The Phizzer Rifle is one of the most used props in the Sev Trek Movie with lots of gratuitious gunplay occurs throughout the storyline. Bringing the prop to life first involves my sketching the prop from different angles to allow Andrew to convert it into 3D. Once Andrew received the sketches, he immediately suggested placing a search light somewhere on the rifle. He claimed it was due to the rifles in the movies having lights but I personally think he just wanted to show off an illumination feature he'd learnt in his animation software. That decided, the next stage was Andrew sending me an animation of the rifle rotating in 3D space. Here are two versions of the animation: Real Player of rotating rifle (32k) AVI of rotating rifle (273k) You can also see an interactive 3D model of Phizzer Rifle using Realimation. This allows you to move around the rifle, viewing it every conceivable angle. To view it, you will need to download the Realimation plugin (click on the "Internet Plugin" link) and it helps to read their navigation instructions. Thanx to Chris Forman for converting our model into Realimation format. The last step was putting the phizzer rifle into action. You can actually see two scenes in the first trailer where the phizzer rifle is being used. Click here to download the trailer. As a last treat, here is a mp3 sound byte of Barf (48k) referring to the phizzer rifles. The voice of Barf is performed by WEIRD Wally Fields.
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